Lawrnence and Hill Apoligizing to Fans


It's all about the dirt..
Nov 20, 2001
I've seen a couple statements on different sites that state that Hill and Lawrence apoligized to the fans for what they've been doing at the races... Alright, how about clueing us in on what they did? Anyone happen to know what the apoligies are for?


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
June 12, 2008
Yamaha regrets the recent actions of Josh Hill and Jason Lawrence
- press release -

Cypress California, June 12, 2008 –Yamaha Motor Corp. regrets the recent actions of Yamaha of Troy rider Jason Lawrence and Yamaha Factory Rider Josh Hill during the Freestone National in Wortham, Texas on June 9, 2008.

Yamaha’s Race Team has already implemented short term actions and is creating a long term plan to discourage these types of incidents in the future.

Josh Hill had this to say about this past weekend events, “I regret everything that happened off the track at the Freestone National. I embarrassed my family, myself and Yamaha.
I hope I can turn this whole situation into a positive and look forward to the future”.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Lawrence is a pud.

Both he and Hill need to get haircuts, fix their ball caps, and pull up their pants.

dang kids these days :|


Now that I think about it, the AMA has black flagged guys for having the wrong color number on their jerseys and for wearing a cape (which should be allowed no matter what because, for cripes sake, it's a cape!), yet they've nothing to say about this? Sure this didn't happen during an actual race, but they are at a sanctioned event.

double standard, anyone?

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
IndyMX said:
I've never liked Lawrence..
Ditto. He needs a good spanking.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
AMA Racing levies fines against Motocross riders Jason Lawrence and Josh Hill
PICKERINGTON, Ohio-The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) issued separate penalties today to professional motocross riders Jason Lawrence and Josh Hill for off-track activities detrimental to the sport at last weekend's AMA Toyota Motocross Championship Presented by FMF at Freestone County Raceway in Wortham, Texas, June 7-8.

"AMA Racing conducted an investigation on the reported incidents involving each rider at the event," said AMA Director of Motocross/Supercross/ATV Ryan Holliday. "It was determined that unacceptable behavior detrimental to the sport had occurred, and that the professionalism and the integrity of the series and its promoters had been severely compromised."

The nature of Lawrence's and Hill's offenses have been reported elsewhere in the media.

Lawrence and Hill have each been fined $25,000 by the AMA, payment for which will be suspended contingent upon the successful completion of a one-year probation period with no further offenses. If either rider is involved in any disciplinary action during the next 12 months, the suspended fine would be enforced, as well as the second offense penalty. In addition, further disciplinary action will be considered, including the suspension or loss of license from AMA competition.

The riders were notified of the penalties on June 12, 2008.


May 10, 2007
So they got a fine they don't have to pay?????? I can't imagine this is the first time these knuckleheads have made a spectacle of themselves. They should have to pay it no matter what. I don't think there should even be a second offense penalty, their license should be pulled for a year after the second offense. Make room for one of the responsible kids who are busting thier ass to get somewhere in the sport!

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Let's recap:

Make a drunken spectacle of yourself, do a bunch of property damage, and endanger a bunch of people. If I did that, an AMA fine would be the least of my worries, as I would be preparing for my criminal trial.

But a factory rider can do all that and not even get booked by local law enforcement. And their only punishment is a suspended sentence from the AMA? Good to know.

While the $25,000 future fine sounds like a lot, keep in mind that if Hill or JLaw do get fined and/or kicked off the AMA circuit, they will be instant celebrities on the FMX circus, and will get that $25,000 back many times over by exploiting their bad boy image.

OK, they would lose their factory salary, but some company would still pony up some green, and they would not have to do any stinking 30 + 2 motos.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Man, motocross sure has changed. It used to be that that kind of stuff was standard fare and it added to the excitement of the sport. Between the aggressive racing and off track antics in the past I used to enjoy it. I watch the races now and they are just boring with hardly any real battles.

