Idiots in a storm


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
The judgement was not snap, I thought about it and the longer I did the more upset I became. Obviously the stupid expectation that there should always be somebody to pull another persons butt out of the fire is wider spread than I considered. Also I believe I stated "In my eyes..." Perhaps it was difficult to understand but I was in fact stating my opion so yes I believe my judgement of his being equal to floating fecal matter is quite accurate. I had no intention of trying to convince anybody of my experience needing to be legitimized by some comparison, which perhaps you missed this little tid bit as well, but I don't recall stating my vacation was cut short? Can you point me to this or is theis another fact grasped from the air? The precise fact is that my family and the family we were traveling with stay through the storm in a shelter, we then returned to our trashed accomidations and cleaned them up ourselves, and believe it or not stayed through our original departue date. Does that matter? Only in that we chose to follow the directions given to insure our security. We did not take anything beyond our clothes and medications because believe it or not even though none of our things were insured they were all just things, life itself is more important, both our AND those who were there to assist. So the bottom line is I did assume the individual had some idea that if they are told of a manditory evacuation then maybe it's going to be bad stuff coming their way and all the crap in the world isn't worth dying for. That is something that aparently became obvious when he made the call.

Now about those snap judgements, it seems to be going around doesn't it?

BTW, yes I am a kook! :laugh:


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
Many of those people don't have insurance... Perhaps not even cars... Many of these people are dirt poor... The people affected their are not going to cancun on vacation you know... You are the moron sir, why don't you just keep your mouth shut...

You know I'm going to regreat this in the morning but Patman, your just a rich, selfish, conservative, vacation having rebublican who wants to put down the po man. :moon:

So Dante are you saying because they are poor, selfish, careless, and vacation lacking that they can be selfish and stupid? I'm not a rocket scientist but just about everyone said "get out". This guy thinks he can hold it off, at the last minute decides it was a mistake and calls for help! Why is it poor insurance less people also have to be so dumb, did they think everyone was lying to them so they could steal there food stamps? At least if he has no car he won't have to worry about gas prices ;)

Thats about as smart as the Cheif of Homeland security giving out an #800 and website for those in dire need, lets see Is Mr Robinson supposed to find payphone or a local WIFI spot at the corner Starbucks and log on and file a report :|


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Slightly still on topic...

I was also upset seeing the sideshow that the news media gave us.
The governer of Louisiana told people to evacuate New Orleans. A MANDITORY evacuation, which was obviously well founded.
But what do some do? They stay and hope they will get some sort of award for filming themselves stading at a 40deg angle in the hurricane wind.
A big stinkin' sideshow in the wake of mass destruction and death.

I'm with you man.

How dare an idiot ask for others to endanger themselves in order to save his sorry hide. I'm sure that the first responders don't mind, and are glad to do their job. That's the sort of people they are.
But, I can easily sit back and cry foul, just as Pat has. I find him completely legitimate in his analysis of the situation.

As bad as this tragedy was, I feel that each and every person who ignored the warnings and needed assitance, be billed for services rendered.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
XRpredator said:
If you are offered help and refuse it, you'd by GOD better not be asking someone to risk their neck to save yours later when the doodoo really hits the fan.
:nod: :nod:

Off topic, but any truth too rumors that some off duty police officers have been caught looting??


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
rickyd said:
:nod: :nod:

Off topic, but any truth too rumors that some off duty police officers have been caught looting??
With the past history allegations of the New Orleans police dept I would not be surprised but I also would be surprised if there is such a thing as 'Off duty' right now. With the massive callup occurring right now shifts are probably work til you drop.


