Jeff Fredette to race a KX250F in '04


Apr 6, 2003
Say it ain't so, Jeff...

According to the March 2004 edition of Dirt Rider, Jeff "Mr. KDX" Fredette will be on the new KX250F next year instead of the beloved KDX. I thought this could only be blasphemy until I saw an actual picture of him racing a 250F at the final round of the WORCS series in Oklahoma. Now future KDX riders won't be able to point out the fact that Fredette races a KDX when their friends are busting their stones...



Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Regardless of the bike that Fredette rides, there's no doubt that he is blistering fast on a KDX.

I'd bet that Kawasaki has a vested interest in JF switching to the KXF.


Nov 18, 2002
Twiztid One said:
sometimes your pushed to roll with the changes and it will be interesting to see how he does .

I personally think its a good thing. We can all thank JF for the perimeter frame that the current 'H' model KDX wears, so its only natural to think that JF riding the KX250F will help get us a KDX250F that much faster and hopefully make it just as versatile a woods weapon that the current kdx's already are.




Dec 10, 2002
This news makes for a truely sad day, I've been looking on fredette's website, looking to see if any new kxf parts show up, but nothing on that site seems to have been updated in a few years. I feel I'm a little too fat to be riding a 250 thumper, plus it' still a bit heavy.


Jan 23, 2003
This will hopefully be a good money making opportunity (sp) for Jeff. Just like the original KDX's the 250F has a lot of problems becuase it is new. Jeff will surely come up with some off the wall ideas to improve the 250f and make it one he11 of a woods bike, just as he did to the KDX! But I am still pretty disappointed that he switched over, I guess you just have to roll with the flow. I am really going to hate switching over to the thumpers, there soo heavy and bulky! But I hope he likes it.



Dec 30, 2003
Heavy and bulky??? Even with a light kit - that 250f will be under 225 pounds - 240 wet on the trail. That seems very acceptable to me.

I threw my leg over one at he dealer - and I have to admit I really liked the ergos of the bike. I want to ride one the first opportunity I get.

My reservation is the cost. they are in demand - so dealers are getting close to $6k - way over my price for something I will trash in the woods.

I agree the 2 stokes are in their golden years. I would guess 5-7 more years and that will be it. All us 2 stroke owners will be grandfathered in, and then they will slowly die one by one. Kind of sad.

I thinkt he outboard boat engines are 1-2 years ahead of bikes in the banning department. There are dozens of states that have already set dates for bans of two stoke boats - I think in MO it is 2005. Bikes are next.

We all have the enviro whackos to thank. I recycle with the next guy, put my oil where it is supposed to be - but there is no way anyone will ever convince me that us as a microgroup will do less harn to the environment on four strokes.

The ironic part of the 2s/4s argument is that in order to get these race bread 4s engines to pass EPA missions and meet state requrements - the manufacturers cork and bottle them up so much you essentially have a race ready modped. the first thing everyone does is rejet, re exhaust and let all the epa stuff "fall off" during the first ride. What you have then is probably equal to a properly tuned 2s.

Oh well. Thats life I guess.


Mar 25, 2001
You know i kinda find it sad that 2-strokes may be eliminated in the near future. This is a ongoing problem with snowmobiles as well. You see when they say that the 2 stroke is less efficient and puts out more emissions they are right but they are wrong at the same time. Yes in the current state that the motors are in right now they do put out more emissions but they hold a little challenge out west to see who can get the most efficient motor in a snowmobile. It turns out that the two stroke has won out for more than two years in a row. What the group of college kids did was hook up a catiletic converter type thing to the exhaust and walla it is now more efficient. What i can't see is why they can't figure out a way, such as the college kids did to make the two stroke more efficient so it can stay alive. just my .02


May 23, 2002
Frustrating. I haven,t seen my grass in 4-5 weeks. My heat bill is going to cancel any cool bike mods. My bikes are frozen solid in the garage. And to top it off, Ozone Al recently delivered a heated political debate...debacle on global warming. So...lets cut emissions and make it colder! co2, clorolorocarbons my a@@. I will do my part to make that hole in the ozone a little bigger. I hate the cold! All scientific evidence is proven...then negated...then proven..... Any iceberg that ever melted due to global warming has increased in size this winter. I have no problem w/ change; build a better bike I'll by one, but don't tell me these changes will save me from a raging case of melanoma. Ok, now I feel better. I think I'll go make myself a butter sandwich - oh wait that stuff is bad, no wait its good, no, yes....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Oct 14, 1999
Nah. Butter is good. It's margarine that's bad.

