"Do you want that milk in a bag?"
What in the heck kind of question is that? Why does this question get asked by every gorcery bagger, at every grocery?
Are they trained to ask this question, or have they heard it so much in their own lives that it is reflex action?
OK...I have two flames here...first for the ignorant bagger that seems obsessed with asking this question. I mean...sheesh, I realise the milk jug has a handle....but folks, get a grip here! (pun intended)
Lets look at this thing logically...if that's possible....
When we have a jug of milk, it talleys in at anywhere between 36 and 40 degrees F. Ok now if you have any clues on dew point and condensation then you will soon realise that this container is going to get wet real soon after leaving the dairy case. Now, do we really want to pack this wet container of milk to our vehicle, place it in the trunk...where it will no doubt encounter who knows what kind of dirt and grime which will undoubtedly stick to the outside of the jug...and place this thing in our refrigerator? I for one don't relish the thought of a grime laden hunk of plastic sitting with all of my food and other perishables. Real appetising, huh?
My other flame is for those of you who say "No thanks, I'll just carry it" Good Goggleymoogley folks....being an expert at carrying in groceries, I happen to KNOW that it is much easier to pack this thing in one of those plastic bags than in the jug itself...you can also add a few other bags to the fray as well if you use the bag for the milk too. If you just carry the milk by the handle, then you just carry the milk by the handle..no accompanying bags allowed, and you KNow I'm right! Besides, in the winter the thing is so damn cold you can't tell me it isn't freezing you! Too cold and the daggone thing will stick to your silly fingers!
If you agree with me, please take a few minutes at the gorcery the next time you are asked this and explain the situation to the ignorant bagger...the folks behind you will enjoy it almost s much as they do the lady who writes checks real slow!
OK, I'm done now....
What in the heck kind of question is that? Why does this question get asked by every gorcery bagger, at every grocery?
Are they trained to ask this question, or have they heard it so much in their own lives that it is reflex action?
OK...I have two flames here...first for the ignorant bagger that seems obsessed with asking this question. I mean...sheesh, I realise the milk jug has a handle....but folks, get a grip here! (pun intended)
Lets look at this thing logically...if that's possible....
When we have a jug of milk, it talleys in at anywhere between 36 and 40 degrees F. Ok now if you have any clues on dew point and condensation then you will soon realise that this container is going to get wet real soon after leaving the dairy case. Now, do we really want to pack this wet container of milk to our vehicle, place it in the trunk...where it will no doubt encounter who knows what kind of dirt and grime which will undoubtedly stick to the outside of the jug...and place this thing in our refrigerator? I for one don't relish the thought of a grime laden hunk of plastic sitting with all of my food and other perishables. Real appetising, huh?
My other flame is for those of you who say "No thanks, I'll just carry it" Good Goggleymoogley folks....being an expert at carrying in groceries, I happen to KNOW that it is much easier to pack this thing in one of those plastic bags than in the jug itself...you can also add a few other bags to the fray as well if you use the bag for the milk too. If you just carry the milk by the handle, then you just carry the milk by the handle..no accompanying bags allowed, and you KNow I'm right! Besides, in the winter the thing is so damn cold you can't tell me it isn't freezing you! Too cold and the daggone thing will stick to your silly fingers!
If you agree with me, please take a few minutes at the gorcery the next time you are asked this and explain the situation to the ignorant bagger...the folks behind you will enjoy it almost s much as they do the lady who writes checks real slow!
OK, I'm done now....