I'm not condoning what Lawrence and Hill did but to some extent it takes me back to fringe and tough part of MX that I grew up with. Motocross is becoming to big and commercial and is loosing the part that made it great. Everyone wants it to ge bigger and more mainstream but be careful what you ask for.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I despise JL, Hill is young, well they both are. The power to be goes and books a rock band to play Saturday night. They were not worried something was going to happen. There is a reason that Redbud did not schedule Linkin park to play there also, been there done that. Roll over cars, yes. Do not even bring up some of the pot parties the pros used to ritualize before a moto. If they got top 5 nobody said anything. Well, they finished outside the top. JL almost made it a year without issue, yamaha should be looking for new blood. They do have random drug testing, don't they?

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Factory riders trashing rental cars and young men doing stupid things are indeed time honored traditions. But IMO those are not the things that make motocross great.

The riders get paid alot more now than they used to make back in the day. With the money comes responsibility. If sponsors are willing to give you big bucks, you are representing them 24/7 and are held to a higher standard.

If Hill and JLaw can't handle being held to a higher standard than a typical 18 - 21 year old young man, they can walk away any time. Their slot will be filled by someone who is willing to make the necessary sacrifices for a once in a lifetime opportunity to make boat loads of money racing a factory Yamaha.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
No, it wasn't all of the stupid stuff that made MX great but it was more the attitude of the whole scene. The wild and crazy, win at any cost, on the edge, risk taking, etc approach to it was exciting. There were guys that took no prisoners and the fans loved it. Also there wasn't a lot of money in the sport and the reason guys (and gals) raced was because the really wanted to and they really hung it out to do well.

Yeah today's riders get paid more and I would expect sponsors to hold them to a higher standard but maybe they are expected too much. MX came from a wild time and that part of it is still in our blood so to expect that some craziness isn't going to surface from time to time is unrealistic. IMO, MX is getting too big and I don't like it.

I guess it's my disgust for the wholesale commercialization of so many things today, but that's for another discussion. And I'd like to add that I want 2 strokes back ;)


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
I've seen this discussion before where everyone wants to make Lawrence the new Bob Hannah. Bottomline is Hannah went out and won on Sunday after acting like a dill hole on Saturday, not roll around because he's hungover.


Aug 8, 2000
Was JL drunk when he rolled the car? If so, that's unacceptable. D U I.

If a rider trashes a rental car, no biggie. Boys will be boys (hell, we had a great time in Chile with the rental vehicles). I do have issues with drunk driving, endangering other people and drinking while on the job (let's face it, riders are working all weekend at the races).


Jan 27, 2000

I know what you mean RM_guy. :cool: Those guys learned it from us flattrack guys. I've seen more upside-down and floating rent-a-cars than you would believe. :ohmy: Even responsible for a couple of them myself. Not that I'm proud of that. ;)

Of course things were different in those days. People didn't have cell phones to take your picture and your antics didn't wind up on YouTube the next day. There is a lot of pressure in pro racing and different people relieve that pressure in different ways. Some drink, some turn to drugs, some go out and wad up a rent-a-car. Given the choice I would pick the rent-a-car.

It was incredibly stupid for them to do that so close to people in a camping area but I doubt it will change Lawerence's attitude much. He is just coming off of probation and it's not really a fine if they don't have to pay it.

Some day I'll tell ya about what happens when you try to squeeze a rent-a-car through the pier at Daytona Beach or the one about the Ford Pinto with five mechanics inside on the high banks of Teledaga. :yikes: :rotfl:

Carry on.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I understand where you're coming from about the history of the sport, and the downside of commercialization. I'm realistic about not everyone being an angel, especially young guys with dangerous jobs and lots of pressure.

But if you get caught crossing the line, you got to pay the price.

Re: the Hannah rep, I've heard from a former support rider that Hannah basically had the other riders fooled into thinking he never worked out, that he was alway partying at the pool, etc... Actually, he was running his tail off solo before anyone else got up. Knowing they would follow his example, he was only too happy to keep the workouts on the down low. Head games from Hannah? Who knew? :laugh:

89r, Please tell us the one about Talladega! If you turned out to be a respectable member of society, maybe there is hope for JLaw. :p


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Yeah, technology has really made it hard to cut it loose. Damn that YouTube :laugh: BTW, I'm a hold out on getting a cell phone, hell, it took me a long time to even get a VCR! So if you want to try something when I'm around it will only be your word against mine :) Technology is something you just have to deal with but I'd rather not if I had my druthers.

