I'm a Believer - RB Carb Mod


Feb 4, 2005
Some of you may have seen my post in another forum but I wanted to let those of you who haven't in on my experience with the RB Carb Mod.
"Last week I received my carb (93' KDX200) back from RB Designs (Ron) and went riding on Saturday. I've gotta say I just laughed my head off and was grinning from ear to ear. I rode about the first ten miles with the air screw set at the normal position (about 1 turn out) and was impressed with the awesome throttle response off of idle. I rode most of the time in a gear higher than usual. So with all I've read about the Second Sweet Spot (SSS) I just had to find it and try it out. I found it at 2 5/8 turns out. I was just amazed at the motors ability to just pull even down to just above idle. There were many hills that I've climbed in past rides where I would end in first gear screaming the motor and fanning the clutch to get to the top, and with Ron's modifications to the carb, I was able to pull those same hills in 3rd gear ending up at just above idle as I crested the top. I was shocked, amazed and just shaking my head thinking to myself the bike shouldn't even be running at that moment. Awesome just totally Awesome!!!
With a little more riding I found that I could leave the bike in a higher gear and not fuss with shifting as much, and ride a faster pace picking the best/fastest line through the trails, between roots just wide enough for the tires to fit through, around rocks and between trees. I was able to concentrate more on the best line and found myself riding at a much faster pace than I have before.
Ron also mentioned that he modified the Jet block height raising it up 2mm higher to match the 95' and newer carbs. This lets me use the CEX series needles rather than the CGX needles.
Next weekend I'm gonna try the DEK needle at both air screw settings.
I'd like to just say that I recommend this mod to everyone, but really I think anyone who hasn't done it or doesn't plan too is just plain foolish. Until you have this mod you don't know what your missing out on, This is one mod you've got to have!!! In the past I was thinking of moving on to the Orange side, but now keeping my beautiful green complexion seems the right thing to do!!!!!!!!"


May 1, 2005
I hear you! The RB mod is awesome, I even made a home made reed spacer out of an old KX 125 reed block to give more bottom end!! With a DEK-4 needle, my bike is electric now, SSS? That is the best feeling when it is dialed in. Instant power, pulls like crazy. I have an 05 200. PC Platinum II pipe, stock silencer, stock reeds, spacer, RB carb, stock head, stock gearing, Twin air filter, no lid A/S is about 2-5/8 to 2 9/16 out.


Oct 24, 2006
Does this ron guy do an international service? Im really interested but being from New Zealand might make the process to expensive/time consuming to be worthwhile


Feb 4, 2005
E-Mail Ron

timbuchanan said:
Does this ron guy do an international service? Im really interested but being from New Zealand might make the process to expensive/time consuming to be worthwhile
Ron is really quick about responding to email. Find his web sight contact page and send him one with your questions regarding shipping details. I do believe in my readings that I've come across a gentlemen from Austrailia who has had the RB Mod done to his carb.
Good Luck!!!
P.S. It was worth the wait!!!!
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