Hey guys just wondering if anyone else lives in Southern Ontario Canada here. and if you are near the niagara area. Riding here is pretty good. Lots of different terrain. I like to go to Turkey point to get in the sand though. Only been there once.
You can post back here or email me james727@hotmail.com.
Ride lots
I'm in Kitchener. I ride Turkey Point a lot. Also, the Eagle's Nest track south of Brantford and Gopher Dunes track just west of Turkey Point, plus Double D raceway tray in Arthur. Also, a good trail system near Petersburgh.
What other places have you found down that way?
We have the annual mud run here which is ok, couple hundered racers so I've heard. I am considering to start racing next year, but going to need to practice and fine tune my riding skills. Terrain here isn't to bad, and there is a track here $10 all day, haven't been there yet though. If you are ever considering coming to the area send me an email, and we can hook up. james727@hotmail.com