At the time I was there they had three; supercross, outdoor track, and a practice track. So, it appears they've added a fourth since then, I left in 2004. I too thought it was odd that a golf course was near the track but since land is at a premium in the developed areas they really had no place to put it. The Japanese aren't sue crazy like we Americans are. As far as the dirt was concerned, I couldn't find a set of tires that worked well, it was hard as cement when dry and slick as grease when wet; nothing in between. Also, that's the only place I've been were I've seen grown men riding 80's. I guess it helps when you're only 5'2" and about 125 - 130lbs soaking wet. I know there are other tracks in the area but it was the closest to base, and my reading Japanese isn't the greatest. Compounded with the fact there aren't too many street signs in English or Japanese we didn't venture into the styx too often.