Just wondering


Jan 6, 2001
Originally posted by Jaybird
Lighten up and enjoy life, Ken! :)

Jaybird, No need to "lighten up" I enjoy life more than most people (I think). There's just a few little things that bug me about it (like Holidays and Birthdays). I have a hard time going along with certain things in life that I'm forced to go along with that just don't make any sense to me.

OLD What do you mean OLD? I'm way to young (at heart) to be old. LOL!!!

It's a wonderful life is a great movie (IMO) also I really dig hearing a good remake of a classic Christmas tune.

Let me ask all of you guys this (putting aside the Philosophical differences we have) How many people even think about the birth or Christ over the Holidays?


Sep 3, 2001
I go to church every Christmas, which usually provokes thought about that type of thing, as it's rare to catch me going to church the rest of the year, (this has nothing to do with my beliefs, or a lack therof, I just don't feel it necessary to go to church to be religious)


Boss's Lil' Sis
Sep 12, 2001
I think about it alot. It is the reason for the season.

Yes, the stress is there... did I buy the perfect gift? Is it the right size? Then comes the money stress... I spent how much? But, then there is joy of seeing your friends and family opening that gift you spent so much time to find. But the best part for me is a tradition in my family.... "The envelope in the tree". Every year, I take some of the money I have set aside for presents and donate it to a worthy charity in the name of my family and I find or write a stroy of hope, love and the true meaning of Christmas to go with it. It helps us all to put the reason for the season back in our heads and realize how fortunate we are. Maybe I am a kid at heart but I love Christmas!


Sep 9, 2001
I love Christmas - it brings back that nostalgiac feeling from when I was a kid waking up and running into the living room to see what there was.. family, presents, stockings, hot chocolate, candycanes, warm fire, the smell of the fresh cut Christmas tree... It's the one day of the year my whole family sits around in the living room in their pajamas with the TV off, talking, joking, laughing and just having a good time. It's not as important to me now because I'm older but that same magic is coming back to life in my newborn son.. I look forward to his expressions and reactions to Christmas morning as he gets older.. and I look forward to teaching him why we celebrate the day.

I hate commericialism - Businesses ruin all holidays by over advertising.. just go into any store after Halloween (mentioned earlier) and you will already see the Christmas decorations and ads for the Christmas gifts - you will also hear the Christmas carols ringing through the aisles... by the time Christmas comes you feel like if you hear another Christmas song you'll choke the person singing it.. and those damn bell ringers at the front of the store.. Really there should be a law!!!!

If you can get past all the nonsense - not go broke - not gain 20 pounds Christmas should be a wonderful time for everyone.

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000

That's me, til about 2 days before, then I get the Christmas spirit.
I enjoy it more now with the kids, especially my 2yr/old.


Nov 10, 2000
What is it that you hate about Christmas?

True the idea of buying presents for people you only see once or twice a year seems ludicrous, but other than that what is it? Is it thinking about God, Santa, or others less fortunate. Maybe it's thinking, or helping, someone who can't afford food or clothing for themselves or their family, muchless a motorcycle.

I am fed up with the constant push to "buy, buy, buy" also, but in light of what happened on 9-11, I would think that this year, at least, we would all slow down at the holidays and realize that life can change so quickly that maybe we should "count our blessings" more often. One day you're planning where you're going riding and the next you're planning/attending a funeral for someone you love. ( clunk - sound of me getting off of my soapbox )

re: KX Ken
My family always attends a Christmas Eve service from 11:00PM - Midnight, kids get in bed around 12:30 - one of the best days of the year.:D


Sep 9, 2001
I hate Christmas. Always have.
Sad childhood? :p

The only thing I hate more is the stupid idea you have to celebrate a Birthday.
You don't have kids yourself and therefore can't appreciate what a birthday means.. it's a celebration of that person 'being'.

I like Thanksgiving
Everyone loves Turkey.. some just like it more than others..

Truespode, who do you thank at Thanksgiving?
The person who cooked the Turkey.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Ivan, after your intital post my first thought was, how sad is that., Then you post the following;

Honestly, I am thankful that I live in this country.

For me, Thanksgiving is a day of remembrance for ALL that has given so much to society. It isn't a day just for veterans or a day just for Christians or a day just for Jews or a day just for bosses. It is a day for all and it is a day to remember that your life is as good as anyone elses.

My wife loves Christmas and I honor the holiday out of my love for her

I like to buy things for people and help out. I just don't see the reason that I should do it on Dec 25 when there are 364 perfectly good days that I can do the same thing.

You're not alone.

I do enjoy the season, the cold,the snow,the rain,a ragging fire,people stopping by, kids flipping out because Christmas is coming. It's all good


Sep 9, 2001
Really Ivan I was just picking on you and trying to have a little fun being the devils advocate - You make it so easy because your 'special'.

Sorry to get emotional on ya..

God bless us every one. Even you Ivan.


May 29, 2001
Well my goodness!

Such a ruckcuss.

I enjoy Christmas for the memories of Christmas past. This year I remember the holiday lights, the time we took our kitty with us to see the lights. Don't do that and if you do bring a harness so they can go poo. Nothing like trying to keep an eye on a curious cat.

