Making a Radiator Brace?


Jan 23, 2003
I noticed after riding in the mud this weekend that when you clip a tree and it hits the radiator it will do some serious damage. Unfortunatly I learned the hard/expensive way. So I am going to build a radiator brace that will bolt on to the frame and to the outside of the radiator. I have seen them in magazines and think I can make them at home. Its going to work on it next weekend and tell you all how it goes. And I am open to any suggestion if anyone has one or ever made one.


Jan 29, 2003
I thought about doing the same thing, but I don't think I have the tools to make it look right and even work right. I'd go with at least 1/8" aluminum or all your efforts will be for naught. Flatland Racing makes some nice full coverage braces, but not for the KDX. They're 1/8" thick according to my bud who has them on his WR426.


Feb 6, 2003
I bought and installed the works connection rad braces. Good but overpriced.

If you are handyman, I am sure you can replicate. Don't forget to dril large holes in the braces in order to ensure sufficient air flow.

I found the right side Work Connection rad brace to be a little too restrictive on air flow. See the picture at the following link.

Good luck


Jan 23, 2003
That sight didn't give as good as a picture I had hoped. But thats fine, I am now debating on whether or not to use steel or aluminum. I am better with steel, and don't really know a whole lot about aluminum. But I think its such a small part that weight is going to matter a whole lot. I was planning on taking the drill press and drilling a whole bunch of stategicly placed holes in it to let the air flow. I think I am going to use steel, that away if it ever cracks (which I have never has a peice of steel crack) I can weld it. I am better with steel so thats what I will do.
I am going to make mine so it is about an inch and a half wide and it will go from the mound on the frame and branch off to the two mounts on the side of the radiator. I will have to experiment. I may have to trim the inside of the plastics. Thanks for the help
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