
Jan 21, 2007
Hey guys,

I want to race and be great at it. My issue, I am 25 almost 26 years old and this is a young mans sport. I began riding when I was 9 years old. I always loved it as a kid and would ride for hours by myself. I have always wanted to race but my parents thought it was too dangerous. My father's boss's son was good racer and was hurt wile racing 80's so because of his injury's it wasn't an option for me. Here it is 15 years later and I still have the desire for it I had as a kid. Now with a full time job, 2 houses and the stress that comes with being an adult, I still want to race and be great at it. I am a little worried about up keep on a bike. I want a 4 stroke but 2 strokes are cheaper in a few ways money is tight. Atleast until I get back into practice. I would love to practice and race with my ultimate goal being reaching national's at loretta lynn's.

What do you guys think, am I crazy? Should I just be a fan? 2 stroke or 4? practice tips before race? I want to hear everyones thoughts. I really appreciate it!



Dec 31, 1969
To be honest with you, bike choice is the least of your concerns if you want to make the show at Loretta's. First, you've got to make it thru the regionals. Then (in the regionals and for sure Loretta's) you'll be running against the best in the country in +25. Make no mistake, these folks are VERY fast, most have been racing continuously since they could walk. Having not raced before and as importantly, not racing for the last 15 years, you're goal, while a fun thought, isn't a reasonable one. Hate to rain on the thought, but hey, you asked.

A better goal might be to get the bike, practice everyday of the week and enter some local stuff in the classes you qualify for. See how that goes and just have fun with it.


I got fat bars!
Dec 21, 2006
But couldnt he race like 125 begginer or 250 begginer and it would be easier than the +25 class?


Apr 8, 2005
You're not crazy, but I'd lower your aim a bit. . .

My story is very similar to yours. I rode dirt bikes from age 5 to 16 and then took off 17 years. Never raced as a kid b/c my parents thought it was too dangerous.

Got back into it in 2005, started racing and have yet to win a race, much less even try to make it in regionals. I'm a mid pack "C" guy and can podium in "D" (our local track has A, B, C, D, and beginner).

I can ride (as I expect you can), but that doesn't mean I'm fast in the corners or that I can blitz a section of whoops. Racing is A LOT more challenging than I expected - and I love every minute of it.


Jan 21, 2007
thanks for the replies. While I have been on practice tracks before, I do kinda know what to expect. I also know there is nothing easy about it. anything worth while isn't. I know I have lofty goals but thats how I am. Reach for the stars, settle for the sky.

Hey, okiewan...If everything works out, I will send you a pic of me at nationals...lol


Apr 2, 2004
If you are serious, then a 4-stroke is really the only way to go. You really don't see any 2-strokes past the local amateur level...

As for racing, just sign up for a local mx race and see how you do. I think you will be shocked at how fast your local "fast guys" will be, and realize that those guys would get lapped by the guy who finishes 20th place in the mx lites class....

I played highschool football and was pretty good. I haven't played in over 10 years. If I said that my goal was to play in the NFL, then that would be the equivalent of the goal that you have stated...


Jun 9, 2004
Emidd27 said:
thanks for the replies. While I have been on practice tracks before, I do kinda know what to expect. I also know there is nothing easy about it. anything worth while isn't. I know I have lofty goals but thats how I am. Reach for the stars, settle for the sky.

Hey, okiewan...If everything works out, I will send you a pic of me at nationals...lol

It's not a question of being easy, but rather being totally unrealistic for 99.99999% of the populace. Plain and simply, it isn't going to happen. I see only two possibilities: 1) you'll be completely disillusioned and quit racing, or 2) you won't see the writing on the wall and spend yourself into the poor house on a completely unrealistic and unattainable dream. Or you may end up injuring or killing yourself (or someone else) because you're riding over your head chasing this impossible dream.

I've seen guys with similar aspirations start roadracing. They think they'll do one season as a WERA Novice and then move right up to the AMA Pro ranks. Put it this way; a friend ran a roadracing school for several decades and in all that time he saw exactly ONE guy with the talent to make that leap. One. Not one in every class or one a year, but one, period. Odds are quite good that you're not that guy.

Clint Eastwood said it best in one of his movies, "A man's got to know his limitations."

Your goal right now should be to actually get a bike, enter a race, and complete it successfully, i.e. upright and unhurt. Beyond that you're just lying to yourself.

When I started roadracing, my goal wasn't to win the MotoGP World Championship, it was to turn a wheel in anger on the race track. Once I completed that one, it was to finish on the podium. Then it was to win a race as a Novice. Once I won a few, it was to win a Novice championship. Then get my Expert plates. Then win Expert races. Then an Expert championship. Every step of the way was some of the most fun I've had while dressed in leather. ;) If I had goals like you, the whole thing would be nothing but failure and disappointment.

