Lord of the Rings...What did you think?


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
I thought it looked terrible from the previews. I don't like fantasy fiction or Sci-Fi movies anyway. BUT I liked it! Even though I got up to pee and buy a coke, then get back to my seat, look up and see credits starting to roll. My wife had to tell me what happened in the last 10 minutes of the film.:silly: My wife kept going on and on about how similar Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings were to each other.:think I think a year's wait for the next one is too long though.


Jan 12, 2001
I loved it! I've seen it twice now. Took my son to see it the first time and took my wife the second time. I read the books as a teenager and still enjoy it. I am reading the books again to compare against the movie and refresh myself on some of the detail they left out of the movie.

If they really have already filmed the next two movies, that is great! I know that when we went and viewed the movies the theater was not packed-out. It kind of made me worry that if the movie wasn't successfull enough they wouldn't film the next movies. Does anyone know how well they are doing in the box office?


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by Rogue
I saw it at an IMAX! WOW!
What?! Where? LA? That would be awesome! I want to see it again. I've been trying to drag TTRGuy to see it and seeing it on IMAX would be amazing!

Ditto Motoman. I don't know what happened to my old Tolkien books and videos so I just ordered 2 new books and DVDs to enjoy all over again. :)


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
From what I heard the first week was doing real good but their numbers are down from Harry Potter and some of the others due to the 3Hour showtime causing limited numbers of shows/day.

The next 2 are completed and final edits have been done. This ensured the characters would remain the same and the continuity would be there in scenery and flow.
We definately are going back for a second time soon


Aug 29, 2001
There has been a huge amount og hype surrounding the trilogy for us, as Peter Jackson comes from Wellington, and some of it was filmed around Wellington. The whole city became 'middle earth' for the week of the premier. With many business's changing their names to 'middle earth' as a bit of a joke. Our local newspaper became the 'middle earth post' for instance.

I did ride my bike up one of the stair cases to one of the castles somewhere in the series. Its not in the first movie, so I'll have to wait a year or two to see which one it is. It was a pretty scary staircase anyway, and I'm lucky not to have fallen down the damned thing!

It is really weird to see different parts of the country casted as different parts of the story, but I guess its something that you guys from the States are pretty used to by now!!

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Saw it at a small town theater along with 5 other people in the theater. Sat all the way in the back. From beginning to end; I was totally enthralled. I have read the books several times and could not pick out ANYTHING that I thought was inappropriate to my interpretation of Tolkiens work. I believe Tolkien would have approved!

Lee; wasn't Tom Bombadil and the Barrows in "The Hobbit?" Maybe I am mistaken, it has been awhile, but I believe Tom would have been out of place in this movie!

If I were to find fault, like Strick, I found Elrond and (shoot!, I can't remember the lady-elves name!) his (wife?) to be oddly mis-cast. Not terribly wrong, but not quite right either. Arwin, on the other hand was letter-perfect. Enchanting! Was that really Liv Tyler? How could I have not known that!

Anyone who is a fan of the books should see this work! If you have not read the books, who knows? You might like it or you might not. If you read the books and dis-liked them; you had better stay home.

Gimli the dwarf - perfect. Legolas the elf - better than perfect. Actually the human characters (Strider and the other guy) I found to be just adequate. Gandolf - good, but somehow not quite powerful enough. Frodo has these eyes that you can fall into! I think they cast him for his eyes alone! Good Hobbits!

As far as movie interpretations of classic books go; the only comparable thing that comes to mind is "Last of the Mohicans". And it was not quite this accurate.

Oh, and "Gettysburg" adapted from "The Killer Angels". Good interpretations, though rare, can be done!

Go see it!
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May 21, 2001
So, here in a crowd of 11,000, I'm the only one who doesn't like it!?!
What did you think when that guy who had the ring in the beginning went crazy and tried to attack Fodo?


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
The rings power is the reason. It was created by the lord of the netherworld and seeks to overcome the will of whoever has it in order to prevent it's destruction and speed it's return to the evil side. It will overpower the person that possess it and that was why Bilbo went off the deep end.
You really should read the 4 books (The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the ring, The Two Towers, and The return of the King) in order and I bet your appreciation of the movies will greatly increase.


