ISDE 2002 - Send Letter


Sep 1, 2000
Now is the time to remind the AMA that there are other women who would like the opportunity to ride in future ISDE's. When some past senior riders wanted the opportunity to ride the ISDE again they asked the AMA to make a Senior team which they have had since then. Therefore, there should be no reason that they should not have a women's team each year. Trust me it does not cost the AMA a thing and it does not take away any spots from the men. I talked to Suzy today (She is doing good) and we both agree that we need you to write Hugh Flemming and the AMA a letter telling them how you were appreciative that they took a women's team this year and that you are looking forward to having one again next year.

The AMA address is:

13515 Yarmouth Dr
Pikerington, OH 49147

or you can send an E-mail to Hugh Flemming at

Please make the letters sound very positive. Thanks,

Suzy, Nicole and Mandi


Dec 17, 2000
Nicole is right on here assesment of the Women's situation concerning the ISDE.

It is VERY important that we send a strong message to AMA and now. They will be wrapping up the 2001 ISDE with a board meeting soon. It is important they get feedback from the public supporting women at the ISDE.

And most importantly. Those of you who read DRN or particpate on a regular basis are "DO" people and I know you will send your input, but it is the people who do not know they need to send input that we need to get to.

Please send emails or call other female riders and male supporters to get the message to the AMA. There are a group of women racers in Texas who did not know about the Qualifiers. If they can be contacted, it would be great or if someone knows somenone in Texas who may be able to get me in contact them, just let me know.

As well. I had a talk with Hugh the other day and we discussed the issue. I told him it is AMA's responisbility to get the women's class on the Qualifier flyers and in the magazine. But we cannot rely on them we have to make our own NOISE !.



Aug 13, 1999
Okay, since I'm ALWAYS happy to write a letter, here's mine for anyone that needs some ideas.


Dear Mr. Fleming,

As a female trailrider and AMA member, I was excited to see the AMA send our very own Women's team to this year's ISDE. What a fantastic way to help get more women interested in our sport and to show that the AMA believes women BELONG in this sport. With the AMA sending a Women's Team to an event such as the ISDE, it sends a strong message that we CAN ride AND compete.

To tell you the truth, I had heard about the ISDE before but the race never interested me all that much. I knew that it was a grueling event but figured there wasn’t even a remote possibility of competing in such a huge race. There are a few successful AMA racers in my family – Joe, Lonny and Rob Kopp in flattrack, Jonathan Seehorn a member of this year’s 26th place ISDE team. Even with those great roll models and with a family that supports dirtbiking, I had never considered competing in ANY events except the occasional low-key harescramble. When I heard that the AMA was allowing a US Women's Team to participate it piqued my interest. As I learned more about the ISDE and Enduro's in general I got motivated to improve my riding, knowledge and fitness so that I could possibly compete in the future.

After reading about our three women – Suzy, Nicole and Amanda and hearing their stories I am even more motivated to work harder. I don’t know if I will ever be able to compete at such a level as the ISDE but, if not me then maybe my 6 year old daughter who is in her second season of trailriding and motocross and my 9 year old son on his fourth season of trailriding and second season of MX. At least it is a possibility!

I truly want to thank you and the AMA for including the Women's Team this year. I hope that there will be a place EVERY year for a team of women that have the skill, knowledge and perseverance (guts!) to compete in the ISDE. It really gives me something to dream about and to work towards.


bbbom (just kidding I put my real name!)
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