I think everyone should see this, Horrific


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
:scream: This is SICK... :scream:
I don't even know what to say, I am furious :|
Ill just leave it at that....

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
ha! that stuff cracks me up.heck i'm grining, what most people don't realize is that domestic terrorism has been around and going strong for many years. it's just that the targets being hit are politically correct. everybody hears about abortion clinic bombings, but when was the last time you heard of a worker being mamed because the log he was feeding into a ban saw at the lumber mill was spiked, or about the research labs being burnt down or logging roads being spiked.? yep, god bless the earth firsters and the save the whale crowd and all the other lil' clubs that have militant arms. you know, don't dare drill in ANWR but lets burn that animal lab down and spike another tree. the terrorist are here already my friends and they aint wearing turbins, they're wearing birkenstocks and voting for al ****. never go passively while those who dissagree with you are plotting your demise. btw, these good folks are easy enough to catch if they start messing with your local riding area.


Jul 13, 2001
what makes me mad is these people will hurt humans to save a tree that will probbly get hit by lighting and die anyway.


Sep 15, 2000
Wow, this thread is kinda funny cause the first time out to my local riding area had cleverly placed cinder blocks on the landings of a couple of jumps. Also, huge rotten logs placed over trails. WTF do people think when they do this? Do they think it solves anything? I'd love to find a person doing this, I'd just go behind them and remove anything they have done. This would really piss them off, or lay a beating on them right then and there. Either one would probably be effective. Oh yeah about those big rotten logs.. Nothing a quick burst in 1st gear didn't fixed, sawed through them like a hot knife through butter :)


Jun 28, 2001
Pretty sick stuff there! Have any of you ever encountered any of these traps? I hope not!


Sep 20, 1999
yeah, i don't know why, but everyone just assumes that ted kaczynski, the unabomber, was just a fruitcake, but he actually considered himself an environmentalist & the bombs he sent, which killed numerous people & wrecked the lives of others, were directed at people involved in industries he considered bad for the environment. if anybody is a terrorist, he's 1, but the press & general public don't seem to charge him to the eco side.


Jan 17, 2001
This just flat out pisses me off. When they think that the valus of a piece of grass is more valuble that the life of a human, theat is just wacko. The described us as enemy soldiers and that what they were doing setting up traps to kill us is the right thing to do.

I will stop here because of how mad I might get.


Damn Yankees
Apr 19, 2000
Ya i've seen alot of that. What really pisses off the clowns doing this is, foiling the trap and shoving it in their faces. hahahahahaahahhaha
back when i was a kid on my first bike, we ran into a anti dirtbike device.
then funny thing is we took all the materials and made a jump with it.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I've been the victom of the single strand of barbed wire but luckily I wasn't on my bike, rather running through the woods in the dark. Got me right across the waist and flipped me right over it. It was obvious that some hillbilly did it too. One single strand on a lightly used trail strung between 2 trees. Still got a nice little scar right below my belly button. Wasn't even the "billies" property but since some people I know like to hit some trails on his side of the fence I guess he decided to teach them a lesson. Don't worry though, he got his.


Oct 18, 2001
They do this s*** with hunters too. They hacksaw a tree stand so you can't tell its cut, but as you sit down on top of it the bottom gives way and you fall 20 or so feet. I've known of a guy where he was climbing the wooden steps they made for the ladder and they hacksawed one and he immediately started to fall. What makes it worse is they hammered a nail in the opposite way so it entered his thigh and tore him open all the way up to his chest. These people make me so mad I want to go nuts :| Today is earth day so there are a bunch of these stupid earth friendly people running around campus. They plant trees and give out apples thinking they are such fantastic people. I hate em!!


Nov 5, 2001
i hope this terrorist activity has been turned over to the appropriate authoritites!

i knew some people once who were very big into campaining on stopping research on animals (yes, they were non tax paying, live off society wackos). When their child developed cancer they soon changed their opinions on such research and were begging the doctor to use new medicines that could only have been developed using animal research. whilst my sorrow goes out to anyone with a loved one that is sick, situations such as this really are food for thought!

On similar lines, the main activists in england are the new age travellers, they are all about not detroying the envirnonment, but i have seen the messes they leave after they have been moved on! and their vehicles are the most illegal and worst polluters i have ever seen!


Tin Man

Mar 2, 2001
How can you reason with people like these groups, their logic is as distorted as the ones crashing airplanes into buildings. I blame the news media by giving the impression that these groups have a mandate from the general public. If the majority is so concerned with the enviornment, why do I see so many $35,000 and up SUVs, and so few of those crappy Honda hybrid cars. The animal rights groups are just as crazy. Excellent quote concerning them: " a rattlesnake loose in the living room pretty much ends any discussions about animal rights"


Mar 25, 2001
frieken tree huggers!!! GRRR i hate them. It's the same with snowmobiles they try to take away land cuz they "make too much noise and distirb the animals" shoot when i was out in Yelloowstone the Bufflo weren't afraid of anything so what the ****


Feb 17, 2002
Hey Adrenaline, it's not the webmaster of off-road.com they just reprinted it for our knowledge.


