Help Crf100 Consistently stalls in the air


Feb 6, 2022
So i have this Crf100 its an 05 model bbr 110 or 115 cc bored cylinder, and a bbr slip-on (not really sure what the exact cylinder/piston size my uncle did all that before i bought the bike from him.) and geared down for being better suited for flat-track riding. Not that i really think mentioning any of that is relevant to the question ( as im sure he used the appropriate jets for the slip on and the larger sized cylinder. i think bbr even separately sells a different carb assembly for use with the bore kit and if they do he probably has one on it) it was obtained for my son to ride but he got an ssr for Christmas so its back in my hands cause i dont have anything else to ride at the moment. Because of this i haven't really inspected it much as it ran fine when he got a hold of it. but to get to the meat of the question It wants to stall out in the air when i jump it almost everytime making it want to nose down which is going to end up getting me hurt eventually. other than this problem it doesn't really seem like the carb is dirty other than it being slighly cold natured until it gets warm which in my opinion all of the small honda bikes are like that. whenever i get a chance at work im gonna clean the carb but something tells me its more than just a dirty jet or passage. for anyone who is knowledgable in carbs (assuming the it's still stock) if im not mistaken the xr and crf 100 carbs have that little plastic ring that sits over the main jet that may or may not be missing this will be the first time i've had this bikes carb apart and assuming this problem isnt just a case of dirty carburetor if that plastic piece is missing could that cause this stalling in the air issue? i know that most units that have these plastic pieces from the factory will run relatively well without them if they're lost.


Dec 31, 1969
Well you stumped me... how being in the air makes any difference I can't imagine. I assume it idles fine when on the ground... meaning; it's not dying because you are shutting the throttle off after you leave a jump face?

Are you sure it dies in the air or maybe it dies when you land? < Could be electrical (loose connection), or the float level being too low / float baffle.


Feb 6, 2022
no its definitely stalling when im in the air. it continues to run it just seems like at that moment in the air its not getting gas or isn't taking the gas. im keeping the throttle at the same position throughout the jump. it idles fairly decent i mean it occasionally might cut off after a minute or two of no throttle input. it takes gas just fine i can rev it up abruptly let off then immediately give it gas again and it does just fine thats why i dont think its a dirty carb because usually if its dirty or the fuel screw isn't adjusted just right it doesn't like repeated snappy throttle changes.


Feb 6, 2022
one of the guys i work with is a Honda gold certified technician with over like ten different technical certificates from them alone even he hasn't came up with an answer for it.


Feb 6, 2022
i've only had a chance to ride it behind where i work we its mostly one flat dirt area a much larger flat mostly empty parking lot with a large drainage pit between them providing a five foot 65-80 degree jump face sort've like a table top with the worlds longest plateau. theres like 5 or 6 decent rutts everybody's made during their approach but the last time we rode there after work our course had us running perpindicular to those ruts and it didnt seem to phase it. Wouldn't the float level being out of spec cause a wider envelope of stalling? I'll check Tuesday but i'd think between four mechanics (i just uncrate and assemble the new units and occasionally work on the turd units nobody wants to touch) at least one of them would've suggested that. You may be right but its just really hard to imagine that there wouldn't be other symptoms of the float being out of spec such as leakage, flooding, gas making its way into the oil. other but stranger things have happened.... just not to me. Perhaps its my turn. Im starting to think it could be my kanoodeler valve haha.
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