Jetting the new DRZ 125


May 6, 2001
I picked up one of the new suzuki play bikes this week then immediately drove up to BBR to blow the rest of my savings. I am having trouble jetting the little bas**rd. I added the BBR pipe and a Kehin oversized carb. The MJ that came with the carb was a 110. Upon testing the new set up I found the bottom needed some pilot work and I've got that pretty well sorted out. It pulls really well in the mid range. When the bike is on the main jet for more than about a half second it begins to miss, especially as the RPMs climb on a slight down hill run. I bumped the main up to 115 and the problem still exists, but the uphill run is improved. I've also noticed that the bike misses at constant throttle openings going down hill on my jetting run. My intital thought was that it was lean on the MJ, but I'm now wondering if it is fat on the MJ based upon the improved performance with a greater load i.e. uphill. What do you guys think? Leaner on the the MJ or richer?

The other condition I've noticed is that it misses worse when it gets hot.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


N. Texas SP
Feb 19, 2000
have you tried adjustinmg the needle? I have a KLX125L running the stock pipe with the spark arrestor screen removed and the restictor plate in the muffler drilled out. I also tossed the airbox snorkel and driled holes in the top of the airbox to let in more air, had to go up 2 sizes on the main and 3 sizes on the pilot. I would look at the needle or the float height


May 6, 2001
I'm going to make some radically rich changes, like 130 on the main and clip in the richest position to see what what happens. I need to set some outside limits to get the carburetion moving in the right direction. I'll report on my progress.


May 23, 2000
I would say your to rich on mj. What size carb are you runing?I have the stock carb and whent 1 up on the pj and mj with the BBRpipe and drilled holes in the air box lid.


Nov 14, 2001
When you go to an oversize carb, the air velocity thru the carb is alot slower, therefore less vacuum to draw the fuel, which would make it run lean. what was the original carb size? you can calculate the cross section area of the o.e. carb versus the new carb, then increase your jet the same percentage to get you close before you burn a piston trying random jets


Apr 17, 2001
If the DRZ / KLX motor is like the TTR motor you probably have found the limit of the rev / air flow and no jetting will sort it out. I had big problems getting rid of a "poping" on the TTR. I jetted a 26 mm carb from 90 main to 380 main and still had it. It took head porting and heavier valve springs plus a lot of other work to do it. There is some factory inbuilt restrictions in them that make them meak and mild. To make them rip you need to find the "problem" area and remove it. Oftenm it is not a bolt on bolt off thing.


May 6, 2001
I suspected as much ACS. Thanks for the feedback. Duane Brown (of BBR,what a great guy) actually jetted the bike for me since their shop is close by. If there was anything left, he'd find it. I'm waiting for the Powroll or BBR Big Bore Kit, but for now it's a hoot to ride. It is not as fast on top as a TTR, but it has a really good midrange punch and the suspension is outstading for a little backyard racer.


Apr 17, 2001
Cool. I have always been really happy with BBR stuff and their help and I'm about a million miles away. Well whatever Australia to USA is. :think: Keep us informed about the DR's developments.
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