
ebony dream

Mar 2, 2008
Hey guys i would like to know injuries u have all had...and im sure theres been some serious if anyone has pics and more let us all know its interesting to see whats happened to who..and how..

so come on guys and gurls tell us.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
i'll list the major ones:

1. jumped too far into a set of whoops, landed on top of one and bounced about eight feet high. i came down with my leg on top of my crossbar and it broke my leg. then when i hit the ground, it seperated my shoulder. the crossbar was bent so far down that i couldn't get the pad off of it.

2. endo'd over an uphill jump. i hit a false neutral shifting from third to fourth, wide open. broke my left arm, right collarbone, black eye, bloody nose, bloody lip, and broke my bell moto 3.

3. cased an uphill triple, crashed and broke my left shoulder. as i was waiting for my xray results, i heard the doctor and xray tech say, "he must've hit awful hard to do that."

4. cased a small double, didn't crash, rode it out. the hit drove my ankle up through my tibia, splintering the tibia into a bunch of pieces. i had nothing but trouble with this injury, it knocked me out of riding for over three years.

those are the big ones. i've had a couple dozen lesser injuries that i never received treatment for. i'm in pain daily but i would still do it all over again.

oh yeah, i'm still racing.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I skinned my knee a couple times, misc burns, the occasional large portion of skin replaced by a scab, a few punctures from thorns and branches, knocked myself simple(er) a few times inspecting the local ant hills, seperated / dislocated fingers, shoulders and hip, misc fractures, ruined both my knees over the years. I guess the worst part is my wife comments on a regular basis that I sound like popcorn getting out of bed some mornings.


Dec 3, 2007
Only a couple injuries. Did a 1st gear pinned 20 footer and landed wrong. broke 3 ribs, lacerated spleed, lacerated lung, broken wrist and 1 finger. My son a couple months earlier landed wrong and got a bubble between his heart and lung from a torn larenex? had to be air lifted to Denver. That was hairy. just before that he broke his wrist 3 times. Other son keeps breaking his ankles. We keep plugging away though. Just cant give up riding.


Feb 7, 2008
I've had plenty of misc. sprains, cuts, bruises, etc....
Last July I came up short on a jump and broke my collar bone. Probably one of the more common injuries. It still sucked though!! :fft:


Aug 31, 2005
so far i have been pretty lucky

1st time got head shake went down hard broke 2 ribs

2nd time was much better hit a tree in 3rd gear 7 or so feet off of the ground.
broke 8 ribs cut my liver bruised my lung and tore my chin off my face :whoa: got a fun helicopter ride though :) and 10 days of straight sleep(coma)


Feb 6, 2008
Have had the minor things but the two more serious things were my broken collar bone and broken arm. I had to get my arm operated on and now I have two plates and however many screws in it and 2 nice scars.

ebony dream

Mar 2, 2008
OMG!..Ok so im all this riding lol and well maybe i shouldnt of done a thread about injuries lol im kinda scared now cuz when i ride i have no fear which maybe is unusual for someone that hasnt and i can see my self stacking it big time lol maybe i should quit while im ahead.....BUT NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH its too much fun haha keep them comming guys


Aug 8, 2000
Just curious, how many of these injuries are from riding motocross (ie. on a motocross track, jumps, etc) versus regular offroad riding (fire roads, trails, etc)?

My extent of injuries is a broken hand (offroad), lots of road rash and bruises (offroad and motocross) and a concussion (head first into a tree during a harescramble).