Dec 2, 2001
Sick... Just sick. There was a story on the news a few years ago about how a group of people (eco-nazi's) had done this kind of stuff at a local trail riding area. One rider was killed, 2 had broken necks , and 3-4 riders had blown tires. The eco-nazi's who had planted the traps were convicted with murder, and put away for life.

Just think... How many people have been killed in the name of God?

Well, now its the trees turn :think:

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
The biggest thing to scare me is "what will happen to me after I catch and kill someone who'd do this."


Oct 14, 2001
not to say that i would like to fall victim to any of these devices. if you read the first paragraph, it's not so much the enviroment they are complaining about, it's the blatent disrespect for private property. and using deadly force for simple trespassing with no intent to harm is crazy, bu spike strips and potholes are understandable. if you are trespassing you deserve what you get. it would be different if they were talking about planting these traps on public land. but as much as i like riding, i would be pissed and tempted to do something crazy if bikers rode through my land and i couldn't stop them.

dell- those people you are talking about are horrible if they do it for the sake of the enviroment in public lands.

for the record though, how do dirtbikers leave beer cans? fender pouch cooler? second, that shotgun shell device is scary.
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Feb 23, 2002
if i ever catch anyone doing that, i will first kick their ass, then do it again, and again, then cut a tree down, cut it in half, saw it into logs, split it with an ax, burn it in my fireplace, and feed them nothing but the leftover deermeat in my freezer. all this is on tape, and also the hunting and gutting and skinning and quartering and cutting the meat off of a deer on tape, tie them up, make 'em watch the tape over and over again. also tape a re-enactment (or the real thing) and show them what the rider went through when his neck snapped or a nail ripped him apart--- am i just sick or am i just mad? nothing against the webmaster but he really could have given some people some ideas.

-Rob :|


May 3, 2001
that is sick.I have come across barbwire that was tied from one tree to another and I just missed it the worst thing is that was on public land.I hate people like that.I was reading a while ago about people that went to races and put logs on the track just to see people fall down.
all of those things were very disturbing.


Aug 27, 2001
I really believe that these enviros are just using the save the "whatever" as a disguise. They are not really concerned about the topic, it is just an excuse for them to go out and act like idiots. The true conservationist does their own thing (i will worry about me and you worry about you) and you don't even know they exist. Luckily I have never come across any of these traps and I sure hope my son nor I ever do. Always scout the trail (each ride) before you hit it wfo.. Good luck and ride safe.


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
It does not surprise me but it does piss me off! This is very thinly discussed, do you know the web address it originally came from, it should be reported as a terrorist act. If I’m not mistaken our president told us to be vigilant about terrorism, so lets get going and get these people exposed.



Jun 6, 2000
This is a quote directly from the earth first webpage.

I'm tired of people who don't do any harm. I'm tired of soft, weak, passive people who can't DO anything or MAKE anything. Except babies.

I think that earth first should be considered a terrorist group and should be stopped by the government.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
the following is about a home my company did all the carpentry, finish work, cabinetry and door & window hanging in.

One of the prominent leaders of my community, who is also very active with the Arbor Society and is also an avid dirtbike hater built a new home. She built it on an acreage which they had to bull-doze the trees down to build the house. It is also (I know, hard to believe) a stick built home, meaning it was built with wood 2 x 6 and 2 x 4 framing. The place has (count them) four fireplaces! What ,you say, do you do with four fireplaces? You burn lots of trees, that's what you do. They have a nice corral for their horses, yep, you guessed it, split rail fence and pole barn. What does she print her flyers on? Oh, dead trees, how silly of me to ask! That nice plaque she was awarded for her efforts in the tri-county area, oh yeah, that's made of wood too. The furniture they moved in for the bedrooms and dining room.....uh, huh, solid oak. You should see the stinking oak mantles above those fireplaces too! I've seen smaller telephone poles. The trimwork throughout is solid oak. The doors are either solid or hollow core oak. It's endless.

Save the trees? I can tell you this, there is a small forest in that house alone, and how many more of these tree huggers live in homes made of wood? I'd be willing to bet it's pretty close to 99.99%

How many trees have I actually killed with my dirtbike? None. I could have built my entire house and garage with the lumber it took to build one wing of that house. Trust me, I did the take offs for the lumber list.
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