Jul 29, 2005
I am sure we will hear all kinds of looting stories and the media will hype up any fact to get attention. The whole looting thing does not suprise me, nor does the lame excuses we have heard by those who to justify that kind of behavior. Taking basic things to survive like food and water, which will perish anyway is one thing, but what the hell are you going to do with that 27" TV :coocoo: And the pictures of idiots pushing shopping carts full of merchandise through the flooded streets just screams out SHOOT ME I'M STUPID. Doesnt Martial Law include shooting stupid people? These are the true idiots

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001

Undeniably one of the most ridiculous things I have EVER seen on here. Never mind the fact that for whatever reason this guy couldn't or wouldn't leave, this storm fooled everybody. The forecasters predicted a northward turn with only mild strengthening up the coast of Fla. It didn't. It strengthened to a cat 4, then cat 5 almost overnight. The areas needing evacuated needed far more than the 12-16 hours they were given to evacuate just due to sheer volume of population, especially considering how many people were stalled trying to get out of the city. Then you have the locals that will tell you, get to a hotel or safe stucture, the levees will protect us. Everybody from FEMA (with exception of a few that predicted otherwise and now we find out the levees were built for a cat 3 tops due to funding), the Feds, the locals, the businesses heck even the tourists believed the levees and pumps would keep them dry. WHY WOULD THIS GUY BELIEVE ANY DIFFERENT??! Hell, we had 4 KC residents that didn't have time to evacuate, the hotel owners TOLD them to stay as it would be safe. Finally got out today in a mass exodus on foot after rescue. Are they worthy of the "floating turd" moniker?

Fact is, the hurricane past and everybody thought New Orleans had been spared. They thought Jim Cantore was a over hyping goof. Then the unthinkable happened...the levees broke. The same levees that everybody that lives in that area have learned to trust and take for granted that they will just do their job...just gave way.

The levees failed and now "the floating turd" as you so eloquently put is in harms way. Maybe he had an elderly relative to care for, a baby, a sick wife, no car/no friends w/ a car (these folks ain't living the life complete w/ dirtbikes and Cancun vacations), hell a dog for that matter or he just thought the levees would keep them safe. He deserves to be saved, no matter how much a PITA you may think he is. You have no idea why he is there, but god have mercy on your uncaring soul for ever...I mean ever wishing something as hateful as that on another human being. In the height of the most obscene tragedy we will ever witness, you have the LACK of sack to pull that crap over the internet, behind your big computer screen, and nice dry house. Remember, karma is a get back what you put out there.

As far as the looting, totally different topic...this dude wasn't looting, just trying to get help


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Funny thing, seems a lot of assumptions are made that the individual I am referring to who as I have tried to point out called when emergency responders were ordered to safe locations BTW was poor. Is this because he stayed? Because he lives in NO? Sorry I can't tell from the information provided. Heck he very well could be a person that drives a Lexus and was calling from his sea side garden home. All I know is what was provided he called at a time when it was too dangerous to assume somebody would just risk their life to some get you, on his cell phone which apparently was bought with food stamps?

Regarding the people that are victims after the storm? Tragic indeed. I understand people could not leave for one reason or another vs. refused to leave is a different story in my book. These trapped people get my sympathy and fund I donate to the cause. I even know for a FACT that there are DRN'ers with family in THIS situation but they did not call for help when things were bad, they rode it out and are now in a bad situation.

It's pretty obvious that some get the intent of my post and others do not no matter how specific I try to be. I gave my thoughts on a specific individual in a specific situation based only upon the specific information that was reported. I fabricated no bleeding heart story that he was poor and un-insured, staying to protect his 14 kids and 97 year old grand parents who all lived in a 2 bedroom shack made from old concrete forms and broken bricks pried from the street. I didn't universally apply my view to everyone that was within 400 miles of the eye of the storm, nor to the people that are now dealing with the situation AFTER the pass of the storm. Neither did I make ANY personal attacks against ANY person that posted in this thread. I made no assumptions to the intent of their post nor to their bank account or even what their vacation plan were. Apparently that's not something that's unilaterally applied.

Regarding looting and the NO police? I saw on a news report where there were uniformed police officers assisting in the looting of a Wal-Mart. When confronted they turned from the camera and kept on with their product selection. Oh and in a picture speaking louder than words? The carts were full of TV’s, shoes, DVD’s, jewelry, and other necessary items for survival in such situations. Of course I totally understand that because EVERYBODY there fits the above mentioned poor and uninsured profile it is all totally acceptable and expected as part of their evacuation compensation.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001

So let's just be clear, again you don't know the guy, you aren't there going through this monster with him, you have no idea why he is there...but yet he deserves your very specific brand of attention. I don't know squat about this guy, rich/poor...he doesn't deserve to a victim of your warped view of Darwinism. And yet you say, "I didn't universally apply my view to everyone that was within 400 miles of the eye of the storm, nor to the people that are now dealing with the situation AFTER the pass of the storm"...well aren't you friggin' Sally Struthers.