This will be my first Christmas alone without a significant other. Sometimes it seems like its going to be OK, others not. He had proposed on Christmas eve. Not likely to be a fun night. But none the less I will make it through. I can make new memories. I have much to be thankful for. I have an entire new group of friends who care about me and rather spend it with them than someone whose heart just isn't in it.

Its the good memories you need to remember. Gifts are superficial and I think anyone worth knowing or having in your life already knows it. Besides I'm spending all my money on presents for a certain little XR and Cub. Call me crazy they deserve it most of all. Who else is gonna let you throw them down only to be to eager to do it again?

Everyone have your own style of a Merry Christmas!

Of course a Happy New Year :p :p :p :p


Jun 16, 1999
Here's my take on the Holidays.

During the holidays, I don't get all emotional and start feeling thankfull for all the great things in life. I don't suck up to the rest of my family and tell them how lucky I am for having them.

Oh my! How terrible of me, right? WRONG!! Considering that I feel thankful for the things I have in life, and stay close with my family all year long. I don't need a holiday for all that.

By the way, don't bother calling family that you never talk to the rest of the year just because its Christmas. How stupid can you possibly be?

And no I'm not going to try and constantly be in a happy-go-lucky good mood just because its the holidays. I really don't care what time of year it is....I can still be pissed off, so take a walk fo' I give ya five across the eyes.

I also hate when people act like they're concerned about people who are worse off than them (homeless, poor, etc.) around the holiday season. There are people in poverty year 'round. Don't put on an act to make yourself look like you're some kind of goddam savior.

"'Tis the season!" If I hear this one more time.........:debil:

And for god sakes stop talking about how you hate the holidays because of its effect on your bank account. Here try this out: If you can't afford it, don't buy it!! WOW! Whatta concept! If you can't afford to by gifts for ever last distant relative you have, then don't! Simple, huh? Think about it....do you really need to go into debt just so your snot-nosed sniveling brat can be the first kid on the block with an X-Box?

And another thing.......we REALLY don't need a Christmas card from you with a big, fat, incredibly boring letter about how great everything is going for you and your family. So don't waste the paper, printer ink, stamp and envelope. Chances are I won't even read it anyway, it'll just get tossed in the garbage as soon as I see the flood of drivel you've managed to piss away your time creating trying to brag on yourself.

If you're gonna do your christmas shopping.......8pm on December 24 is NOT the best time to take care of it. Good lord haven't you figured this out by now?!?!? On the other hand, it is kinda fun to stand back and observe the scene on a busy day at Wal-Mart. Works as a pretty good self-esteem booster.

And to hell with every single department store than just couldn't wait at least until Thanksgiving was over to put up Christmas decorations! :mad:



Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000

Ivan, sometimes I wonder if we were separated at birth. You scare me.

Big Bore, it's gonna be OK, man. Just back away from the ledge....;)


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
OK, now you're REALLY scaring me. :silly: Please bring your wife...and a chastity belt.

I'm thinking about hitting the Santa Claus HS. Will I need barkbusters? Or....Bremen is having open practice that day, and they're actually going to prep the track first. Decisions, decisions....
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2001

Whether I like Christmas depends on whether I get a new 2002 bike under the tree or not. Im not holding my breadth.

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
After Big Bore's post, I just thought I was a Scrooge!

Hell, Ivan even seems to have the Christmas spirit after that.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Your wife is for you. The chastity belt is for ME. Sometimes I sleep on my stomach. :scream:

Where is Aonia? I've heard a lot about it, but I haven't been there.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
We recently quit exchanging gifts. It's just too freaking expensive. And no one really cares about "getting" anyway. The stress I used to experience at Christmas is all gone now!

However, when I was a kid, Christmas was incredible. Both my parents were extremely poor when they were young, so obviously they over compensated a few times. I remember one year when we could hardly walk through the living room for all the gifts crammed in there. It was absurd. :) I only wish all kids could experience that just once.

As an adult, I think I have a pretty healthy perspective. I love giving, hate getting. But most of all, I love being with family. Each year, it seems we adopt a new person into our family. We have two girls who don't have families coming each year now. It's the coolest thing, to share what we have with them. And I don't mean the presents, although we make sure that they got spoiled a little the first year, too.

So Ivan, KXKen, JP- Merry Christmas to you guys. I hope you get all the lovin' you can handle this year! XOXOXO


Aug 13, 1999
We started a new tradition in my family a few years ago. Instead of exchanging gifts, everyone brings one gift and puts it in a pile. We draw numbers and the lowest number goes first, selecting whichever gift catches their eye.

The next number can pick from the pile or take the gift from the previous gift pickers. If you're gift gets snagged, you pick from the pile again. This goes on until everyone gets a gift. It usually results in several attempts to conceal the really good gifts (usually the bottle of whisky my grandmother snags) and some people getting stuck with Chia Pets but it is always a fun time.

I'm with Zio, hope you guys DO get all the lovin' you can handle.
:) Youch, just caught Ivan's post - make that all the lovin from ZIO you guys can handle!!! :scream:


Nov 10, 2000
Good point, there are 365 days a year if you want to help somebody.

Wow, Lots of hostility. Some of you guys must work for the post office!

One word - Decaf.
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