I'm thinking about switching over to windsurfing


Feb 9, 2004
I’m thinking about switching over to windsurfing. I love my bike. I love to ride my bike. The only problem is . . . I live in the eastern section of South Dakota and have no where to ride. I know a few farmers that have pastures that I can ride, but that gets boring real fast. I love trail riding, but there are no trails to ride around here. Sure there is the Black Hills, but that is a 6 hour drive from where I live, not to mention I have no one to ride with, so that’s not real feasible. Hence, I’m tempted to sell my bike and buy a wind surf board. I can do that by myself, I’ve got 2 nice sized lakes only 5 minutes from my house and there is lot of wind here in South Dakota so will never run into a problem not having a place or the power to surf.

Keeping the bike and buying a wind surf board is not an option at this time. Its one or the other, so what do you guy’s suggest I do? I’m torn.

Anyone got experience with wind surfing?


Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
I never tried windsurfing and I doubt anybody here will encourage you to switch. Can't you build a mini track on the terrains you ride? Wind does cost less than gas though.


Sep 16, 2006
trial_07 said:
I doubt anybody here will encourage you to switch.
HIGHLY doubt that. Change is good, my grandpa used to race mx in the 70's, 80's...once he hit his 30's he developed a fetish for drag racing. And has been drag racing ever since. He's 58 now.


Dec 29, 2005
Do you have any buddies to wind surf with? Ive never windsurfed before so I cant really speak intelligently about it as far as judging the "fun factor" of it. But it would seem to me that it would probably get boring pretty quick if you were always just out there doing it by yourself. It seems like windsurfing on the lake would be kind of like riding a dirtbike in a big field. The terrain is pretty much all the same and it is just a wide open area.

If you are getting bored of riding my guess would be it is just because as you said, you dont have any buddies to ride with, and when all you have is an open field to ride in it gets pretty boring and repetitive pretty quick. So I dont blame you but my caution would be to think pretty hard about whether or not you think windsurfing would remain fun in the long run. It seems that once you mastered the basic skills of the windsurf board out on the lake, it too would get pretty boring and repetitive if you are out there by yourself all the time. At least if you can find some trails to ride the terrain is constantly changing and providing new obstacles, but I know it is difficult and unsafe to ride alone. Im sorry about your dilemma, just something else to think about I guess, you dont want to be in the same boat with windsurfing in six months that you are with riding right now. Good Luck. :cool:


Feb 9, 2004
HajiWasAPunk said:
Move out of South Dakota?
Now that's a good idea! :laugh:

JST122 you've got a good point. I've tried windsurfing before and its a blast, but like you said, it may get boring after a while. What to do, what to do? :bang:


Sep 16, 2006
I can second the Jet Ski recommendation. They are ton's of fun.

Just don't travel across a lake during a tornado warning...and minimal hail. Submerged a 3 seater Jet Ski, slammed my face into the drivers shoulders. Not really enjoyable, but a good story to tell during the camp fire at night. :cool:


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Change is good and sailing whether it's on a board or in a boat is good food for the soul

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
If you live in S Dakota, how many months out of the year can you windsurf? :think:


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Any leisure activity will get boring pretty fast by yourself. Have you checked into OHV clubs in your area? You may be able to find some others in the same boat as you looking for riding buddies. I think if I was in your situation I'd likely cut back the amount of riding at home that bores me and try to plan a weekend trip every month or two to a riding area that you will enjoy. Seadoo's are also fun and I've spent a fair bit of time on ours but it bores me as well unless I've got buddies to ride with.

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