Oh I think you were very clear on your intentions...send that crap to MSNBC w/ your real name and let the people seeing this unfold decide just how appropriate your "views" are. You can voice whatever you want, our freeedom of speech allows sure as hell doesn't provide the recipients of that freedom the ability to use it wisely. Yanno, we may all actually think that from a reactionary point of view, that is when our ablity to reason should step in and evaluate other aspects that may not be immediately it givng the benefit of doubt or just being human enough to look past our own narssasitic views.

I'm done w/ you, truly sick statement at the worst possible time to utter it...


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Well at least the quote portion was accurate. :laugh:

Your opinion is just like mine and your right to post it is the same. Can't make you or anybody else see the actual intent which is fine, I've lost no sleep over it. It’s a real shame that getting a clue isn’t as easy as buying a vowel. Seems to be a lot of assuming what the subliminal message was no matter what was actually posted, can't change people's blind eye toward the information that is given and how they choose to misintrepret it to fit their own personal agenda.

I’m glad you are done with it, I was as well until it turned into some warping of what my actual intent was. Let’s spin the wheel again and see what happens?

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Sure are alot of wadded undergarments in this thread. LOL


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
NEW ORLEANS - The evacuation of the Superdome was disrupted Thursday after shots were reported fired at a military helicopter and arson fires broke out outside the arena. No injuries were immediately reported.

Hmmm, 80% evacuated and 20% didn't. Now some of those in the 20% are starting fires in a flooded city and fireing shots at the national Guard?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Green Horn said:
Sure are alot of wadded undergarments in this thread. LOL
:laugh: Yeah, good thing I'm a commando! ;)


Mar 24, 2004

wrong!!! first a voluntary evacuation was issued the friday of the storm... The manditory evacuation was'nt issued until sunday, get your facts straight kook...


Oct 3, 2002
The real dumb@ss in this situation is the person or people who thought it a great idea to build a city below the water level. Yeah, right, mankind can hold back mother nature.


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
Sorry wade but,

This storm DID NOT surprize anyone.

I knew from watching the news two days before it hit (and saw it again the next night) that it was gaining strength in the gulf (something like 150 miles away from NO, traveling at 7mph), most likely would become a killer, and that most likely it would hit NO (with them saying it would devistate the city if it did), and the news people were already suggesting (and showing people) evacuation. Sounds to me like there was a lot of warning to me.

Last edited:


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
gwcrim said:
The real dumb@ss in this situation is the person or people who thought it a great idea to build a city below the water level. Yeah, right, mankind can hold back mother nature.

I saw a show on PBS regarding this issue. Saw it like 10 years ago after one of the other big hurricanes. They said that if a hurricane of any size would hit N.O. it would and could wipe out the city.

IMO that was the original evacuation order........... :nener:



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999


Jan 30, 2002

You made a valid point. Your vacation wasn’t cut short...only interrupted. Still…very weak.

The fact that you thought about the post before you typed it is disturbing to me.
You are of course entitled to your opinion…no matter how asinine I think it is.

My hope is that there aren’t many more who feel the way you do.

And if you ever put yourself in a bad situation and need a helping hand, I sincerely hope those that could/would help you don’t share your same way of thinking.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
How I've tried to stay out of this. . .

But, getting yourself into a bad situation (boating and the boat sinks) might be a tad bit different than going out of your way to stay in a worsening situation then calling for help once it dawns on you how ****ty the situation is.


Yep. Nothing but idiots down there. Thank God we have all the answers "up here".

"Rocket Surgeon". That's kinda like a Yogi Bhera-ism (sp?). :laugh:


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
Papakeith said:
a rocket surgeon?

Stop that PK. :laugh:

I guess what it boils down to, for me, is.

At what point is it still ok to risk another life (or several) to rescue someone in this position?

At what point does the city officials say "that's it, we gave them all we could" and then pull everyone back to safety until the storm passes??

At what point do we just say no to Martha and go back to the babe of all kitchen babes, Betty Crocker?? Now that is one fine woman!!!!! :debil:

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