
Nov 15, 2001
Ok, go easy as I'm completly new to bikes!

Just brought a 1999 Yam Wr 125 - very nice and in good condition. Brought some oil (from the MX shop - can't remember of the top of my head what make). Mixed it up as per instructions (50:1) when out riding for the first time on the bike (2hrs). When I got back looked at the back of the bike (and my cloths) and there's black splooge/oil everywhere around the exhaust (a lot).
Ok, the previous owner hadn't used the bike in the last 8 months or so (he tells me). Di you guys think I completly messed up mixing the fuel? - I used a 10litre canister which I filled up at the garage,a dn then using the guide marks on the side of the bottle poured the oil in. I presume that the splooge coming out of the exhaust is either 1) I messed up the fuel/oil ratio and put way too much oil in or 2) because the bieks not been used for a long time its having a 'bit of clean out'? What do you think.
Also is it damaging the engine i.e.clogging it all up - so I need to clean all the splooge out?
What should I do? - should I make sure I'm mixing the correct ratio (get a large accurate meassuring jug) or prehaps make a leaner (i.e 1.5% mix) until it stops splooging?

Help I have no idea :silly:


Dec 28, 2001

Never heard of such a thing, 50:1 is already kind of lean. I for some reason think it has nothing to do with you mixing the gas. Does it have good compression? And is the "splooge" on the back of the bike motor oil or mixing oil? I am guessing it is gonna be motor oil, If you have expierence with working on bikes check out your pistol make sure it dont got a little crack in it, on the "exhaust"- "port" side of the piston (The front side of the jug).;) This is only if the "oil spil" is large. it could be buildup of oil over a long time coming out now. But check out the oil let us know if it is motor or 2 cycle. Also, check your motor oil level and see that it isnt low from the posibility^.
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Nov 15, 2001
As far as the compression goes - a friend was with me who used to ride and said that the engine was pulling very well, so I presume it's ok.

The splooge is engine oil - and v. hard to remove. Its a 2 stroke. Not had any precious experience with bikes, so currently don't have the knowledge as exactly what to look for.
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Jun 21, 2000
Do you have the option of choosing between a few brands? What are the oil brands availlable to you. The leaner in fuel mix that I would go for a 125 is 32/1. It won't help your spooge problem but it may prevent some other. Some brands burn cleaner than others. The real reason for getting spooge all over is more often a carburetor jetted too rich. To proove that to you, I run 25/1 mix and don't even get one drop of spooge anywhere. Still, you can try to reduce it by going to a cleaner burning oil. I'm sure others will have a few suggestions. I use Yamalube 2R, but there are other brands that are good too.

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
This is the most covered question so I will cut & paste a bit. Also use the search key & look up spooge & you will be reading all night.

A leaking RHS crank seal may suck gear oil into the engine but unlikely. Repack the muffler to will be soaked. (search key for info). Unlike a 4 stroke ring condition will not affect smoking.

There is STILL confusion over oil to gas ratio & gas to air ratio.

Please choose an oil ratio & stick with it. Lots will never hurt. (oh don’t start me!).

Then decide on your jetting. Separate the issues!!!

Spooge is created by rich jetting where some unburnt gas is expelled due to incomplete combustion, because it is too rich –there ain’t enough air in there to burn all that gas that was sucked in. In this unburnt gas is the same oil that you mixed with it when it lived in your gas tank.


Nov 15, 2001
Thanks guys,

so what you think should be my course of action?

Also what exactly is jetting and how can I adjust it?


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Jetting is the term reffering to the jets inside your carburator. The fuel and air feed to your engine is controlled mostly by the pilot jet, main jet, throttle needle, air screw, and slide. These items come in differnt sizes so one can change as needed. Many things effect the need for a jet change, including the temperature and oxygen content of the air due to elevation. It gets real tricky sometimes, but for genreal use it's not a hard thing to learn. The bottom line is that you are probably going to have to change your jets so whatever fuel/oil mixture you use will burn properly.

There is loads of info here on how to accomplish this. Do a search and read away. When you hear that you are running rich, it means your jets are probably bigger than you need. (example: you have a 380 main jet and will have to change to a smaller size main, like a 370 or somesuch.) The bigger jet lets in more fuel/oil and there is not enough air comming in to accomodate a nice burn during combustion. There is left over fuel/oil which shows itself as gooey spooge. Read up. Check out Eric Gores site. Oh BTW....get off of the 50:1 kick, you need to have much more oil than that to protect the high revving 125 engine. I use 26.5:1 go at least 32:1


Jan 17, 2001

Alright, here is my take on the black spooge. I used (about 10 years ago) to have it on all my bikes, I don't anymore. When I used to run Golden Spectro which is fully synthetic, (and is a fine oil) I would run it like it says on the bottle, 1 bottle to 4 to 6 gallons of gas. That translates to about 42:1 to 64:1. I always got the spooge. Then I started mixing it at 32:1, which is more oil than the bottle says, and the spooge was much less but still there.
Fast forward to 1998. I got my new bike and started running Maxima 927, another fine oil at 32:1. Got the black spooge again. So I called the guys at Maxima. They were very helpful. They said the 927 (fully synthetic) was designed to burn at very high engine temperatures it has a high flash point. They kindly explained that it seems like my engine wasn't getting hot enough. I said I understood and know I will NEVER ride like Ricky Carmichael. I went out the next week and rode totally over my head all day keeping the bike revving high all the time. I was trying to keep my engine temp high. That kept the spooge away, but I felt the ambulance getting closer so I called them back to ask for their advice. They recommended that I try Maxima SuperM which is a synthetic/petroleum blend and has a much lower flash point and still gives excellent protection. He said that the natural part of the oil will burn at a lower temp, and the synthetic part will protect at higher temps. I made the switch and the spooge is again gone . I would try the Maxima SuperM at 32:1 and see how that does ya. I would also repack your silencer because it is probably filled with oil and rinse out your pipe, it is also probably filled with oil. If you don’t clean the two of those out, the Maxima will not look like it’s working until your bike pumps all the old spooge out.
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Jan 17, 2001

repost, sorry.


Nov 15, 2001
It could well be the oil. I had a look last nigt and its Fusch MS 2 stroke..Claims its for very high performat mx bikes and is fully synthetic, and to be mixed at 50:1,
I check the container I used to measure the oil, and it turns out I mixed it closer to 40:1 than 50:1. So prehaps the fact that I'm learner and was'nt neccessary giving it lots of throttle and the (prehaps) high flash point of this oil could be to blame. I'll get some different oil at the weekend and give it a go.


Jan 17, 2001
I think flash point is a big part of it.


Jan 15, 2002
how far

could a person go rich on his jets? or should go?
would a person just keeps going until your plug is nice tan brwn. even for checking your needle clip? do you check your plug for tannish for checking where the clip goes?.... how rich could a person go on the needle?
where to put the clip confuses me.. cause my plug is alittle grayish on the top of that hook thing,, not brwn.and when i test it i put in a new plug too.
but dont know if this is the right way to check.
thank you.

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