I need to have a new set of front steps put in. They are made of bricks and concrete.
Does anybody have any experience with getting something like this redone on their house? I've been searching the internet to become better informed, but I haven't found any good sites.
I wanted to know if it's okay to get it done in the winter, what kinds of things to look for in a contractor, materials, etc.
Any info would be appreciated.
www.doityourself.com is a decent site. They have a forum type area where you can ask questions. I used it a lot when I redid my living room. I redoing a shower next month. Found some realy cool articles on it. Also try hear. This link is to a shower artile, but they have forums and links on this site and you should be able to find what you need. http://www.jlconline.com/jlc/archive/kitchen/mortarbed_showers/
As for doing it in the winter I don't think it would be a problem as long as you can stand the cold (if you are paying some else to do it would it matter?). If you live a snow type area I would make sure the weatherman says it will be clear for a few days and get all the snow away from the area before you start.
In hiring contractors I would get recomendations for guys in your area that have had work done and were pleased with it. Get a minimum of 3 bids and check the bidder you would like to go with at the Better Business buero to make sure there is not complaints against them. I would also get in writing what the scope of work is and what is expected of them. Also check there licenses to make sure they are allowed to do the work they are doing if they are required in your area. I would also call the city to make sure you don't need any permits. I have seen a contractor tell a company that he was doing work for they he did not need a permit and the city inspect just happen to drive by and see them doing work and shut the whole job down. Ended up costing the company a lot of time and money as that was a big part of the job. Mostly nobody could start there work unitl this contractor had the grounding system in (held things up for about a month). Also, make sure they are insured so that if they seriously screw something up you don't get the shaft.
There are cold weather practices for masonry and concrete that work fine(temps within reason). If it could wait a couple of months, I would. If not, hot water mix for concrete and mortar. Cover work when finished, tarp,poly, whatever. Heat lamps work well.
I will wait until March to get it done. With the way temps have been in NJ lately, it could be like spring next week, and a then we'll get a blizzard the next! This past Sat., we had a couple inches of snow, and today it's going to hit 50 degrees!