In Which the Mighty 105...

Apr 30, 2007
...has a case of schizophrenia and decides that it is a snowmobile.

No ice tires, no machine screws, just rubber on ice and snow...That cementy bit was hard enough to walk on, let alone stay upright.
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Apr 27, 2001
That looks really COLD!

It's good to see you burning the cob webs out of the exhaust! Porkchop has a rule about riding in ice & snow (or driving in it), don't go any faster than a speed you're willing to crash at & wear all your gear & a brain bucket, PLEASE. Spring is still a couple of months away & how long did it take to heal up that collarbone? (I've been there twice myself,think about it.)
Sincerly, Porkchop :ride: :cool:
Apr 30, 2007
rmc_olderthandirt said:
Wear a helmet!

I did realize how foolish the helmetless escapade onto the cement was (well, at least I did realize about the second I stopped and peeked at the cement after that fairly radical feeling whippy). The rest of the time I am pretty sure I didn't make it over 3 mph, and never left first gear.

Any other time I take it around for a spin, I am geared up, or at least a very bare minimum of CP, helmet and boots.

Porkchop - the first round healing took a full two weeks before I was confidant in moving my arm/going significant time without the sling. Three months later I was supposed to be all healed up, but a direct fall on that shoulder snapped all the healing. I struggle to remember if the second time period was either 6 or 9 months before I was supposed to race again (pretty sure it was 6).

However, I was out of the sling and back to work a lot faster, and was able to ride gingerly for work about 4 or 5 days after the second break.
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