
Jul 18, 2007
Not looking to set a record, just checking what the range is going to be. My GPS said 63mph, but I didn't go much past half throttle, just don't like to wind it all the way up, I prefer to keep a little in reserve if needed. Anyways, I am running stock gearing, FMF fatty, torque reeds, removed intake cover with appropriate jetting. Haven't fouled a plug in 200 miles of riding, yet still getting some sludge escaping around the exhaust pipe so I figure I'm doing something right. Always starts by the 3rd kick even when cold (40 deg) with the choke, and 1st kick or less when warm.

Mainly I just want to see what to expect, it seems slow compared to what I think it should go and I started wondering if something had prevented me from shifting up to the top gear. Any ideas, or is 60-70mph an appropriate top speed for a 94 kdx? The other thing is in the past when I have shifted to my top gear it always seemed like the ratio was a little wider at that point and I didn't notice it this last time when I was in a hurry to get back from riding.


John Harris

Apr 15, 2002
Review some of the old threads on here. Remember KDX not made for top speed. My memory not the best, but 70 or low 70s is about max for a stock or semi stock KDX 200. You will run out of revs or torque or something with only 200ccs of two stroke about 70. Be careful to not seize slowing down from speed with a closed throttle. John

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