Mobil fully synthetic two-stroke oil for KTM?

Bob Brooks

Jan 6, 2001
Hi guys. In the past, I've read a lot of posts with riders on DRN recommending and using Mobil synthetic two-stroke oil. I have an '01 300 MXC and so far I've been using Silkolene Pro2 synthetic with no issues. My dealer recommended Silkolene, and it seems to work well. I mix it at 40:1 with pump gas and I'm not fouling plugs, the motor pulls hard and I get very little spooge on the silencer. My only problem with the Silkolene is that I buy it at a local shop for $6.99 a pint. That seems awfully pricey to me for oil. In the past, I always ran Yamalube 2-R in two-stroke motors with success, and that stuff is a bit more reasonably priced than Silkolene.

However, this past weekend I was in Auto Zone buying brake parts for my van, and I noticed they stock Mobil-1 two-stroke oil for $3.49 a pint, exactly half the price of Silkolene. That got my attention. I'd like to hear from anyone using Mobil, particularly in a KTM. What ratio are you mixing it at? How does it compare to the brand name two-stroke oils? Is jetting an issue compared to other oils? How is the lubrication and spooge and gummy factor? I'm seriously considering switching, if all things are equal and it makes sense. I realize oil is cheap and motors are expensive, but half price is a big deal and I also like the convenience factor of Mobil. It's really nice that Auto Zone stocks it. Thanks in advance for any information.


Nov 8, 1999
That's all I use in all the 2-strokes I own and have owned for the past couple of years. It performs very well, no add'l spooging, no plug fouling, etc. It also doesn't smell as foul as some of the other 2-stroke oils.

Gotta love the price!


Nov 8, 1999
40:1 winter 32:1 summer. I increase the amount of oil in the summer for a little extra leaning effect, and I feel safer because of the higher operating temps. That could just be paranoia on my part though;)


Jul 1, 2000
I took Strick's and other's advise to use Mobile1 mx2t and single taper needles. Never went back to the old ways, the ultimate Ktm combo and I can walk across street and buy Mobile1 cheap.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
125sx, 26.5:1
Can't find one bad thing to say about it.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Bob, go for it!

Dave and I have been using Mobil MX2T in our KTM's for almost the past year.
Neither of our bikes are jetted very sharp, but we rarely have fouling problems.
We mix up a big 5 gal. can at 40:1 with 94 octane pump gas.

Bob Brooks

Jan 6, 2001
Thanks to everyone for the input. I'm switching, as soon as I use up the Silkolene mix I have now.

Stick, which straight taper needle do you recommend? Is that a Honda part, or something you buy through Sudco? I'm running the stock needle now, dropped a couple of notches, a 42 pilot and I believe a 168 main with the stock slide. (My dealer re-jetted my bike with his specs) I haven't fouled a plug in six months and the bike runs pretty well with little spooge, but the plug is always a bit on the wet side and I don't think the jetting is as crisp as it should be. I'd like to try your needle recommendation.


Nov 8, 1999
Strick not stick

Originally posted by Bob Brooks
Stick, which straight taper needle do you recommend? Is that a Honda part, or something you buy through Sudco?

I don't think the jetting is as crisp as it should be. I'd like to try your needle recommendation.

I buy my needles from Sudco. My jetting advice is altitude specific. I run, at my altitude (4500'- 7500' mainly), a 1367N, which equates to a CGH from Sudco. I also have a #7 slide. Your bike stock has the #6.5 slide, which is great!

Jetting is trial an error. You must be paitent and you must be willing to invest in at least a couple of needles, unless you get lucky out ot the chute. I would suggest you try a CEJ in the middle clip position. I am assuming when I give this advice that the elevation at the prison is less than 1000'. If you do experiment with single taper needle you will need to bump you main up quite a bit, say 178! You may need to even go higher for winter riding.

Let me know if I can be of any more help!

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