KDX200 vs KDX220


Mar 27, 2002
I know ,,,I know big difference.
I own a '90 KDX200 and have the opportunity to purchase a new out-o-the box bone stock 220R.
My 200 is mod'd with pipe,silencer,reeds,air box lid removed with jetting to match( well almost), torque ring and reed spacers. The 200 pulls great down low,great for 3/4 on but is still too snappy in the mid range...anyway I feel it's time to upgrade and just want to know the differnce between the two bikes besides the obvious.
The 200 is more of a MX'r and I'm looking for a tamer woods bike.
I know I can indeed d-tune the 200 but the price on the 220 is worthwhile looking into

will the 220R meet my woodsy needs...I really want more bottom end, a more linear mid section and something that will tame the tight woods..umm,umm. Yes the 200 will get me through but like I said,,,it's time for a new.
Thanks much


Mar 27, 2002
Thanks for the link.
any personal opinions to share???? anyone???


Mar 27, 2002
Fatty_K...how do you'r KDX's compare..


Jul 3, 2001
Well, the 91 200 is bone stock and my 98 220 is modified with a FMF pipe and silencer,RAD valve etc. The 200 pulls strong but peters out at high rpms. My 220 wheelies everywhere in the powerband and has a strong bottom-mid but it also falls a bit flat on top. The 200 is much wider as it is an older model with a big wide tank and shrouds. Over all, I feel the 200 is much more mellow and perfect for putting around trails, while the 220 likes to be chugged up hills and ridden in the lower rpms fast and aggresive. Just snap the throttle and it lofts the front wheel while the 200 takes some encouragement to get the wheel up. I still need to do some jetting work on the 200 as it is running pretty rich, but I havnt had time to go and do some jetting.


Mar 27, 2002
Thanks fatty_k.
I have a mod'fied 200 and still find it trickie to get the front end off the ground.( I'm sure it's just my poor riding abilities). I am still a tad too lean in the mid throttle postion. Running a little fatter in the mid should clear that up.
Pretty sure I'll grab the 220.It's price, for a new bike, is with-in my budget. I've also considered the WR250. I could get into a 4-stroke as well but.........A bit too expensive and I fear the hardships of starting the thumper. Plus it sits nearly 3" taller..For a wee-little man ,,,,3" makes a huge difference when in the tight woods.
Thanks for the info
any more info is appreciated.
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