Idiots in a storm

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
I want a degree in rocket surgeonry. :rotfl:

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
9/11 as we know what a total tragedy. However, people bonded in order to help each other out in the days right after. New Orleans gets hit with a very bad hurricane, and what are the people doing? :think:

Some things I just don't understand...

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001

Just wait until you see the tourist lady w/ her baby dying in her arms...begging for rescue

Isn't this what martial law is for, go in/establish command, quash the ruthless and save the helpless/distribute supplies. The same hand that saves you should also be the one that eliminates the ruthless...with military force. Don't tell me our military is now backing down from some local gangs w/ looted guns. When reading today's quotes from the President on down, everybody is saying what we "ought" to be doing...and yet the Govenor of Louisiana is noticeably quiet and the women, elderly and children are slowly dying on America's streets. Use our force, we are a strong, mighty nation and yes, some people may get caught in the crossfire of regaining order...but to just give in to the thugs and let the weak be sacrificed, well that is not the USA I was raised in

Truly the saddest thing I've ever seen...its like our country is unraveling just ever so slightly
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CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Help is on its way, thugs hopefully on their way out...permanently:

Military reinforcements descended in helicopters, and armored personnel carriers patrolled Canal Street, which borders New Orleans' legendary French Quarter district of bars and fleshpots.

Pentagon officials said the National Guard force on the storm-ravaged Gulf coast would be raised to 30,000, and 3,000 regular Army soldiers may also be sent in to tackle armed gangs that have looted stores across New Orleans.

"We will not tolerate lawlessness, or violence, or interference with the evacuation," Secretary of
Homeland Security
Michael Chertoff said. "I'm satisfied that we have ... more than enough forces there and on the way."

The boost would bring to nearly 50,000 the number of part-time Guard and active-duty military personnel committed to the biggest domestic relief and security effort in U.S. history after Monday's onslaught by killer Hurricane Katrina.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Looks like a good opportunity to eliminate a good portion of the city's criminals.

Lemons into lemonade.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
CR Swade said:
The boost would bring to nearly 50,000 the number of part-time Guard and active-duty military personnel committed to the biggest domestic relief and security effort in U.S. history after Monday's onslaught by killer Hurricane Katrina.

Isn't that as many, or MORE than the number of refugees left in the city?? Sad.


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
Those 50,000 (or however many) have to be called up or activated. It isn't like we can just send that many in at a moments notice. Same with the red cross. They have to ready the equipment and help befor they can go. If you are going on a week long camping trip do you just "GO", no, you get your things together and then go. Food, Water, Gear.

We have sent in what we had available at the time, and now we are getting the rest together.

Those people complaining and wondering why no on is helping just do not understand the logistics. But that doesn't help their situation. The USA has not abandoned those people in N.O. we are on the way with all the help nescessary.



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
In the continuing idea of the idiots getting what they deserve, I give the following quote from Gov. Blanco two big thumbs up :cool: :cool:

“They have M-16s and they’re locked and loaded,” she said. “These troops know how to shoot and kill, and they are more than willing to do so, and I expect they will.”

No doubt we'll hear how the poor people partaking in the looting of electronic devices, jewlery, guns, etc... are just doing what they have to since they don't have insurance as well as those poor folks that are going around beating, killing, and raping people are just victoms themselves because they had no idea the hurricane was coming.

Yes, no doubt the pot has been stirred again.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
dante said:
wrong!!! first a voluntary evacuation was issued the friday of the storm... The manditory evacuation was'nt issued until sunday, get your facts straight kook...
I didn't say what day the evacuation was ordered now did I? The facts are that some were too stupid to heed the warning, or had intentions of waiting till the city was nearly evacuated so they could start their premeditated looting.

Is that all you have? Did it make you feel better calling me a kook?
Get your head out of you arse and smell the sewage pal.:rotfl:

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
LoriKTM said:
Isn't that as many, or MORE than the number of refugees left in the city?? Sad.

The 50,000 troops are for the whole affected area, roughly 90,000 sq miles.

What I thought was sad was the mayor of the city sat for nearly 5 days and did nothing, except whine. The local city gov't failed miserably and when the govenor stumbled and fumbled around, it became apparent they had no protocol estasblished at all w/ regards to dealing w/ a large scale cat4/5 storm in the NO area.

The more ironic aspect is this: the top 3 domestic dangers listed in a study done in 2000 I believe were: 1) Terrorist attack on happened shortly after. 2) SanFran earthquake...not a question of if but when. 3) Large scale hurricane in the NO area, with this one being predicted as the biggie w/ regards to loss of life and finacial impact.

Nat'l Geographic had used FEMA's models to predict what a cat4 or larger hurricane would do after that study was released. Most of the models produced have been spot on...why wouldn't the local Louisiana gov't along w/ the mayoral staff have a plan of action ready to enact on short notice during the height of hurricane season.

And yes Mully, I agree, you can't deploy 30 to 50k of troops overnight. The fed gov't had to step in as it became perfectly clear that the local and state officials had no intent (or maybe ability) on taking full care of their own. GIven the scale of the deployment at such a late stage, I thoght the deployment has been smooth. My disdain has been for the local city and state gov't disaster plan...or lack of.

Seems odd, that a madatory evac comes out Sunday, but yet no loca/neighboring state guard divisions were even contacted until AFTER martial law had been declared. Both the mayor and govenor were caught w/ no plan at all, but they can sure get on the news and radio and blame the feds for not taking care of their mess. Kind of like starting the football game and trying to round up referees from home after kickoff.

The Mississippi govenor was very vocal from the start and made no misconceptions about his intent...seems to have kept the peace intact.

As far as our President Bush, he did well. I'm sure he expected a local gov't to handle the mess much like NYC and NY state did w/ 911...amazing strentgh and precision. Unfortunately they did not and President Bush (he is not just Bush as many in the media like to call him) came in and got the troops in and supplies dispersed in a relatively short order, albeit not short enough for the people who died waiting. President Bush will get huge criticism I'm sure, its not rightly his though...that stench and blood is on the hands of the mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana.
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Oct 19, 2000
How about that Dem. Mayor of New Orleans? All he does is bitch at the federal government, anyone ask him WTF was he doing to help out and to prevent this in the first place. It's his city.

There was one reporter on CNN last nite that said...."if these were all white middle class, they would have cruise ships evacuating them out"...........

I couldn't believe my ears on that one :bang:
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Very well written post there, wade.
I concur 100%


Mar 27, 2005
gwcrim said:
The real dumb@ss in this situation is the person or people who thought it a great idea to build a city below the water level. Yeah, right, mankind can hold back mother nature.
Blame Thomas Jefferson for buying the proverbial "swampland" from those darn French!

BTW, the hurricane didn't 'take out' N.O.; FoxNews was broadcasting live from dry ground in the the French Qtr. on Monday night, AFTER the storm had passed. It was the levy failures, later on, that caused the disaster there.

Oh yea, you can just call me Dr. Surgeonier.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I had dinner this eveing with the person that had been giving me first hand information on his experience with the disaster. He was born and raised in NO 80+ years ago and had a lot of interesting insight and opinion into the reasons things went as poorly as they have and what he experienced in the evacuation. Much too lengthy to type out but pretty much the bottom line is the levees have been an issue that everyone has turned a blind eye to for decades. Many people knew they would fail and always sat in office with their fingers crossed it wouldn't happen on their term. It seems the actual planning for an event has been a joke since the basic idea was that most of the people would have been wiped out if the storm hade been a little more on target for hitting NO so it would be a federal cleanup effort vs. a rescue effort. It was really interesting to hear his perspective and the long period the issue has been basically stagnating with crossed fingers.

Still doesn't dismiss the individual acts of stupidity that have happened and continue to happen but as long as the idiots don't take good people down with them I have no issue with them making the choice they do, of course that's been my point all along.
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