Linton, KY Riders Please Read!!!!!!


Jan 21, 2004
I rode Linton today and for the first time in 8 years of riding there, I was stopped by a uniformed Corps of Engineers Enforcement Officer. He was stopping everyone to warn them. If folks don't stay out of the farmer's fields at the parking area and stop other mischief, the Corps will soon close the Linton reserve to all off-road vehicles for good.

He said riders should park and immediately cross over Dry Creek at the Steel Bridge and not go upstream to cross by traveling through corn fields. He also said riders had vandalized all the old head stones at the Nunn/Sholar cemetery within the reserve this winter. That was another reason the Corps has just about had it. Why would any fool do that anyway??? I can't understand it. Once again, we are our own worst enemy.

If you ride Linton (and you know who you are) and enjoy it, please follow the advice of the Corps officer and take every opportunity to warn others of the impending loss of this precious resource when you see them riding inappropriately.

Many thanks.

Jerry :fft:


Jun 9, 1999
xrsonly said:
Why would any fool do that anyway???

Most likely those on 4-wheels.

Thanks for the heads-up. I ride Linton a couple times a year when the water is down. Of course, I heed the postings and stay out of the field.

If it weren't for Jessy Thomas, that place would have been closed years ago.


Jan 21, 2004
Yea, I'd say you're right. When I started riding Linton, bikes ruled & an ATV was not common. Now it's the other way around. And the ATV'ers seem to prefer running down saplings & enlarging mud holes rather than getting into the joy of being in the woods on a beautiful day with a fine bike under them. Guess I've lived too long.

Never heard of Jessy Thomas but I'd love the shake the Man's hand and tell him how much I appreciate his efforts.



It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
Need a guide!

I've never ridden at Linton, any chance I could hook-up with you guys for a ride there (at least to get to know the place before I take my family)??? :moon:


Jun 9, 1999
If you have ever seen anyone at Linton picking up trash or hauling rock to the bridge so the step up doesn't get too high, most likely that's Jessy. The Thomas' run the Kawasaki dealership in Cadiz or used to anyway from what I've heard. He also promotes the LBL 200 and they used to promote the buddy run. I'd say they probably do more for the sport in our area than anyone.

I'd be glad to show you some trails, but I sprained my rist at Loretta's GNCC and it's going to be few weeks before I can ride again.


Jan 21, 2004

I ride Linton often as I can. I'd be glad to meet you there some time & show you around. I think I probably know every root & rock on a first name (usually "Ouch!") basis.

However, I'm no spring chicken anymore and I'm neither a fast nor a very skillful rider. If you're not in a big hurry, I'll be glad to take you on a tour of my favorite trails.

Linton tends to be extremely wet when the Lake is up or within a week or so of a heavy rainfall. It's far wetter than Turkey Bay and I'm convinced someone rides the trails right after each shower to pour 20W oil on each exposed root. When I rode last weekend, Lake Barkley was very high and you had to practically swim through the bays. So I normally stay away until it dries up a bit. When it's really wet & I can't stay away, I go in the back way. It's a lot drier and you can avoid the slop at Dry Creek Bay crossing on way in.

If you'd like, I'll PM you next time I'm planning on riding Linton & if you're free, great; if not, that's OK to.



It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
XR, that sounds great! I'm 40 and not in any hurry to die either so we should ride well together. Although an occasional roost doesn't hurt. ;) I'm available from Sun-Thurs for riding so let me know. It would be a pleasure.



Jun 9, 1999
There are some others (CAL, Lonnie and Darby) on this board that sometimes ride at Linton. You guys may be able to hook up with them sometime.

I just got some leftover Vioxx to help with the wrist. :cool:


It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
Cool, I'm looking for some local folks to ride with. My wife and daughter are lots of fun, but sometimes you want to go with the big dogs! :laugh:


Feb 5, 2003
If they know for sure riders vandalized the cemetery then someone must have seen it happen , why no arrest?

The Fish and Wildlife Dept. blames everything on riders also to keep from opening any of the coal mine land they have taken over to riding. Someone making meth on Fish and Wildlife land tried to run over a game warden in a car a few years back , the Fish and Wildife Dept. released to the press that an ATV rider tried to run over the game warden. If it has wheels and is on land they lease they call them ATVs just to sway opinion to their side.

If they want the riding closed at Linton it will be soon. I was told a 2 years ago that local residents were video taping the quads running up and down the roads.


It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
We should all be responsible riders and encourage others to be as well. Often we are our own worst enemies! :bang:


Jan 21, 2004
ChopperDave said:
XR, that sounds great! I'm 40 and not in any hurry to die either so we should ride well together. Although an occasional roost doesn't hurt. ;) I'm available from Sun-Thurs for riding so let me know. It would be a pleasure.



Sounds good. I'll be in touch as soon as I expect to ride Linton again. It'll be the very next weekend preceeded by at least 3-4 days of sunny weather.

By the way, I've used a GPS & 2.5' quad sheet to do some mapping out there in my spare time so I can give you a pretty clear picture on a map of where the limits & trails are. It's a great place to take family, but it is not particularly friendly to beginners. Can be a bit rough, especially when the water's up. No trail maintenance, don't you know.

I'll be in touch. ;)



Jan 21, 2004


They know it was riders that did the dirty graveyard deed because it is impossible to get to the cemetary except by ATV, dirt bike or helicopter. Couldn't even get a buggy or jeep in there. Had to be off-roaders.

And it isn't the KY Div Fish & Wildlife Resources that controls the area, it is US Army Corps of Engineers reserve. The Corps is very lenient. They almost NEVER patrol the area (I've seen one Corps officer in 8 years of riding there) and they have few rules. 'But the area farmers & landowners are getting totally ticked with errant riders tearing up their land and running over fences. They are bringing political pressure on the Corps to stop it (and the Greens are more than willing to add their voice). And as you know, dirt bikers have little political clout.

The future for Linton does not look rosy.

XR :(


Jun 9, 2002
Linton, KY

I have never been to Linton either and would appreciate tagging along if you schedule a day. I'm 46 so my goal is to stay vertical all day. I know LBL pretty good if you ever need a trailguide.


Jan 21, 2004
PRullman said:
I have never been to Linton either and would appreciate tagging along if you schedule a day. I'm 46 so my goal is to stay vertical all day. I know LBL pretty good if you ever need a trailguide.


What the hay! More the merrier. I'll drop you a PM or email as well next time I expect to grace Linton with my venerable presence.

But I warn you, I'm old (52), slow & I'm the only rider I know who wore first gear out in his bike!



Feb 5, 2003

I know who controls Linton , I have rode there since `87. Fish and Wildlife controls even more land in western Ky and have done all they can to harass riders even on land they do not control. I wouldn`t be surprised if the volunteer to take over the handling of the Linton area.

Blaming something on riders just because you don`t know how someone got there is pretty lame. If they don`t know for sure and have caught them they should keep their mouths shut until they do know for sure.

Have you ever been riding there when the guys with the M151 army jeeps come through? I have and they can go anywhere they want including the cemetery. These are the Jeeps they steal off Ft. Campbell`s impact area and go out drinking / shooting and riding around in. They even took a GE mini-gun off the base 8-9 years ago or so. I`m not going to say they did it because I don`t know who did and it could just as easily been hunters on ATVs looking to get the place for themselves to hunt on by getting rid of the riders.

Could be any number of people doing the vandalism , why don`t we find out who before blaming someone.


Jan 21, 2004


You're quite right. I certianly don't know who committed the vandalism and I don't think the Corps does either. And I certianly wasn't accusing anyone in particular and as far as I know, neither has the Corps. All I know is what I see. And I see very few bikes at Linton any more; a whole lot of ATVs; and the ATVs have run me off the trail far more than bikes ever did. And I have certianly never seen Army HUMVEEs nor any other Army vehicles within the preserve in the 8 years I've been riding there. Perhaps soldiers amuse themselves by turning over headstones in very remote cemeteries; but I seriously doubt it. I work with a couple of soldiers who are also off-roaders and they would never, ever do such a stupid thing.

But regardless of who's doing this stuff, if it does not stop, the Corps will close the area to all off-road vehicles (legally at least). Or so they say.

As far as harrasment by the Div Fish & Wildlife, I have never, ever had any contact with or been harassed by those agencies in the woods. I ride legally, primarily at Linton & Turkey Bay. I don't know of any other legal, public riding areas in WKY. And KY Fish & Wildlife neither patrols nor has authority to patrol those areas. At least not in my experience.

Not sure why you are so sensitive about this but if the area's closed, it really doesn't matter anymore.



Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Why people feel they need to ride in a wide open field, up and down the road, or a cemetery....while there are hundreds of acres of trails in the woods...I'll never understand.

If any of you guys want to ride Linton, Turkey Bay, Wildcat, or Barnett Cemetery let me know. I haven't been riding as much this year as usual, but will break away and ride when I can. We've been riding Wildcat and Barnett Cemetery this year. We've only been to Linton once, and haven't been to TB since last November.

We found a new place to grab some food after riding Linton. Can't remember the name of it, but the food was good and the home made fried pies were awesome!

The next few weeks are pretty busy for me, since I'm sort of working three jobs at the moment. But go ahead and let me know when you're coming or wanting to come. We'll get a local crew together of some sorts.


It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
That would be great Corey, let me know whe you wany to go. I have'nt been to Wildcat or Barnett Cem so it would be good to find some new places to ride.
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