is my bike runnin right???


Jul 17, 2004
hi i got my new yz125 about 3 weeks ago now, i love it to bits and i feel like its a bike i can get used to and ride safely i am allready tring small jumps and am powering it around alot this is my question when im in 1st gear i can wheelie the bike no sweat without the use of he clutch at all but when im in second i cant wheelie as easly i either have to lean back alot more and take as much weight off the front as i can or rev like fudge with the clutch either way is not as easy as just powering the front straight up well i just want to know if this is the usuall characteristics of a stock yz125 01 or maybe i need a new piston any suggestions on this would be helpfull so i know whether or not to spend my hard earnd cash on certain parts :moon:


Jan 19, 2004
Well, just from my own experience, I started out wheelying in first. Now I'm pretty good at second gear wheelies and don't bother with first. But it did take some time to learn it. And I know 3rd gear. would be really tough to learn. 125's don't' have a ton of power to pull the front wheel off the ground. I don't use the clutch at all. I just get in in the powerband. move back on the seet a little and give slight tug on the bars. Of course if you bought the bike used, you do want to check out the conditon of the motor. Piston, ring, reeds, jetting. There might be more power there to be had. It does take lot's of practice, maybe some other guys here might have some tips?


Mar 8, 2004
i have an 03 yz125-i hold the clutxh in, rev it up, let go of the clutch, and the wheel pops up no problem-or i can ride it, hit the powerband, pull up on the bars, and it pops up-in 1st all i have to do is give it gas and the wheel pops it-what ur saying sounds right


Jul 17, 2004
i think im just being a ***** about leaning back and givin it a bit of clutch but i am not the best rider so i think i will take it easy i dont think going at it hammer and tongs no fear style will get me to be the technicl intelleget rider i want to be like pasterana said "when he does jumps it feels right like he knows what to do" in my case i dont so i stll have to watch myself :)
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