Jetting specs


Jul 31, 2000
I just talked to Jeff Fredette to order some jets and asked him about recommendations.
Here is what he said:
2000 KDX 200
Location: South Eastern Wisconsin, 1.5 hours north of Chicago
Pilot 48
Main 160
Needle 1173 middle clip

He was extremely nice and helpful, first class!



May 17, 2000
Those are the stock jets and will most likely be too rich unless the temps are below 0.

Fuzzy Dice

Trial Subscriber
Jul 8, 2002
I also called Fredette to order Jets and a torque ring. The guy that answered the phone told me the stock jets on my KDX220 would be fine;just use a 50:1 Golden Spectro ratio and everything should be great.I live 200 feet ASL and my jetting is too rich.Doesn't he want to sell some jets?Seems like everyone here says the stock jetting is way too rich.


Dec 3, 2002
Maybe he's trying to help you out by not recommending jets which may be too lean because he knows jetting-by-phone is a fool's errand.

G. Gearloose

Pigment of ur imagination
Jul 24, 2000
Fine is fine if you like fine...

My '91 was so rich from the factory it couldn't hit the rpm the power valves would open.

Nobody is going to get anything more than mediocre setups on the phone, or here for that matter. Now setup advice and METHODS we have. Jetting is unique to each location, climate, season as well as bike.

A clean setup can be just two sizes or clips away from grenading the motor, so nobody is going to give you zero-windage setups, risk somebody modifying the airbox AFTER setting the main and toasting the motor, then have to hear about it, espacially a dealer, business of any kind, doesn't want to hear back from you.

Do the research
Define the deficiencies in performance
Get the jets
Start the jetting process
stuck? post your symtoms and setup here..we'll get you through after you demonstrate the investment to get yourself up to speed.

Thats all we can do..

And I concur, that setup sounds rich, especially for summer..


Aug 20, 2002
The penalty for too rich is that you might foul a plug. (besides missing performance) But the penalty for too lean can be a siezed motor. If you're making recommendations over the phone and the other guy has your number, what are you going to recommend?

Liability in this country is enormous. Worse yet, could be FRP gives someone the right jetting. And that person is used to the poor performance of a rich mixture. Now that it has the extra power he wheelies his bike on to his head (without a helmet) and the parents decide to sue. I sure don't understand it , but I know it happens everyday.


Jul 31, 2000
Ok, ok, since I did not get a manual with the bike, I was not aware that these were stock jets. The needle seems to be different, isn't 1174 stock?
I should also mention that this is with a PC pipe, not the stock pipe and the airbox lid removed.
When I started trying to jet, the carb had 48 pilot, stock 1154 needle in 2nd clip from top, and a 150 main. I did several plug chops (new plugs, engine up to temp). Reading the plug according to MY experience showed a severe lean condition. The plug was white.
Based on this, what Jeff said made sense.
No gents (and ladies!), I do not expect perfect jetting over the phone, I never said that, nor do I recall asking if this was good or bad advice. Time and trial and error will tell.
I simply thought you guys might be interested in what he said.

Thanks for the lecture though :flame:
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Fuzzy Dice

Trial Subscriber
Jul 8, 2002
OK I see your points on maybe why he won't recommend jetting but I told him I was too rich and wanted to buy some jets.I guess I'll get some from Sudco and start one size leaner and keep dropping untill I get it just right. And I also thank you for the lecture .


Jul 31, 2000
Here goes...... nothing. I tried Jeffs setup. You're right. not working properly.
Funny thing is, it cleans up nicely once you get past 2nd gear.
A lot of hesitation (sputtering) upon take off. Once I get up in the rpms it gets better. Plug Chop: plug looks nice and tan.
Current set up:
48 pilot
1173 needle, middle clip
Air Screw 1.25 turns out
PC pipe
lid removed

I'll try a 45 pilot and go back to the 1174 needle, unless you guys have other advice.
I'll probably work my way towards the setup on the Justkdx site :)


Sep 4, 1999
You are getting good advice here and it sounds like you are on your way to a well jetted bike. I would stick with the 1173 needle, change the pilot to a 42-45 and work with the airscrew to fine tune. Try to make changes to one thing at a time so you get a good feel for what is making the difference for better or for worse. Taking notes is a hassle but is worth the effort also. Good luck.--Dan


die you sycophant !
May 22, 2000
 You might want try the 2nd clip from the top on the needle and stay with the 48 pilot. if you get a hesitation at 1/4 throttle go to the 3rd clip position and start leaning the pilot. If you are still bothered by sputter try a 45 and then a 42 pilot.

The key thing is to make one adjustment at a time.


Jul 31, 2000
Thanks all,
Advice is much appreciated!
Fishhead, I tried the 2nd clip too and while it changed things slightly, the sputter was still present. I went back to the 3rd for now to see how changing the pilot will effect things. Need to order today.
Am I correct in assuming that the air screw shouldn't be more then 2 turns out?
Man, coming of my last 4 stroke (DRZ) I can't believe how easy it is to work on the KDX (access). Jetting the DRZ was a nightmare!
Again, thank you all for your advice.


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
Yes, at 2 turns out you should start considering a leaner pilot jet.

G. Gearloose

Pigment of ur imagination
Jul 24, 2000
Sorry all for my frankness previously..nothing personal.. and I applaud your enthusiasm.
but one more jetting post without evidence of reading the years of good info already existing here, I was going to staple myself to death, so that looked like a better alternative..

Sounds like your on your way..

Wolf, please describe you air-screw-setting-method. If it is in err, we don't want you to skip over a good setup due to just that..

Also, what is the letter suffix on that 1174 needle? sounds like you may be trying a 220 needle..
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Jul 31, 2000
I have to check on the needle. I think it had a K somewhere, but I can't remember :scream: Right now I
I set the air screw by turning up the idle and then adjusting the AS to where it would idle best.


Oct 14, 1999
re: 'Nobody is going to get anything more than mediocre setups on the phone..'

I disagree! I could give complete crap/worthless setup info on the phone!

Isn't that 'more'?

Fine, then.

re: white plug.

That part is 100% correct. Is should be white (guessing where you're looking at the plug).

I don't see an indication you read the post wibby linked. You must. Jetting based on what I presume to be improper plug reading may be harmful to your health (when the aneurism in your head blows after the screaming), fatal to your bike (after it blows up).


Jul 31, 2000
canyn, I read the thread AFTER I posted.
I will start from scratch:) I have to admit that I have read plugs wrong all my dirt bike life. Dang, I will get the hacksaw out and start re-reading yesterday's plugs.


Oct 14, 1999
Knowledge is power!

I knew something once.......I think. I can't really remember....

You likely know this already based on your intent to get the thing jetted correctly, but a properly setup 2-smoke is a whole lot more fun to ride than one that is not. It's more capable and thus more confidence inspiring.

Easier to clean up after a ride, too! ;)

Congratulations on getting the job done right. At least you're headed in the right direction.

Gearloose will get back to you..but I'll steal his response for 'ya!

The AS is not adjusted by 'best idle' (not sure what that is, but it's not right), or 'hi idle'. The commonly referred to 'hi idle' method is a place to start, hardly ever correct.

Actually, the old 'cold roll' method works better...but that's old school.

Adjust the AS for best throttle response off idle. Ex: In 2nd gear, slow walk speed, under some load (a bit uphill maybe), a quick throttle s-n-a-p open should give you immediate response. No lag or b-u-h-w-a-h sound.

You'll likely find that AS setting to be 'in' some (richer) from 'hi idle' setting.

If your bike is hard to start hot (more'n one kick) you're likely too lean on the AS.

The extent to which the following is related to the rb carb mod, I don't know...but consider the following.

My bike is very sensitive to AS settings, and over larger throttle ranges than you would expect. I know that a weak pull under load at 1/2 throttle in 3rd gear is an AS problem. Changes as little as <1/16 turn make a big difference!

Have fun!
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