Making it official now


Nov 27, 2006
A while back I posted a thread about me possibly joining the Marines after high school. Well I have decided that I am and contacted a recruiter today. I talked and gave them all my info. I am turning 17 in 2 weeks and I will be going in to talk to them about possibly joining the DEP program. Im still not totally sure what it is but from what i do understand you meet with others and do activities or meet other families and stuff like that. They also help you get ready for basic training.

The more I think about it the more nervous I get but also the more sure I am that this is what I want to do. Anyway just thought i would let anyone who cares know.

Also thanks for your support in the last thread and in advance.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Congrats! Many I've my friend used the DEP. Make the best of it. BTW, if you get shipped to the 'stan, look up Sarge, he's ARMY but I guy you'll be happy to have your six!


Nov 27, 2006
Haha I will have to remember that. I may need some good people watching my back.


First off, congrats! Second off, a little advice to consider: Try to get a "guaranteed contract." That is, if your test scores are high enough, get it in writing that you will get a technical billet. (Billet = position). To quote my dad, "Do something that you can use after you get out." It will also make it easier for your parents to sign for you since you need their signatures if you're still 17 when you enlist.

I signed my papers on my 17th birthday in Dec of (doing the math...) 1982 (holy crap), and spent 7 months in the Delayed Entry Pool/Program. We had monthly "Pooly Meets" and went rappelling, did some shooting, etc. It was great fun.

It's all a great adventure, too, to be sure. You'll never forget it for the rest of your life. Best of luck to you!


Jan 10, 2006
As they've said already, congratulations.

I also was in DEP. I stayed in DEP for a year before going into the Navy.

I'd also have to agree w/ Lou on the whole "get a guaranteed enlistment note for rank/rate". I hate to say it, but they messed my buddy over pretty good (went in under the Buddy Program). He signed up to be a CT (Crypto Tech), and ended up an ET (Electronics Technician) just due to a technicality.

But have fun w/ it - you'll never forget your time in the Corp.

and lastly - Hoowahhhhh!!!!!!!


Nov 27, 2006
So what exactly do you do in the DEP? Is it just a monthly meeting where you play sports or do activities? or do you also do some like training/skills to get you ready for basic training?


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
When I was in DEP, we didn't meet. I enlisted in Nov 1984 and went active June 17, 1985. Those were the only times I really saw any of the recruiters.. Except for a couple of home visits he made to talk to my parents.

I'm also with Lou.. Get the guarantee. I did. I was a Corrosion Control Specialist in the Air Force. (aircraft painter) I wish I'd opted for something different, but that's what I knew at the time.


Jun 29, 2003
I was delayed enlist also. I signed 26 Dec 1976 and in doing so got a "guaranteed" Vietnam Era GI Bill. I went to Boot Camp Sept. 1977 (active duty) and stayed 30 years. In any case, make sure whatever is promised is in writing, and you have a copy, and it's signed by the recruiter. I have relied on signed paperwork all through the time I was in. I am using it even now. Keep everything! BTW, I was in the USCG and worked with the Marines alot even in Iraq for my last year.

Semper Paratus & Semper Fi


JD_MXRacer said:
So what exactly do you do in the DEP? Is it just a monthly meeting where you play sports or do activities? or do you also do some like training/skills to get you ready for basic training?
It depends on your recruting station/sub-station. Ours were very active with us. Others might not be so much. And it's all optional, of course. You can just wait and do nothing. Just don't forget when your date is coming up!

I think I got a manual to review. Going over your general orders, practicing the manual of arms, C.O.D. (close order drill, ie: marching/facing movements) doesn't hurt either. You'll get plenty of practice in boot camp. But still, you'd rather not be the guy they're looking at for any negative reasons, lol!

One more piece of advice that I can't remember where I got (from my recruiters, I think): Do everything you are told as quickly, and to the best of your ability as possible, and you will be better off.


Nov 27, 2006
Yea i dont wanna be the one who doesnt know anything going in haha. I wanna get some time shooting an M-16. You know for practice :)


You'll get more practice at everything than you ever wanted, lol! No matter what you do, they will demonstrate for you first, telling you how to do it. Pay attention when they do. Especially on the obstacle courses, etc. Do exactly what they say, and you will amaze yourself at what you are capable of. :)


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
And don't go in there with any sort of know it all attitude.. Keep your lips together, unless they ask you to part them, and you'll survive it somewhat intact.. ;)


Nov 27, 2006
Those both sound like great pieces of advice. And I cant wait for the obstacle course... it looks like a ton of fun....
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