Being military the inevitable PCS (Perm. Change of Station) move finally arrived. The move means good things for the family due to the nature of the new assignment, but no more Land Between the Lakes. A final LBL ride was in order. YZ400Guy and I picked the day and got all the gear/bikes in order the night before. We had planned on getting a really early start and shooting for fifty plus miles the following day, all was well when we closed the garage door around ten p.m. the night before. During the night YZ400Guy got a phone call from his roommate's parents, they told him Chris (roommate) was coming home from Afcrapastan, a couple of hours later (0300hrs) Chris was standing in the post gym with the rest of his soldiers feeling tired and worn, needless to say we didn't ride on Saturday. We all figured that if anything was going to inturrupt a last ride it had to be our buddy Chris (the naked running man--sorry long story another time) coming home from combat. Following a couple of beers (his first in six months) Chris told us that he wanted to get a brand new CR250, he'd been thinking about this on the plane ride home. However, at that moment he just wanted to check out some hotties and toss down some beer. The gang headed down to Nashville and proceeded to close down the bar of choice. Sunday morning came alltogether too soon for the hungover group. Since the movers were coming for my house hold goods the following day it was our last chance to ride. Me and YZ400Guy loaded up the bikes and headed out into what had to be the worst downpour that area had seen in weeks. We looked at one another and said what the heck, if we had to put on our water wings to ride we'd do it. As we pulled into Turkey Bay everyone was leaving due to brooding skies and a light drizzle. We parked and got unloaded, by this time there were only about ten cars in the whole place. As we warmed up the bikes and did a lazy turn on the big loop the rain quit and the skies cleared up! We ended up riding the whole day with only a few other riders on the trails and no dust!! There really wasn't anything to report of interest about the ride other than the fact that two buddies who went to school together, ended up getting stationed together and decided to get back into riding together had a great ride on a clear day. I'm really going to miss that place and the great people who ride there :( Moving day was a true test of my marriage (even more so than all the field time that the 101st threw at us :confused: ) As we packed, loaded and started driving to Virginia all in the same day it all boiled down to one statement "Sweetheart, I'll buy you a new vaccume cleaner, I'll buy you a new microwave, heck I'll even buy you a new washer...'cause all of that stuff will get left behind before I let the movers touch the KDX!" She didn't like that, but when it was all said and done, the bike went with me and we were on our way :) As we were moving into the new house, a guy stopped by and told me he lived down the street. He asked me what type of riding I did and told me that he'd just come back from the Hatfield-McCoy riding area, evidently he rides there with a group about once a month and invited me to join them for their Sept. ride! Now I can't comment on the riding areas around the Richmond VA yet, but hopefully in the near future I'll meet some new friends and perhaps get the LBL crew to meet us in the middle some time. In the meantime, thanks LBL for the memories, YZ400guy for always being there either on the trails or with a lawnchair and a beer in the garage. CAL, TTRGuy & GoSpeedRacer for showing me just how much I need to improve and for showing me just how cool the DRN crew really is. Now I need to get off here and go recon some new riding areas. Take it easy and see you on the trails! :yeehaw: