KDX stolen, signing off


Apr 3, 2002
My 2002 KDX200 was stolen on the night of 5-19-03 along with my kids two '03 KX65's and a '02 TTR125L. I think my insurance is going to treat me ok, but , (gasp!) I may be replacing my KDX with orange, as in a 300mxc or exc.
You guys have been great, thanks for all the info, and I really will always love KDX's.
So long!


Mar 3, 2003
DIRTY F$#*&N ROTTEN MONGEL DOG *******S. I had my 00 YZ 125 stolen last year. Until it happens to YOU there is no way to explain the feeling. It plain SUCK ASS. My heart goes out to the kiddies. GOODLUCK & I hope it all works out well in the end....Sorry to hear u go...


May 2, 2002
Gosh Dawg! Sorry to hear that dmcc. Those creeps must of known exactly what they were doing! They must of had a trailer ready or something in order to haul off 4 bikes! Best of luck with the insurance company.

BTW, a riding buddy of mine has a 02 300 EXC. I've ridden it a couple of times. It's scary fast! A whole lot different then my 220.



Jan 23, 2003
Hope you have good luck with the insurance. One last comment regarding going orange, YOU'RE STILL A YOUNG MAN, DON'T DO IT!!!! (just kidding)


Feb 22, 2003
Hey DMCC, I can relate to your troubles, only it sounds like you got it four times as bad. On 5/3/03, I had my 2003 KDX 220 stolen right out of the back of the truck at a local race. It doesn't appear that my insurance is going to cover it though. We had hoped since it was stolen out of a vehicle, the auto insurance would cover it, but they are saying no. I guess, I'm screwed. I am going to be stuck paying for a bike, I no longer have. I am just a novice rider, but trail riding and an occasional race just for fun is my passion. I have been so looking forward to bringing up my son trail riding just as my father did with me. Now this low life scum has taken it away. Hopefully, I will be able to rearrange my finances enough that I can replace my KDX. You know, Kay Dee Exer, really hit it right on the head when he said you don't know how it feels until it happens to you. That's so true, it's the most sickening feeling in the world. What hurt the most though was when my four year old son said, "Daddy, now you can't take me for rides anymore." We go to the races as a family event. We enjoy the race and don't bother anyone. How this scum bag can do such a thing is beyond me. If there's any justice in the world --it would be that whoever stole my bike would break their neck riding it.


Jul 18, 2001
I feel bad for those who lost there bikes. All I can say is the jerks that stole your bikes will pay, karma has a funny way with things. I am not saying it was your karma that got your bike stolen, but free will. Best Wishes.


Aug 23, 2002
dmcc--4 bikes, wow..that's tough

i had my ttr-225 stolen..although not a supercross bike, it was still my bike and new one at that. I tried to console myself, by saying. "well, at least they didn't tear anything up on it for me to fix, they just *uc*ing took it!!!"

but i'm riding the green now, although it's old green it's still fun!


Jul 29, 2000
South America
Yeah I had my first bike (Penton 125) stolen and I was devastated.
Now I always put a disc lock on my bike when I leave it, no matter what.
You can get one from www.mxsouth.com just email Jeff.
Stolen bikes should be reported at http://www.dirtbikedatabase.com/ and if you are thinking about buying a used bike then check at that web site to see if it's listed as stolen.
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