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
all of mine are from motocross.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
MX practice 78, catapulted over the bars in third gear, head first into a tree. Concussion, and sore neck, along with not immediately remembering that day. About 3 years later I had a grand mal seizure from scar tissue. Had to take medicine for about 10 years. 10 years from the wreck I found out I had a compression fracture in the neck. 30 years after the wreck it is 5 bulging discs in the neck and numbness in the left arm. 79 in a race at Byron Il, 250 b first lap, big lead, big jump, no front wheel to land with, bummer. Knocked one tooth out and a nice hole in my chin. 82 Taking the wife for a ride on some hill climbs in Sugar Grove Il., steep 50 to 75 foot climbs. She jumped off after the 3rd one, and when I got to the top, no other side. Fortunately for me, when it was dug out it left a nice slope for me to slide down, and watch my bike pummel to the ground with out me. And then the wife crawled to the top, laughing her butt off! 82 at Redbud in the money moto, I had to ride the 125, went to plant my foot on a switchback, something flung my foot back, and the rear tire grabbed it and stuck it between the tire and swingarm. I came to a screeching halt and sat there. Got it in neutral and pushed the bike backwards to dislodge my boot. Couldn't finish 2 laps, and then found a broken leg in my boot! 95 while practicing, on a track that crossed, I got t boned, good thing my right foot stopped his bike. Smashed my toe, and had to have a dozen stitches to put the flesh back together, under the toe nail. When the doctor was trying to get the rest of the nail off, it flung across the room almost hitting my wife, who once again starting laughing. A couple of years ago, I went to hit a berm, and kept sliding. About 4 feet above cat tail reeds, I figured it may not be a good idea to put my arm out, too late! Left collarbone in 5 pieces. The first plate and donor bone was for not. 3 months later the plate broke in two pieces, at work. The second longer and bigger plate, and a piece of my hip worked better. Except for the last screw that ran into my shoulder socket. The 105 degree hot tub is awesome. Now my oldest son Ryan, he is around 17 broken bones. He does not like milk. I raced about 6 times last year, and the new ama rules, I am looking at some 250 2 strokes! I fortunately no longer wake up from flashbacks. I would not trade it for money. I will continue as long as I can. I do not believe I could just go out for a ride. Push, always push harder.


Mar 13, 2007
Something I remember is when I was riding my TT-R 225 with a couple buddies on an abandoned railroad track and I told my friends I was going to take it easy because it was a new area for us. I ended up not taking it easy and was in forth gear when all of a sudden I see a piece of metal across the tracks about 15 feet in front of me and I hit the brakes imediatly. The front tire hit the piece of metal, I went flying, my heavy bike went flying over me, and it was pretty crazy. I was cut up a bit and my elbo was messed up. I fixed my bike the best I could out on the tracks and I headed home. I didn't go to the doctors because I figured if I told my parents, they would take my bike away. Now it has been 4 years since and my elbo still bothers me.


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Let’s see, dislocated shoulder too many times to count. Wait for the muscle’s to relax and the shoulder rotates back into place. Could be a few moments or a few minutes, you just never know how long it will take to pop back in. I’ve separated my right shoulder twice. Getting your shoulder reset sucks and will cause you to take the Lords name in vain and call the Doctor that took two attempts to set the shoulder every name in the book. Yes, I’m still pissed at the SOB!

Broke the left collar bone 3 times. The third time I broke the collar bone I also rang my bell and don’t recall much from that night of racing. Also broken two fingers and fractured one rib.

Concussions, not as many as the dislocated shoulder, but more then I care to admit. Three concussions resulted in cracked helmets that had to be replaced.

On three different occasions, I’ve bruised my left lung.

I’ve also broken and fractured a total of 10 ribs as a result of the 3 bruised left lungs.

Final, I broke the PCL in my right knee 3 years ago after coming back from 4 broken & 2 fractured ribs plus the bruised left lung. But MX547 tells I’m not allowed to talk about this injury as it may affect the innocent.

The night before my son was born; I spent the night in the hospital from a practice crash. The wife still gives me crap about that one. At least until three year ago when I broke 4 ribs fractured 2 others and bruised my left lung racing. O yeah, this was on our 17th wedding anniversary. :ohmy:

Best non-injury cash was into a cedar tree with a topping of Swift for good measure.

I’m also still racing and riding. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. :nod:


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
Broken L5 vertebrae and S1 Sacrum
Surgery pending


Mar 10, 2008
AFLAC is my friend!!!!
broke 4 ribs and lacerated my spleen, bruised liver.
broken both legs, both arms, numerous collerbones.
brken ankle (2plates, 8 screws)
numerous concussions.
tore my knee up bad enough to get plastic knee cap.
splintered elbow & broke wrist
most recently broke my hand in six places.
to answer the question of how, the only one from motocross was the spleen deal, all the rest are from harescrambles and play riding. :coocoo:
wouldnt give it up for the world, cuz its always fun no matter what!!
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