Here's my take on the Holidays.
During the holidays, I don't get all emotional and start feeling thankfull for all the great things in life. I don't suck up to the rest of my family and tell them how lucky I am for having them.
Oh my! How terrible of me, right? WRONG!! Considering that I feel thankful for the things I have in life, and stay close with my family all year long. I don't need a holiday for all that.
By the way, don't bother calling family that you never talk to the rest of the year just because its Christmas. How stupid can you possibly be?
And no I'm not going to try and constantly be in a happy-go-lucky good mood just because its the holidays. I really don't care what time of year it is....I can still be pissed off, so take a walk fo' I give ya five across the eyes.
I also hate when people act like they're concerned about people who are worse off than them (homeless, poor, etc.) around the holiday season. There are people in poverty year 'round. Don't put on an act to make yourself look like you're some kind of goddam savior.
"'Tis the season!" If I hear this one more time.........:debil:
And for god sakes stop talking about how you hate the holidays because of its effect on your bank account. Here try this out: If you can't afford it, don't buy it!! WOW! Whatta concept! If you can't afford to by gifts for ever last distant relative you have, then don't! Simple, huh? Think about you really need to go into debt just so your snot-nosed sniveling brat can be the first kid on the block with an X-Box?
And another thing.......we REALLY don't need a Christmas card from you with a big, fat, incredibly boring letter about how great everything is going for you and your family. So don't waste the paper, printer ink, stamp and envelope. Chances are I won't even read it anyway, it'll just get tossed in the garbage as soon as I see the flood of drivel you've managed to piss away your time creating trying to brag on yourself.
If you're gonna do your christmas shopping.......8pm on December 24 is NOT the best time to take care of it. Good lord haven't you figured this out by now?!?!? On the other hand, it is kinda fun to stand back and observe the scene on a busy day at Wal-Mart. Works as a pretty good self-esteem booster.
And to hell with every single department store than just couldn't wait at least until Thanksgiving was over to put up Christmas decorations! :mad: