Lost first gear and clutch acting wierd!


Apr 18, 2006
Hey. the other day i was out riding when i had to leave for a few min...when i came back my buddy said he took my bike for a ride and first gear was gone..given he didnt ask permission and he breaks everything he rides i was pretty mad. but anyways im tryin to figure it out. it wont go into first gear at all..when its in netrual it wont click down anymore. also the clutch is grabbing some even when its running...enough to pull alittle but not fully engaged. Im probably goin to have to end up spliting the cases or something but was just curious if anyone had any suggestions.


Feb 19, 2006
Without wishing to state the obvious but have you checked the gear selector isn't snagging on anything??
I suffered a similiar situation while out on the trail though in this case I couldnt get out of first gear. The problem almost appeared out of nowhere and it wasnt until my buddy pointed out that the gear selector was snagging the sprocket guard that I got going again.
My selector has a bit of play in it and is close to the frame on downshifts too.
Anyways....just a thought before you strip it (hope I haven't insulted your intelligence!!!)
1990 E2 KDX200


Aug 21, 2005
My suggestion, get better friends. Maybe find one that has a little respect for you and your property. And send your former buddy a bill for the repairs.


Apr 18, 2006
well he isnt exactly a close friend just some idiot i know. Last bike i let him ride..he brought it back and said that it fouled a plug...when he had actually seized the engine and pretty much shattered the piston. Luckily it was a piece of **** i only paid 50 bucks for. Anyways i did check that it wasnt snagging on anything...i guess ill just have to tear into it. I got a like shop manual for it that ill finally get to put to use.


Aug 18, 2005
ditto what gray said. mine did something similar right in the middle of a ride, turned out I had snapped the gear lever at the bolt and it was just about to fall off completely !

another thing to check is the gear selector drum spring - it's behind the left cover near the kick starter shaft. when it breaks you can't select any gears, you're stuck in the gear you were in when the spring broke. simple to fix, don't need to split the cases, just pull the side cover.

cheers, andrew


Apr 18, 2006
well i figured it out...The clutch basket shattered...somehow like half of it was still left and the clutch was still kinda working. But the shattered parts got into the gear selector and couldent get into 1st. Everything else looks ok. didnt seam to do any damage and i cleaned it out a few times to get all the pieces out. Anyone know where i can find a new clutch basket for cheap? mabye used? ill be looking on ****..i really dont have money for a 200 dollar aftermarket one

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