Hey guys, first of all I would like to praise the great forum you have got going here. I looked around the internet and I had no luck finding a friendly, active community until I stumbled on this site. Keep up the good work..
On to the question, as the subject says I am looking for the right bike(s) to get. The last time I rode was probably 7-8 years ago when I was around 12-13. My brother and I had Honda 50's and they were an absolute blast to ride (before they got stolen anyway). We are both looking to get back into the sport, and have no clue on the appropriate bikes to look at.
Are there any leading brands? Anything to avoid particularly? I am around 6'2 210 lbs and he is around 6'1 190. I have been told to look at nothing smaller then 250cc. Is this correct? We would mostly be riding in woods and old logging roads up in the mountains.
Does anyone have any brand suggestions? Any input at all on the subject would be greatly appreciated.