
Sep 25, 2001
Since my bike is down until early next week I decided I'm going to go out to Marshall tommorrow and do some shovel work on some berms and map/mark out a track. I will be on foot but any who want to join me (bike or not), it would be great to get some input on a layout. This place has tremendous potential, all it needs os a little berm work and some whoops taken out in certain spots. And you can be DAMN sure i'm gonna chainsaw the hell outta those logs I hit last wednesday (see ride/race reports), not to mention a little branch trimming. I might even clear out some areas to connect some trails in some new spots. If we could get a good loop going that is marked out, maybe people would ride in one direction and the place might be a little safer. Yarbowick you in? Any others? I know its a little grunt work but the pay off is endless! Let me know. I should be there around 10 or so working in the area by the picnic tables at the end of the road. I'm sure I'll be the only guy out there with a chainsaw on foot!!
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