Jumping the overpasses........

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
I'm 47 years old, and I've had this sickness for 35 years! It's in my blood, it won't go away, it's misery......and misery loves company........do you relate?
When I drive down the highway, I imagine riding down the shoulder, landing all the overpasses perfectly on the downside. I ride down the shoulder, getting the front-end up for the ditches.....then a sudden culvert, I feel the pain! I see the pine forests and want to attack them with my ribbon, chainsaw and machete.......Oh......... it haunts me!
I must go cut the grass now. I'll warm up the mower, clean-out the motor, time the start perfectly, brake late for the corners, get the front-end light for the bumps.........MAKE IT STOP!!!

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
One more thing.......if the highway dept. is going to insist on these guard-rails along the overpasses, the least they can do is post some "dangers." I will leave now...


Apr 4, 2005
2-Strokes 4-ever said:
One more thing.......if the highway dept. is going to insist on these guard-rails along the overpasses, the least they can do is post some "dangers." I will leave now...

lol! :)

I'm thinking we all look at something and think it'd be a fun place to ride.

At work I'm always wishing I could jump the tee boxes or ride wheelies down the fairway.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
when you get your hair cut to maximize helmet fit
when you make engine sounds in your sleep
when you sit on your bike in the garage and make engine noises when you can't ride it
when you wake up in a cold sweat, screaming after you dream your bike was stolen
when you have the dealership's number on speed dial
when you judge the steepness of hills by what gear you could climb it in
when all your clothes smell like race gas and castor oil
when you judge distance by whether or not you could jump it
when you drive down the freeway with your helmet on!
when your bike is worth more than your vehicle
when u have 10,000 posts on DRN
when u skip work, easter dinner, and GF birthday to go riding.
when you start your bike before you go to work just to hear it
when you rip up your lawn trying out new parts
when u collect coke cans to afford new parts
-when you cant see your floor because all your gear magizines parts boxes etc. are on the floor
when u read the same catalog evert day and write down the things you want and how your gonna pay for them
when you annoy your coworkers all day about how to attack the double at the local spot
whenyou ask the boss if he wants to drag after work
when you polish parts every day even though they dont need to be polish.
when you go throught 5 cans of mothers every month.
when you buy your new top end, THEN you try to figure out how you're gonna pay rent...
when you call in sick so you can work on your bike and get it ready to race this weekend.
when you have dogs by the name of Thor and vforce
when you practice freestyle on a trampoline with a pair of old renthals
When you use your tractor more for building jumps than mowing your 12 acres
When people you don't know call you up and ask for tech help on the phone
When you follow the UPS truck all day untill it stops at your house because you are waiting on parts.
When you use members on DRN screennames to friends in a conversation and they look at you like your crazy
when you siphen gas out of your vehicle and put it in the bike
when your girlfriend needs a birthday present but you spend your money on parts for your bike
when you actually fantisize about the dunes
when you engage in fits of rage when somehow your neighbor received his copy of MXA before you

thats when you have SICKNESS :)
Last edited:

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
AssistSuper said:
lol! :)

I'm thinking we all look at something and think it'd be a fun place to ride.

At work I'm always wishing I could jump the tee boxes or ride wheelies down the fairway.

And naturally this would be best achieved on a KX500 WITH a paddle tire......Duh


Feb 16, 2001
I picture myself going down the highway weed-whipping the fence line.


Nov 4, 2005
LMFAO!!!! :laugh:


2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
ellandoh said:
when you practice freestyle on a trampoline with a pair of old renthals

No big suprise here.......every doctor insists on a good cardio workout at least 3 times a week. And the metal rim around the tramp. can be brutal on the fingers, I play it safe and run barkbusters.


Feb 3, 2004
I have always fantasized about the overpasses. It usually ends when my wife says, "Have you heard a word I said?!"


Apr 9, 2003
I HATE golfcourses. I get roadrage when i drive by them. Theres 3 of them in my little crap town. 3 golf courses!!! You could be riding on them, then there wouldn't be kids riding down the raods or on private property!!! Three stupid golf courses, and the population is proabably only 500, counting the cattle!! Oh, and another way to tell that you're obsessed, and to immediatly find others who are, go to Wal*Mart, and see how many people put two fingers out on the smaller bar of the shopping cart, grabbing the "clutch" and "brake", the same people who shop by, "picking a line" and "keeping their elbows out" , I'm know i'm not the only one, but what gets scary is when you actaully forget, and start to apply pressure to your "clutch" and "brake".....


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
When you cross a rough section of railroad tracks and you pull up on the steering wheel
When you look for berms to hit when making turns on the road


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
RM_guy said:
When you cross a rough section of railroad tracks and you pull up on the steering wheel
When you look for berms to hit when making turns on the road

Or stick your right leg over the transmission hump in a long sweeping right hand turn. ;)

I grew up on a farm in KS. Some of the first jumps I every tried were driveway approaches off the highway my folks live on. I got to the point on the driveway approach at the farm that I would time my take off to on coming traffic and hit the jump right when the vehicles would go by the driveway. :aj:

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
pyrofreak said:
go to Wal*Mart, and see how many people put two fingers out on the smaller bar of the shopping cart, grabbing the "clutch" and "brake", the same people who shop by, "picking a line" and "keeping their elbows out"

BE CAREFUL...with those pull right-pull left shopping carts you really need to get your weight rearward in the straights.


Aug 8, 2000
Whenever I go grocery shopping my room-mate thinks I'm strange cause I always have two fingers 'on the clutch' and two 'on the brake going into corners.' It's become habit for me now.


Feb 16, 2001
As a matter of fact I was at Target today doing stoppies with my shopping cart center aisle.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
When your 3 year old niece tells your brother "go ahead and go too dinner, i will meet you there, i will ride my motocykewl there" :) :) Shes got it :) :cool:


Jul 20, 2004

Turned 33 yesterday and I've had this illness since I was in grade school. Whenever I was riding in a car with my parents, I always passed the time envisioning my self riding at the same speed alongside the road or insterstate, picking what line I would be riding and how I would jump what, etc. I still do it to this day. I hope there is no cure.


Feb 22, 2005
I am glad to hear that I am not the only "grown up" that does the fantasy motorcycle along side the car thing.

My wife gets mad when I race the shopping cart with my 1 year in it.


Mar 24, 2004

I do the exact same thing, and have been since I was 8 or so... still do when I'm a pasaanger... You should see the exit ramp gaps here in the desert, kinda burley but could defently be done! four lanes, with center lane and with huge take off and landing, a good 70 foot gap! I just worked my way up to jumping flood control levees in the dez, super fun! but one day I want to hit one of them things, they are perfect set ups in the desert


Apr 4, 2005
Lmao, and I thought I was one of the only ones that did that!

I've done that ever since I was a little kid racing BMX.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
My 16 year old son has the sickness too. He's been riding for quite a few years. When he first got his drivers liscence, and driving a stick-shift, I found him "feeding" the clutch rather than down-shifting on the up-hills. Luckily I caught it, which saved having to install a new clutch. Thank you Gary Bailey's MX School. He still wants to keep his elbows up when on the steering wheel too.....I guess I've messed him up for life, and I feel for his future wife.


Mar 24, 2005
RM_guy said:
When you cross a rough section of railroad tracks and you pull up on the steering wheel
When you look for berms to hit when making turns on the road

I do the same. Anytime I cross long bridges with those expansion rubber joints I pull up on my steering wheel and step down some more gas into the engine of my truck.
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