
Mar 23, 2004
looking yo buy a Kawasaki KDX, and was wondering i fyou guys could answer a few questions for me. Not sure on the year. And not sure where. I am on a budget, and want to spend as little as possible, somewhere between $1000-1500. What year make can I get this bike in my price range? Can I get a new one for that much? If not I would gladly get a used one. Can I buy a used Kawasaki KDX at their dealership? I live in CA, San Jose and would like to find one close to where I live, any ideas? And if I cant then how much shipping would cost? Does anyone here has one and wants to sell it?



Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
For starters you are in the wrong forum

I paid $900 for my '92 KDX 200

I got it on ebay


Mar 15, 2004
I bought my '85 KDX 200 for $650 also off of ebay. Check out ebaymotors.com go to motorcycles and start looking I'm sure a deal will present its self. I would seel my bike to you but your in CA and I'm in PA theres no way I'm doing that. Sorry but just look in ebay you WILL find something.


Nov 7, 2003
I bought my '97 kdx 200 for $1600 in great shape. Use the INTERNET to look in all of the major newspaper classifieds within reasonable distance (as far as you're willing to drive for the bike). Also the cycle trader. The kdx is a popular bike. If you look, you will find one. Don't settle for something you don't really want.


Mar 27, 2004
epion2985 said:
looking yo buy a Kawasaki KDX, and was wondering i fyou guys could answer a few questions for me. Not sure on the year. And not sure where. I am on a budget, and want to spend as little as possible, somewhere between $1000-1500. What year make can I get this bike in my price range? Can I get a new one for that much? If not I would gladly get a used one. Can I buy a used Kawasaki KDX at their dealership? I live in CA, San Jose and would like to find one close to where I live, any ideas? And if I cant then how much shipping would cost? Does anyone here has one and wants to sell it?

Hey there, I have a92' KDX250 that I will be selling in the next month. I live in Monterey Ca. We just have to replace the handlebars because my hubby "stole" them off of the kdx to replace his bars that he bent on his bike! It's such a great bike! I replaced the KDX250 with a KDX 200 which is slightly smaller and better suited to me. my email is [email protected] if you are inetrested
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