Loading - I did it, sort of!


Oct 7, 2004
Hi y'all... Well, a week or so ago I said I'd be loading my RM 100 for the first time by myself, with the hopes that friends would spot me. Well, as usual, I can depend on no one but myself and had to go it alone. :yikes:
And I did it - sort of. I couldn't push the bike up (too much of a wussy, I guess), so I started it and tried it in first gear. Well, let me stress again how new I am at riding, so my ability to even control first gear standing next to it was a little awkward - plus trying to keep steady on a 2x4... After about 3 tries making it 1/2-way up, I just went for it and.... well, let me put it this way, the bike made it into the back of the truck, but not upright... Yes, I dumped it - BUT, it was in the back of the truck! I shut off the engine and huffed and puffed and pulled the bike up! WOO HOO. Then, it took me another 45 minutes to figure out the best angle and tie downs, etc. to make sure the bike was stable in the back and I could close the tailgate.... I was exhausted, sweaty, and dirty by the end, but I suppose it was worth it - I'll get to ride tomorrow! Unloading should be a whole 'nother adventure, and then I'll have to try to load it after riding all day... I may bat my eyelashes and ask a nice boy to help me... ;)
I want to say thanks again to all the ladies on this site who gave me tips and encouragement. I'm sure it will get easier as I keep doing it... I hope. :cool:

sick 96 250

Damn Yankees
Jul 16, 2004
something that may help you load and unload is if you have a curb in front of your house or a little hill. This way you can back the truck up to the curb so you don't have as much of an angle to push the bike up into the truck. Just an Idea that may come in handy


Crash Master
Damn Yankees
Jan 20, 2001
If you got the bike up using a 2x4 and not a bike ramp you are far braver then I.

Trying to figure out how to load a bike solo can be a traumatic/dramati/ecstatic experience depending on what happens. but I'm glad it worked out well for you.

Have you looked at getting a bed extender for you truck? they are beond handy, and I think one type of them doubles as a bike ramp, so it's a two for the price of one deal


Apr 7, 2003

haha man u rule :cool: next time you drop it turn it around so that you can just ride it off to get it unloaded! and yes i would definitly suggest getting a 2x6 or wider.


Aug 13, 1999
Way to go, you got the crash out of the way before you even rode!!!!

If you have any type of slope around, use it to your advantage - point the front of the truck downhill and it's much easier to load/unload the bike by yourself.

I even have some nice drawings to illustrate the technique:


  • uphill2.jpg
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  • downhill2.jpg
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Oct 7, 2004
I love those pictures!! Tres Picasso... The hill thing would be helpful, but I keep my bike in storage - which is apparently the flattest, levelest point in California! ARG. Everyone was right about guys being helpful for loading; at the track a guy loaded my bike w/o me even asking! Hmmmm, I guess they're good for something... :clue: I'm going to keep trying - invest in a better ramp, a better step-up, or a better boyfriend than the last one!! HA. I have to load it again by myself this Friday - for a desert trip - we'll see how that goes... Thanks again, and wish me luck!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
One thing you haven't mentioned: how did the ride go?
Ya, males are good for something, sometimes ;)
Let us know how the desert trip goes, too. And good for you, never mind the oops, better the bike than you.
Ya rock Tinkrides :)


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Awesome job! I've never loaded my bike into the back of a truck. Actually, I've been riding for a little over two years and the first time I've ever loaded my bike was in May and it was on a trailer. Even that was a bit of a challenge. Now if I start from way in the garage I can load it up no problem. I'm still kinda scared of unloading, since you can unload off that trailer without a ramp, when the back tire comes off the trailer it drops kind of fast. I've dropped it before, but I'm getting the hang of it! And boys think that chicks can't do things on their own...pffft...you're proof right there!


Oct 7, 2004
:) I'm quite sure that the nicest people in the universe are on this site! Thank you so much for the encouragement. We'll see if I have another "oops" on Friday (as long as I oops it into the truck again!). As for the ride, I guess I did well, for my first time on a track. I never made it out of 2nd gear, but I caught air once or twice on accident! It's really so different than the desert - I really need to work on TURNING - but I love it and can't wait to go back. I think maybe I'll try to take some lessons to get better and practice, practice, practice!


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
Tinkrides said:
:) I'm quite sure that the nicest people in the universe are on this site!

Yeah... for the most part but watch out for squeaks. She's mean. And watch your back with bbbom. There is some definite copyright infringement going on with those drawings of hers. I don't think Predcasso will be impressed. :p


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
TwinSpar said:
Yeah... for the most part but watch out for squeaks. She's mean.



Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
TwinSpar said:
Yeah... for the most part but watch out for squeaks. She's mean.

Meaner 'n' a bag of snakes, I tell ya. And don't let her fool you about that bike loading stuff, she sits in a lawn chair and files her nails while I'm loading everything up. Not by choice either, she makes me do all that stuff. :ohmy:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Rooster said:
Meaner 'n' a bag of snakes, I tell ya. And don't let her fool you about that bike loading stuff, she sits in a lawn chair and files her nails while I'm loading everything up. Not by choice either, she makes me do all that stuff. :ohmy:

You guys are the mean ones...and quit jacking Tinks thread...while I go cry from all the meanness going on :ugg:


Aug 13, 1999
TwinSpar said:
And watch your back with bbbom.

Hey, I only clean out the 2 smoke when someone's BEHIND me so your back is always safe!

TwinSpar said:
There is some definite copyright infringement going on with those drawings of hers. I don't think Predcasso will be impressed. :p

No way, all originals. And they are for sale to the highest bidder! :nener:


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
I'm thinking one of my famous pieces of artwork might be in order. Will you pose for me bbbom? :debil:


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
And not to be left out....

bbbom went Honda Red! :yikes:


  • bbbr.jpg
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Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Hmmmm, I wonder if any of the other gals are going to go with their bike color? :p


Oct 7, 2004
First Try!

I'm doing a happy dance right now - just like that banana! I loaded my bike with near perfection this afternoon. First try, ran it up, almost lost it - but I pushed and pushed and put my chest into it (literally) and got it up in the truck! I have to credit in part SGR who I watched last weekend load her bike. She gave me some good advice: run and don't hesitate at the top... I still hesitated a little, but I did it! woo hoo. I'm just getting ready to head out to the desert for a fun Halloween weekend - I hope everyone else has a great holiday!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Cool deal! I rode mine in for the first time this weekend . . . was putting it over to my truck and just decided to keep going. Worked like a charm. Not sure I will always be so confident though. Just be SAFE.

Hope your Halloween was fun!
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