Long term review of my Rite-Mix pump


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Since the beginning of Dirtweek '03, I've gone through a gallon & a half of premix. If you're not familiar with it, it's a pump that fits most standard container openings. Here's a link to Rich's review: http://dirtrider.net/drn_tested/pump/nielsen_pump.html

I used an empty one gallon jug, as it didn't fit my one gallon container of premix. The directions are fairly clear, use so many pumps per gallon of gas for whichever ratio you want. You're supposed to prime the pump, but I could never figure out how to do that. As a result, my first 4 or 5 pumps were mostly air. You also have to pump very slowly, or you don't get a full squirt. The directions on these last two items aren't clear enough for a dummy like me. With the three weeks I average inbetween rides, I can never remember how to use it properly. Combine the first few misfires with the required 15-20 pumps needed for a full 5 gallon pit jug and I never really knew what ratio my gas was mixed at. 16:1? 100:1? Beats me. And if you're nearly out of premix, you have to make sure that there's enough premix in your container to ensure you don't start sucking air. That happened to me after getting around 10 good pumps in a full pit jug once. I had enough premix to finish, but it was a total guessing game with the remaining half air, half premix pumps I was getting.

Also, the thing leaks everywhere. It's flimsy. Not the cap or hose connections, but the pump body itself. It turned over on it's side once and premix leaked all over my box of dirt bike maintenance thingies. Definitely not as clean as a Ratio Rite, believe it or not.

Anyone want to try it out? I'm going back to my Ratio Rite. :|


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001

1 16oz bottle of pre-mix oil
1 5 gallon gas jug

4.0 gallons = 32:1
4.5 gallons = 36:1
5.0 gallons = 40:1

No math, no muss, no fuss. More time to think about your colon. :thumb:


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
well, smit-dog, I don't always do a full 5 gallons. Sometimes just 2 or 3 if it's a short trip, sometimes 1 if there's already a gallon or two in there from last week. And math just gets my colon all riled up.

And I always wondered if "muss" was a real word:

6 entries found for muss.
muss ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ms)
tr.v. mussed, muss·ing, muss·es
To make messy or untidy; rumple.

A state of disorder; a mess.

[Probably alteration of mess.]
mussi·ly adv.
mussi·ness n.
mussy adj.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I fudged a bit and used my mix-rite pump at work. I've been using it for a long time, on a fairly regular basis to pump a wetting enhancer from a 1 gal container. It works perfectly everytime. Being that what I use it for is much lighter & thinner than oil may be why it still works well for me. I haven't tried it for premix and probably won't, I pour the 16oz in a five gal container and forget about it.


Oct 1, 2003
What do you guys do when you come home with an extra 2.18 gallons? Use it the next time you go out? I assume the next time you ride you'll have to use a ratio rite since you'll be adding < than 5 gallons.


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
Mike[socal] said:
What do you guys do when you come home with an extra 2.18 gallons? Use it the next time you go out? I assume the next time you ride you'll have to use a ratio rite since you'll be adding < than 5 gallons.

No Ratio Rite needed here

I put whatever is left into another can

Drop another bottle of oil in the can and fill it up on the way out of town :thumb:

Sometimes that other can ends up with some pretty old fuel in it so I run that in my lawnmower!

Smells just like I'm out in the woods riding my KDX! :yeehaw:


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
I think my can is 5.5 or 6 gallons (VP Racing jug). I top off my bike with whatever is remaining after a weekend of riding, then fill it up next time on the way out of town. It really depends on the duration of riding you do. Helps to have 2 jugs too.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
I throw anything leftover in my truck after I fill it up. What's a gallon of 40:1 mixed with 12 gallons gonna come out to? eleventy thousand to one? BFD, I say. The less I think about stuff, the happier I am.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
zio said:
I throw anything leftover in my truck after I fill it up.
I'm surprised you don't run your truck on methane gas :uh:


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I've been using my pump for over a year now and love it. Yeah it takes a few pumps to prime it but I just pump it back into the container.

Before I started using it I wanted to make sure it was measuring correctly. I pumped oil into my ratio rite and found that it was consistently pumping more oil than needed so I put zip ties on the plunger shaft to shorten the stroke until it pumped just the right amount. I also called the company to ask what the deal was. They told me that they tried to error on the side of having too much oil since sometimes you can get air when pumping. Made sense to me but I'd rather get the right amount and be careful to keep the air out.

I'm gonna keep using mine.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
I pumped some into a ratio rite the first time & found it pretty accurate, after I had primed it and was getting full pumps. But that was a fluke.

Jeff, I run on methane gas. Saturday night I played xbox with three friends until 4 a.m. I was a little gassy. The next day I got a message from my friend's wife asking that I not fart in her house anymore. I don't know what her deal is.
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