In your case, what if you race for the next three years and never finish better than mid-pack in the local D class races?


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
mtk said:
It's not a question of being easy, but rather being totally unrealistic for 99.99999% of the populace. Plain and simply, it isn't going to happen.

I have to play devil's advocate here.... if the guy wants to make it to Loretta's in +25, it's not TOTALLY unrealistic. In 2005, my husband (Red) tried to qualify in +25 and +30, and since I didn't want to sit at Regionals and just watch, I tried too. We both made it out of the Area qualifier (they pretty much take everyone in the plus classes as they aren't as big as the other classes). Then at the Regional qualifier, Red finished I think 12th in +25 and 17th in +30. And I finished 15th in +25. There were maybe 30 guys in +25, some pro level guys, but lots of riders didn't race all three motos, crashed out, etc. The top 7 made in into Nationals automatically, but realistically, anyone finishing top 10-12 had a shot at making it in. I didn't send in Red's entry, but if I did, he would have been the 3rd or 4th alternate based on the goofy equation that MX Sports has for the alternates and the amount of people that sent in their entry. I guess my point is there are a lot of loopholes. Heck, if all the Illinois Women's class racers showed up at one race, I would be happy to finish top 10 any more... but I could finish 15th at a Regional qualifier in the +25 class just because the amount of entries was small, I got decent starts, kept on two wheels, and raced all three motos. Plus the Regional was in BFE, so I'm sure that helped too. Heck, out west, there might be only 10 guys racing the plus classes at Regionals, but then again they take a smaller number of riders from out there too. Or, if you have a mud race, who knows how the results will end up. So long story short, it's not totally impossible, but it for sure isn't easy.

Anyways, if you want to race competitively, check out a 4-stroke. Probably a 450 if you're planning to race the +25 class. Find somewhere to practice (and a fast riding buddy) and start riding as much as possible. Good luck!


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Emidd27 said:
reaching national's at loretta lynn's

I hate to say this because a lot of people won't agree but you might have a shot.

There is a guy we ride with on occasion who Gomer taught to ride and he took to it well and qualified for LL's. He ended up not going and I can't remember the reason (I think injury but not sure).

Anyway, he was amazing at how well he adapted to the bike and he started later than you.

Now if you are talking National's with KW and Stewart then that is unrealistic but Dowd didn't start racing until his 20's.

It is unlikely you will get there without natural talent and the ability to put in the practice but it is not impossible and others have done it.

Keep your ultimate goal but start with smaller ones first.

Good luck.


Dec 29, 2005
Im with Nikki. It is definitely possible to qualify for the Loretta Lynn's Amateur Nationals especial in the + classes. If your goal were 250 or 450 Open A, I would probably say you are really setting your goals high and I would even say unrealistic to start. The number of riders, age level, and skill of the competitors in those classes limit it to the best of the best, but to make Loretta's in the + class, sure you still have to be a pretty darn good rider but this is much more attainable.

Start off with local races and see how you stack up against the local crowd, if your blowing everyone away there then try the area qualifiers and see how you do. Basically each step of the way the competition is tougher and and the stakes are higher. You wont know until you get out there and bang bars, there is no substitute for experience and practice. You'll soon know how realistic your goals are based on your performance. Dont let anybody who hasnt seen you ride tell you that you cant do it.


Dec 1, 2006
Emidd27 said:
What do you guys think, am I crazy? Should I just be a fan? 2 stroke or 4? practice tips before race? I want to hear everyones thoughts. I really appreciate it!

One of the best quotes I have ever herd was "It is better to be a racer for one day then a spectator for life." I herd that on here from CanadianRidr Im going for it but I just wanna race, I just want to finnish and hopefully not last, but if Im last, I still raced :cool:


Jan 21, 2007
That is a great quote! The truth is I could race for one season and be totally content. I will take one day at a time and see what happens. I don't doubt that I will make it to a high level if I decide to but that takes a lot of dedication. Thank you for all the replies!


Aug 8, 2000
I don't get why everyone is so down on him. If he has the motivation and determination, he can definitely make it to Lorettas. They have C classes there too. I don't think he'd be able to qualify this year, but if he gets a bike and starts riding a lot, in a few years he could definitely qualify for Lorettas.

Emidd27, setting high goals is the only way to achieve something in life, in my opinion. It's worked for me. I went from a midpack C rider two years ago to now I'm moving up to the A class this year and I'm trying to qualify for the ISDE. If you're going to dream, dream big!


Jan 21, 2007

thanks for your input. People do seem to be pretty negative about my dream but I don't let it get to me. I am a confident person and know that if I want to, I will make it. I am glad to see that you were able to move up after a few years. I know it will take me a year to get back into comfortable form but then the race will be on. Thanks again. It is nice to hear some positive words of encouragement.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Emida guy,

pursue your dream and be sure to keep us filled in on how well your career is going!

your pal


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