Wait..that's margarine with hydrogenated oils? Or is it when it has a lot of saturated fats? Or is that polyunsaturated?

It won't matter a whole lot if you like 2-smokes or 4. There won't be anywhere to ride anything pretty soon anyway.

That's the direction the whackoes want to go out west, anyway. The local riding area (has been one for decades!..I mean over 40 years!!) is on its way to extinction. They will call it a 'managed' area. That means they (in this case BLM) will tell you where to park, where to ride and when you can do either. The trails will be 'engineered'.

Funny that this particular riding area is partly in the watershed of a nearby local community, and recent water quality studies found the water to be the cleanest IN the riding area!!

So much for bikes and their dirty riders causing all sorts of problems, 'eh?

Logic isn't the issue here. Neither are facts. It's a bent the whackoes have to make a large % of the state (oregon in this case) wilderness.

They think they are 'saving the earth.'

They are ill-informed, misguided twisted thinkers.

Yeah? So? That doesn't stop them from trying to enforce that 'clarity' of thinking on everyone else, does it?


Nov 18, 2002

I feel your pain, here in Del Norte County (the very north western tip of California) its (at last count) over 85% public lands. Unfortunatly its almost completely under the control of the State and National Park service, two agencies that care more about the endangered snowy plover instead of the endangered dirt bike rider. Whats left is USFS which at last count had count'm TWO sanctioned riding areas, comprising about 15mi of trails. Ugh, makes me sick. These enviro-nazi's want nothing less than the complete non-use of land by anybody but them and their trees.



Dec 3, 2002
The last time I went to Stonyford (primo CA riding area), with green-stickered KDXs and a red-stickered YZF in the trailer, many of the residents alongside the main road to Stonyford were burning trash piles. They created more pollution in one day than our two-strokes will all year.


Sep 29, 2002
You are so right about the polution issue, if every motocycle, not just dirt bikes, every two wheel bike disappeared tommorrow there would be no noticeable improvement in the air quality. I looked up the statistic and its true.
All of you are right about the land closures as well. The tree lovers have to be stopped. You have to play their game though, form organizations and pressure the politicians. It's a shame you have to become an activist just to enjoy your hobby, but that appears to be the picture. These tree huggers have too much time on their hands and enough money to bend the ear of the government agencies and gain ground for themselves.(PUN) It is ignorant bull### they are selling, but they have a strong voice and they are being heard. We have to organize and fight back. Dirt Bike and Dirt Rider frequently have articles with organizations listed who champion our cause. Strength in numbers!!!

Mike McGlade

Jan 13, 2000

It is sad to see our KDX champion go to the four stroke but we have to commend him for the great performances he has put in over the years on the trusty KDX. As far as outlawing two strokes goes, the new law will exempt smaller manufacturers like ATK so some two strokes will still be produced. Keep in mind that with the new high performance four strokes, the new focus of the green extremist groups will be noise as they are certainly louder than a comparably silenced two stroke. Noise will also become more of an issue due to increased development (we recently had a MX park close due to pressure from a newer housing development).
I suggest that everyone go to and check out the Blue Ribbon Coalition's site for more information that all outdoorsmen can benefit from. It is time we truly organized against the new socialism re-labeled as enviromentalism.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Mike McGlade said:
... I suggest that everyone go to and check out the Blue Ribbon Coalition's site for more information that all outdoorsmen can benefit from. It is time we truly organized against the new socialism re-labeled as enviromentalism.

We all need to support and contribute to groups like the BRC, or we'll be riding mopeds in tiny, contained ORV parks.
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