locked up kdx


Jul 24, 2002
i locked up my kdx200 sunday...i was climbing a small hill and when i got to the top it stallled out so i tryed to kick start it but it wouldnt give in then i tryed to bump start it down the hill and it still wouldnt give in....then after even more kicking it started to make funny noises when you kicked it and it locked up....so now i have a kdx that i need to take apart and get parts for....im hoping its just a piton and rings that need replaced i hope its not the crank or the jug is scarred....either way ill be dishin out some dough i just need to hope for the best.....any idea what the problem could be....sucks :| :( :whiner:


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
First off,
Seince it just "DIED" what fuel mix did you use?
I am guessing by your saying "it wouldn't give" that it wouldn't turn over.
Primarily I am guessing that your piston seized and when you tried to "Bump" start it by running down hill and dumping the clutch that you sheared the piston shaft.

You are in for a project if you try to do it yourself. I say that because you will have to split the case in order to get at the lower Rod Berings and bolts. With the correct service manual it can be a rewarding and cost effective experiance.

Best of Luck!


Jan 28, 2002
Too bad about your bike.

If I where you I would make the decision on fixing it yourself or taking it somewhere based on whether or not you have someone to help you and if you have access to the proper tools and a service manual. If you've got the tools and the manual, you should be able to do it yourself if you take your time and heed the good advice available on this forum. It always helps to have someone who has done this before to help you. If you do decide to tear it down yourself I wish you good luck. I just did this myself for the first time last year and I feel a lot better about knowing how to do it myself, I wish I had learned to do it when I was younger. It would have saved me a lot of time and money and frustration from dealing with crappy dealerships. If you don't have the tools buy the best ones you can afford because you'll likely use them for the rest of your life. I count the tool cost as nil because you save on the labor.


Oct 14, 1999
Doesn't take much to get the cylinder off to see what's up. Shearing the piston shaft (rod?) sounds a pretty severe result from a bumpstart attempt.

How about that 4-stroke guy you ride with? Trying summa his gas?? ;)

For future reference, if your bike 'sticks' (assuming it to be piston stickage), don't immediately FORCE it to move. Let it cool some. After sitting for a spell, you may be able to start it up and keep riding 'til a better scheduled time.

As far as the 'why' of it...you either got some XR-type gas in it (maybe forgot to add your oil to the gas can?), or maybe have a pretty bad lean problem...due maybe to leakage someplace, maybe due to too skinny a jet sequence.

Take it apart and check it out.

Keep in mind EGs 225 kit. $400 for a bore, replate, piston, associated parts (gaskets and stuff), PORT JOB of your choice of band and head machining to adjust for increase compression ratio.

Make sure you let him know what kind of gas you'll be using. Makes a BIG difference in the work that's done!!

Last top-end on my bike, the nicosil (that indestructible stuff?) had a couple of 'tears' in it from a stickage I had with some belray H1R (HR1, whatever) crap. Wasn't too bad. Just put it back together. Works fine.

Don't sweat the small stuff.

Well...unless you're plate 'tear' is on a port edge...gotta fix that!


Jul 24, 2002
i know im definitely doing it myself...i took apart the top end on my last bike with a little help from a friend but didnt do any business with the bottom end but im pretty familiar with the top end...i dont feel so good about doing it all myself and my friend already said he would help with it so its all good...he also knows how to deal with the boittom end too...


Jul 24, 2002
also what are the chances of the jug being scarred and needing bored out?....if i bore it out to +.25 how many ccs will that add to my present 200?...what i think is that the piston siezed because it was past its service limit...it was the original top end that it had from factory in 1987...it might sound surprising but the guy who had it was a weekend rider and he only rode it maybe four times a year so it really didnt get much use until now and i was working it pretty hard that day so maybe it was just time for it to spit its cookies.....?


Mar 28, 2002
A while back, coming down a hill, the back locked up and there was a horrid griding grating sound betwwen my legs............don't let or mind run away with you..........anyway I was conviced that the piston had become part of something else.
Got home and striped only to find that the magnets had come off the flywheel and jammed up the works.

Might not be as bad as you think.
Good luck.


Jul 24, 2002
hey brains, i took everything apart and stripped it all down and it wasnt the top end at all guess what the weights came off my flywheel...heh kinda funny that we both thought it was somethin extremely bad but its really nothin much at all........BRAINS-how much did your flywheel cost?


Jun 7, 2001
hbey guys im in need of one too.......if you find a supply of used ones can you give me a ring i need one for my 85 and im not willing to part with 400 bucks for it.
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