
Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002

Lawrence at Large
Date: August 11, 2008

Jason Lawrence at large?

Yamaha of Troy rider allegedly wanted for assault?

Nothing like hitting the ground running at a new job, know what I mean? This may be my first day here at, but that doesn’t preclude me from digging up news and keeping you informed, or in this case shocked.

While the rumor mill keeps churning about James Stewart’s new ride, how Carmichael did last weekend and what is going to happen in Millville, Jason Lawrence was out to make some news of his own this weekend. It is my understanding, after numerous phone calls this morning, that JLaw has been involved in yet another incident, one that may warrant police intervention.

As the story goes, the infamous Lawrence allegedly bit the ear of his friend, Ryan McPhillips and attempted to stab him multiple times while over the weekend, and is now at-large. We haven’t received the full story yet, but will be trying throughout the day to bring you more information.

Stay tuned, as we should have more details for you soon.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Winning races and being a thug will only last so long before he's on the side of the road with a cardboard sign.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I'd like to know what he was doin' so close to his friend that he could bite his ear? :whoa:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I agree with Pred. This little event probably escalates J-Law's appearance fee on the FMX circus, and may also boost sales of whatever products and videos he comes out with.

Call me cynical, but it would not surpised me if this is all a calculated PR move. When J-Law does get apprehended, his friend/partner changes his story, and the charges get dropped. J-Law treats his friend to some new ink or some bling for his ride.

If you are going to cultivate a bad boy image to sell, you've got to go big. To J-Law, this probably beats training his ass off and staying clean for the next 5+ years.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
The photochops have started to appear around the net.

This one courtesy of the artist known as Yamaboy


Not sure on the original author of this one



Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
That story was straight from the National Inquirer (and they don't know how to spell, either..)

*** Updated!

It’s been a full day since you’ve received an update on this story from us, but for good reason. We’ve been trying to comb through the number of accounts of this story for the last 24 hours and have found a few conflicting perspectives.

Unfortunately we haven’t come any closer to getting an official statement from the Lawrence camp.

A few redactions from our previous post:

This incident DID NOT happen in Big Bear.

The incident DID NOT have an attempted stabbing.

Another point of clarification that we’d like to get across though is that when we said that he is “at large” we meant whereabouts unknown, not that the cops were after him.

What we do know is this: Jason and Ryan McPhillips were involved in an incident over the weekend that left both of them injured, including damage to one of Ryan’s ears.

We want to remind you that we haven’t got it out for JLaw. We are not rumor mongering; we received our story from multiple credible sources. We only want to print the true happenings and will continue to provide information as it comes in.


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
"A few redactions from our previous post:"

OK, they really did mean redactions, not retractions .... still a bunch of morons trying to save face.

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