sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
here it is 2 weeks before wardys, i'm fat, out'a shape and have some sort of elbow malfunction! i went out to the track last monday to practice jumping, which, btw, i need badly. i had been running a stair stepped hill, about 5 jumps in all, about 3' to highest 4'. braap braap braap...up'n down. no prob, tues i've got numbness in my right index and middle finger, not constant, but if doing a repetitive motion thingy, or holding onto something for a while. did some riding around the ravine thurs night and the whole hand was going a lil' numb..no sweat. figured it would pass. sun i'm burning brush piles, got one going in the bottoms, so i go up to the brush pile on the side of the ravine and start tossing down timber. stuff about 6'to8' in length, 4" to 8" in dia. no sweat, well lots of sweat, but no biggie. go back to some more coors light. woke up this morning at about 0300, who-ie, dang, couldn't move the arm and it was in constant pain. finaly got up at about 0600 and gave myself about 1/2 cc of dmso inj,local, then went back to bed. got up at 0700 and aplied a dmso/ibuprofin transdermal and have the elbow in an ace bandage wrap now. i'm pretty confident in the dmso wonder drug, figure i'll be cool in about 3 days. there, just so ya know. ;)


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Glad you are going to be feeling better but thekid won't.
He went down Sat morning after overjumping a triple and getting sideways into the next jump face. As he got thrown off, the next bike (who had done the triple as a single then double out) tboned him and drove him into the ground. Broken Clavicle and 2 ribs. He won't be riding at Wardy's but says he wants to go to just hang out.


Dec 31, 1969
At least we don't have to deal with getting spanked by a kid :)

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
At least we don't have to deal with getting spanked by a kid
heck, just dnf, never have to cross the finish line behind a "kid" ;) btw, saw mister who in the motorcross action mag (i know i'm behind the power curve) ahead of some guys, uh, no names. never heard of 'em ;) oh yeh i forgott, this aint tennis elbow, bif, at the country club, get tennis elbow. this is jumpin elbow, or atomic elbow, kill the average guy elbow, or something like that!

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
Yea, but did you see the fender stickers he was sporting?
no way,..man, the shot i saw had these 2 old guys ;) fighting it out going into what looked like a big sweeper and mister was up ahead on some straight...waaay up there, heck i couldn't even read his number let alone see what was on his fender.......blowing up a 426 at dw01..756$ having your picture posted in a national motorcross magazine where you are beating 2 former pro champions...priceless. :aj:
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