KDX 250 for off road fun?


Feb 13, 2005
Hi I am new at this forum I've been reading some of the topics, but I'would like to know how fun is it to ride a KDX 250 off road. Is it esay handling, nice engine response, what about maintenance and up grades are they esay on this bike. My last question when was the last KDX 250 manufactured

Than you
Juan Pablo


Jul 20, 2004
I rode a KDX250 most of last year and all the year before. The engine response and power is great for off-road (trail) riding. I don't know the last year of MFG, but I was riding a '91. Now I have the choice of riding the KDX250 or a KDX220, and I've been riding the 220 ever since mid-last year. I had a lot of fun on the 250 and thought it handled fine until I started riding the 220 which is quite a bit lighter ('00 model year). So, even if the 250 had more power, I just prefer the 220 which has plenty and is a bit lighter and easier to ride. All that said, if you have a great deal on the 250, go for it because it is a great trail bike and you'll be amazed at how well it does. It's very capble and fun, its just not the lightest bike out there.
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