Saw it at a small town theater along with 5 other people in the theater. Sat all the way in the back. From beginning to end; I was totally enthralled. I have read the books several times and could not pick out ANYTHING that I thought was inappropriate to my interpretation of Tolkiens work. I believe Tolkien would have approved!
Lee; wasn't Tom Bombadil and the Barrows in "The Hobbit?" Maybe I am mistaken, it has been awhile, but I believe Tom would have been out of place in this movie!
If I were to find fault, like Strick, I found Elrond and (shoot!, I can't remember the lady-elves name!) his (wife?) to be oddly mis-cast. Not terribly wrong, but not quite right either. Arwin, on the other hand was letter-perfect. Enchanting! Was that really Liv Tyler? How could I have not known that!
Anyone who is a fan of the books should see this work! If you have not read the books, who knows? You might like it or you might not. If you read the books and dis-liked them; you had better stay home.
Gimli the dwarf - perfect. Legolas the elf - better than perfect. Actually the human characters (Strider and the other guy) I found to be just adequate. Gandolf - good, but somehow not quite powerful enough. Frodo has these eyes that you can fall into! I think they cast him for his eyes alone! Good Hobbits!
As far as movie interpretations of classic books go; the only comparable thing that comes to mind is "Last of the Mohicans". And it was not quite this accurate.
Oh, and "Gettysburg" adapted from "The Killer Angels". Good interpretations, though rare, can be done!
Go see it!