May 21, 2001
Fine oldguy, I'll read them. Can you explain middle earth to me? Is there also an upper and a lower earth?


May 21, 2001
Very funny. You may be right. According to MXA the YZ250F with the carbon fiber airbox and the renthal crossbar pad makes about 93-94 hp, whereas the cr with the renthal crossbar pad only makes 10 hp:p

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
When you spent 10 hours installing your top-end did you use a regular ring or a Ring of Power?
The Ring of Power is good for three to four more horsepower and just might mean the difference of actually clearing the doubles, or tragically falling short and encountering "Middle Earth"!


Aug 29, 2001
The ring of power may be a bit too powerful for a CR. It may make you crash as if you had all the power of a YZ - be careful!! 93-94hp should not be sneezed at!!

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
I still think Tarakers YZ should be able to just float over the whoops throttle pinned..maybe he needs Gandalf to put a spell on it? ;)

Oldguy .the "Simarilllion" also really explains the rings of power..and why they were made? ??
the nine for mortal men doomed to die..
the rings for the elves
and for the dwarfs
and the
one ring to rule them all , and in the darkness bind them.

Sauron- the Dark Lord in the "Lord of the Rings"
was just an officer of the original bad guy of middle earth ..Melkor?


May 8, 2001
boy am i mad!!

i have never read any of the books yet i understood the nature of the film to be a part a series. but man was i pissed as froto looked to the mountain and the credits rolled. what is with that!!!! i sat for three hours to be left hanging. at least with the starwars stuff we blew a deathstar up or finished a chapter. i wanted to see the confrontation!!!! the rest of the movie was great.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
AJ I tthink you are correct I read the Hobbit and the Trilogy several times but the Simarillon only once long ago but....I pulled it out yesterday to start it again. Always can use a refresher course;)
tx246- yes it may have been a let down to be left hanging but it sticks with the trilogy's guidelines and to reveal more would wreck the next installment and to have a conclusion would destroy the flow of the series.

Believe it or not at one time I ws enough of a Tolkien dweeb the line of springer spaniels I was breeding all carried Elfen names having started from my origonal LADY GALADRIEL of Waukesha


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
If I went to this movie alone I would have walked out in the first 45 minutes. Just not my cup of tea.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Well at least your date got to enjoy it. He deserved at least that much. :p


Freedom Ain't Free
Jul 3, 1999
Originally posted by AJ Waggoner
I still think Tarakers YZ should be able to just float over the whoops throttle pinned..

Thanks to an okay instructor, I am getting closer.:eek:

Letme know next time your down here in Texas, you can come race a cross country deal & get spanked by a rookie, in Middle earth.;)

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by Thumbs:

If I went to this movie alone I would have walked out in the first 45 minutes. Just not my cup of tea.

I felt the same way about Chariots of Fire. Then it went on to win a bunch of Oscars including best picture. Go figure! I bet the Fellowship will do the same.

YZeater; you are not alone in a crowd of 11,000. Thumbs is on your team!

theEel; I hope you know thumbs and he appreciates your humor, because I would bet most of us do not.


Nov 26, 2001
The movie was tremendous. It took a few liberties with the story and the characters, but overall was very true to the original. The cast was really well chosen for the most part, and the effects and settings were excellent. It kept things moving quite well too, a necessary ingredient of a 3 hour film!

Posted by wfo74:
theEel; I hope you know thumbs and he appreciates your humor, because I would bet most of us do not.

Maybe those of us who have skins thinner than a thin thing would not; I thought it was funny enough, and harmless! tsk - life is too short to take silly stuff so seriously. :confused:

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Yeah I know him - I was his date. :) Just kidding !

But seriously - take it easy big guy ... I was just playing around. And if anyone took offense to a joke like that then they are phobic - which is truly offensive. Live and let live ... and laugh as much as you can.

Now back to Lord of the Rings ... and by the way - I do know Thumbs pretty darn well. We duke it out regularly on our 125's - him on his CR and me on my Husky. He books on a 125 !
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