KX100 bogging


Aug 17, 2003
The other day I took off the carb on my 2001 KX100 to clean the outside of it. After I cleaned it, I put it back on and started the bike. The bike barely idled and after a few seconds, it bogged and died. So today I took off the carb and blew all the jets and stuff out with carb cleaner. Then I put it back on the bike and it idled better but when I went to go ride it, it has a low, choppy exhaust note and it feels like its bogged the whole time i'm riding it. I have no idea what is going wrong with it :bang:.


May 3, 2001
Sounds like you either got some dirt in it from that first cleaning or knocked the float out of adjustment. Hate to say it, but you need to take it off again, clean it out really, really good (make sure you're not forcing some dirt into a different place), then blow everything out with compressed air. It's best to remove the slide, jets, airscrew, etc. to ensure all the dirt is out of those areas. Once that's done, reset the float level to factory specs and button it back up, reinstall, and readjust air screw and idle speed.

It goes without saying that your airfilter should be clean and re-oiled (not too much!) for best results.
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