
Jul 25, 2005
hey i have a 220 and i need a jetting suggestion and from experience i hope. 220 going to put a rev pipe on a boyessen power reeds , turbine core 2 spark arrestor, modified airbox lid. and i will be running from 1000 to 6000 feet most of the time. thanks :)


May 23, 2004
By doing this you will be leaning the bike out with the pipe and airbox , but then richening it with the reeds...but if the jetting is stock now , it would be a tad rich to begin with , so as i did pretty much the same as you ,except i put on a power core 2 , not a turbine ,this for me brought the bike in close. What i did do was , change the needle clip one postion leaner. This was good till i did the RB carb and its a rocket ! By the way ,i run around the same elavation as you. Good luck and good riding
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