looking for advice on KDX220 piston replacement


Apr 22, 2003
I bought a 2001 gently used KDX220 this winter. Nothing on the bike has been changed from stock. I have modified the air box and am working on the jetting at the moment. I've seen some threads here that tell me the 220's piston is weak and should be replaced. Since the bike I have is two years old and I would say that the top end has not been touched, should I look at replacing the piston ASAP, or since nothing has gone wrong with this bike in the last two years would it be safe to wait till this winter to tear it down.

Any advice from the experienced would be appreciated.

Fuzzy Dice

Trial Subscriber
Jul 8, 2002
I say wait till winter.I have a 2000 220 and the top end is still stock.I think the whole piston exploding thing is the exception and not the rule and it's very rare.If it worries you enough to kill the riding high -change it.You need to enjoy your ride.


Apr 30, 2002
I've already replaced the piston on my 02' 220. It's up to you, I'd rather spend a little money now, than a lot later. There have been a couple people on this site that have had there pistons go up.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 14, 2002
I have a 01 220 and I just replaced the stocker after a year and a half. I couldnt help thinking my luck was about to run out :ugg: It cost about 125.00 for everything Piston,Rings Bearing and gaskets. A few hours work for peace of mind.I lug my bike when I have to but when it opens up I ride it wide open.Im not in the mood for a 12000 RPM hand grenade :scream:


Sep 29, 2002
Just curious, what set up did you use to replace the stock piston? Did you have to have cylinder bored? Did you do all of the work yourself?



Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
I used a wisco piston. Get hold of Fredette at his website or call him. He will send you everything you need and nothing you don't. Things like wristpin bearings, gaskets, etc. Also, if you haven't cleaned the KIPS yet, it is a good time to do so. The whole thing will only take 2 or 3 hours. An easy job some evening and the peace of mind that you KNOW it won't blow up now is beyond measure. If your bore looks good, you don't need to do anything to it except maybe emery the edges of the ports. The plating sometimes scores the pistons here. Inspect your old piston and use that as a guide.
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Apr 22, 2003

will kerosene do the job to clean the kips

I'm thinking this is a good job for a rainy sunday afternoon
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