Rent a Racers...let's see, there was my parents loaner car from the dealer that took a few trip around our local practice track. What's all this grass and mud packed up under the bumper??? I don't know. I think it was there when you picked up the car.

Then there were the 100 mph races to the race early Sunday mornings, with the bumper racks swaying around or the 3 rail trailer dancing back and forth.

Ahhh...the good times. I'm actually pretty lucky I'm still alive. Kids: Do Not Try This At Home. These hair brained stunts were preformed by a jackass in training.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
dirt bike dave said:
...But if you get caught crossing the line, you got to pay the price...

I personally paid the price many times and never expected to not face the consequences if (usually when...) I got caught. But I was raised to be personally responsible for what I did and there was high hell to be paid if I wasn't. Nowadays kids..and a lot of adults...think they can do what ever they want and not be held responsible.


Jan 27, 2000

First, I never claimed to be a respectable member of society but I'll let ya think that if you want. ;)

If you put five grown men in a Ford Pinto and try to run the high lane on the banking at Talladega, you can only get a couple of hundred yards into the corner before you start sliding down to the low lane. :yikes: It's a trick just to get five grown men into a Pinto in the first place. A Pinto taps out at around 90MPH, full speed, on a good day, with a tailwind. It takes about twice that speed just to stay in the high lane on the banking. Take a slightly worn Pinto and add five people and your top speed is somewhere around 80MPH.

Of course we had to try it. Scared the living crap out of all of us. We thought we were going to die as we were in a four-wheel drift sliding down to the low lane. So, we tried it three more times just to make sure it couldn't be done. It cant. :laugh:

Soon one of the track maintainance guys came out and parked his truck sideways across the track and pointed to the gate. We took that as an invitation to go somewhere else to play.

I'm not condoning this type of action, just saying it was different times. Most racers traveled back and forth across the country in vans. Slept in the vans in KOA campgrounds and snuck our bikes into motel rooms to work on them instead of in the rain in the parking lot. Those were great times and there was a lot of camaraderie. We were all friends, well most of us anyway, and we helped each other out. Today, the young riders show up at the tracks with their helmets and give each other the evil eye. They are all on little head trips. The bikes are already there ready to go. They don't have to work on them or transport them, just show up and ride. Many of them only want the big bucks contracts but are not willing to work for them. Lawerence is a prime example of that. He had one of the best trainers he could have had with Ryno. But Ryno made him work. Made him clean up his act. Got him winning races. Showed him how to win a chamionship. Then he fired Ryno.

You are dead on about Hannah Dave. Hannah worked his tail off. He worked harder at conditioning and training than almost anyone else at that time. He loved to portray the party guy and bad guy image but he was so far removed from that, most people wouldn't believe it. I've known Hannah since he was a little snot-nosed-kid running around his uncle Mel's place out at Bean Canyon on a mini bike. Watched him grow into a serious racer. A lot of people didn't like him because of his mouth. He was able to demoralize his competition before the gate even dropped. And after the gate dropped he was able to back up his mouth. It was all part of his game and it worked for him. Hannah figured out the mental part of racing and used it to his full advantage.

I don' see the same future for Lawerence. Lawerence doesn't have the work ethic. Even though he won a lites championship I think it will be his last. There are several riders that won a 125 championship and went on to fizzle out in the big boys class. If the AMA had any balls at all they would have imposed a real fine and made him pay it. Now it's up to the team to make an impression on him.

Next time I'll tell ya the one about the narrow pier at Daytona Beach and the rent-a-racer without door handles and chrome strips. Did you know a full sized Ford four door sedan will actually float. :laugh:


May 10, 2007
:cool: Times sure are different now.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
G with an O, O with a D, T with an I, M with an E...GOOD TIMES, oh yeah! Talking 'bout GOOD TIMES. I just wish my body could still take some of the good times :nod: :laugh:
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