Lighting Coil Performance Enhancement


Nov 18, 2002

You've posted before that your spark improved after you put in a aftermarket lighting coil. What did you observe happening? I installed a Moose High Output Lighting Coil (Electrek OEM) in my 89 this weekend and the motor seemed a little smoother and _much_ more stall resistant. I was lugging it way down, and it just pulled right out of it. I also dumped it a couple of times in the loose clay snot and it just kept running and running and... :-)


G. Gearloose

Pigment of ur imagination
Jul 24, 2000
Likely a modest change in timing from putting it all back together caused the change in performance.

Jim Crenca

Mar 18, 2001
Both CC and others (includin Fredette) have claimed better low end with high output lighting coil.
I don't think anybody has explained why.


Nov 18, 2002
Thanks Jim, thats what I was looking for. I didn't notice the high end being much if any different, but the low end was improved. I've still got to see what changing the timing to the 90-94 spec will do for the performance on my bike.



Oct 14, 1999
I don't have an explanation. FM when it comes to flux fields, magnetism and the movement of quarks. I have asked some that could know...but they didn't.

There is a reason I put any stock in the claim at all.

I put an Electrex coil in my bike to run an aftermarket twin-light shell. With no input from no one, my descriminating, scientific testing (seat-of-the-pants) showed a noticeable difference in lower end pull and smoothness (linearity)...exactly as you describe.

My riding buddy noticed the difference in my bike...and he wasn't even riding it. It was merely an observation on his part. THEN he jokingly made some comment along the line of, 'You finally figured it out!'. That a reference to my evidently figuring out what HE had done to his bike some time earlier to make it run so much better. He pointed to the LH cover.

Heck! I'm the one that put the coil in his bike!!!

I still didn't get it. I thought he had just noticed my Steahly FWW spacer...but that had been on my bike for some time. The simple replacement the light coil still didn't compute as a possibility.

I would have never understood what he was talking about...'cept he thought I had it figured, so he kind'a let the cat out of the bag.

That's when he told me Fredette had told him that the Electrex coil swap was a notable performance improvement.

There 'ya go. It's all anecdotal. I've referenced this more than a couple times on this board just to see if anyone would bite on it. Never got much of any response.

Fine. They won't ever know what they're missing.

Stator ring was not moved. No reason to think timing had anything to do with it. This may be an error in thinking on my part, but if sparky timing is going to change due to slop change on the reinstall of the flywheel.....well, that would take a whole lot more slop than I've ever seen in a woodruff key setup. You would be talking about fractions of a º...very small fractions at that.

Besides, I see no reason on this issue to disagree with Fredette's point of view.

Kind of like a lot of other things.

'No one' uses 20W oil in WERs (says WER). I do.

'No one' uses low tension reeds with lo tension stops. I do.

Anyone is welcome to argue anything to the contrary. That's fine with me. They are the ones that have to ride their bike....not me. ..and they don't get to ride mine, neither. ;)


Aug 16, 2004
I put a Moose (Electrex) in my bike. I did not notice any difference in the bikes power or the way it ran. Not saying you didn't, just saying I didn't.


Nov 18, 2002
Adam, i'm curious. Do you the stock jetting in your bike still? Any other mods? Possibly the effect is limited to the 200's?



Aug 16, 2004
My bike is stock and staying that way till I can get rid of the crack-prone piston. My jetting is stock, I just play with the air screw and needle clip position depending on temp. I ride to work pretty much everyday (dual sport kit), and weather can vary from 25 F to 70 F in the same week. It's easier to deal with rich jetting on a warm afternoon than it is to change jets on a frost covered morning.

Maybe if my bike were more finely tuned a change due to the lighting coil would have been noticed.
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