Idle Kick-Backs


May 20, 2003
I recently went thru and rebuilt my KX5 engine from top to bottom. Fired her up today and it really runs good except for the infamous idle kick backs, surges, popping...whatever you want to call it.

To research this issue I have done numerous searches across several sites that have yielded some information but nothing that nails down a solution.

I have been told or have read somewhere that switching out the carb seems to fix the problem. I did that and the problem is still there after the rebuild which surprises me. I would have thought something would be different with this issue.

Currently jetting is 168m, 55s, needle on middle clip. Seals are brand new. No air leaks that I can tell but at least the bike actually idles. Also running a flywheel weight and moose spacer.

Has anyone else suffered the same on any of your bikes? Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this and correct it???
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