loosing trans lube!


Sponsoring Member
May 20, 2001
here's the skinny:
it seems like every second ride i take, the gearbox is almost dry! their are NO external leaks. the gearbox vent tube is DRY. if i blow into it, it appears to hold the pressure, "mouth pressure." if i suck on the line, it holds the vac. these tests are on a cold engine. I am going to try it hot, and keep a vac guage on it while throttling it. A crank seal maybe??? and why? if so, go i need to replace the bearing as well? i change the gearbox lube every 4 rides..........


Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
Rick, do you really mean 'almost dry', or it drops below the sight glass? If you're really losing that much, I would think you'd see quite a plume in the exhaust, eh? Also, are you having any plug fouling, or is the plug getting oilier? Just seems like if you're pushing 500 to 600 ml of oil through the chamber in a few hours, it would show up somewhere like that. :think:

Is there any oil pooling in the airbox when you pull the filter? Does the bike still run strong? (your's is probably the strongest KDX I've ridden...:cool: )
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