maintnance on my newly purchaced KDX200


Jul 17, 2002
its new to me but its not show room new, i just got a kdx200 form a buddy of mine, its in very good shape and its a 1994 model i paid $1200 for it. my question is: what dose the routine maintance consist of. these are the things i know of so far; clean bike off very good after a ride and remove all dirt and grime, lube chain afterward; chage case oil every 20-30 hrs depending on conditions of rides, clean air filimant(filter) and keep tires at 12psi, thats all i can think of off the top of my head. any suggestions?


Dec 3, 2001
I would suggest you change your oil atmost every 10 hrs. Also check and adjust your chain becuase it stretches and needs to be tightned or else it may break.

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Um, try take a step sideways over to the just kdx forum & use the search key above on the same topic. Also the just kdx site itself contains a heap of info re powervalves etc.

PS rear suspension linkages always worth a look.
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