More MX


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
It will never be the only type of riding I do but I had so much fun at the mx track last Thursday that I'm getting hooked. I wasn't jumping any of the doubles but I really felt like my speed through the whoops and corners was getting better. I like being out there and it got even better when I met a new friend--she's faster than me but not unreachably so, if I worked hard I could catch up. My age, riding a KX 100. Hurray for new riding buddies!

Anyway, there are only 4-5 hare scrambles a year on this side of the state, so maybe a few MX races to balance it out wouldn't be a bad thing. I wanted to race last night but with DW coming up it's not a good idea.

If there are any who haven't tried an MX track yet, do it! Even if you never race or rarely go back, it's a lot of fun and you learn things that transfer well to the trails.


Sep 7, 2001
Can't wait to ride with you FC22.
I just read that you are going to DW.
Look forward to meeting you.
I've never raced MX and only rode on a course once at Hollister.
I've ridden plenty of woops, but double and even singles look really scare me.
Maybe you can give me some pointers... :worship:
I'm doing the ladies race and way for s**ts and giggles.
see you there! :yeehaw:


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
Congrats on the latest addiction FC22. :) Stay on your bike and on the track and I'm sure you'll be catching up to Suzy-fastpants in no time. ;)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Way to go Sharla :)
New riding buddies are definitely all good. I was being told the other day that I've got to do a MX soon, but I thought I might just stay home. (Basically, I need a break and will either go to a trial or MX or neither). I'm pretty sure I've related my two times on the MX track & neither was a great success - third time lucky?
We shall see. In the meantime, gal, you have a great time at DW02.
Take care & I envy you :)


Mar 1, 2002
I agree with you, firecracker22. This weekend I went to a motocross school and had a blast. Basically concentrated on riding a lot more agressive through the turns and got to jump a few times. yey!! It's fund to ride on a track and be able to concentrate on certain areas of you riding instead of concentrating on what's around the next bend. :eek: Plus I think the different types of riding complement each other and just make you a better rider, overall.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I agree with you, KTMchick, about both track and trails making you a better rider.

Michelle, give it a third, fourth, or however many tries it takes; it takes some time to get the hang of it. I hated it at first too. What helped me the most was not hanging on too tight--you do WAY less fighting with the bike.

I'm not jumping any doubles, just singles and tabletops (not clearing the big ones either) but I really love the whoops and corners.

It'll be awhile before I catch up with Lacey--even though she's not THAT much faster, she's doing it with half the CCs and less suspension travel and ground clearance! :think:

I am still a little sore though! It takes a LOT more upper body strength than trails do!


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
Hey chica, I tried replying to you, but it says your in box is full.


Pain in da butt
Mar 22, 2002

I had to laugh when you said she was doing it with half the cc's and less suspension. My friend Kristi consistantly outrides me on a KX100 which really stings because I am on a CR125. Isn't that suppose to make me faster? :think: LOL

Back on subject, I love to ride MX tracks. Very challenging, when I am done for the day I feel like I have been run over by a pack of rogue mini riders. :confused:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Yeah I have a tendency to ride lazy and lug the bike around. I took a MX class and he said I should be in 1st gear on the pipe when I'm going through the whoops, but I just can't make myself do it! I need to get a little braver.

Of course, I don't feel nearly so bad about the gal on the KX as I do the 9-year-old girl on the 65 who is clearing all the doubles! She and I chased each other around for a few laps (I am friends with her dad, he is cute and sweet, any takers?) and when we got back I told her, "You are much faster than me," and she said "I know, I was waiting for you a lot." :) Gotta love little kids' honesty, huh?

Oh well, it gets better every time and I'm under no delusions of qualifying for a SX main anytime soon. I know the feeling--"run over by a pack of rogue mini riders" is great! That's exactly it!

Dirty~D, it should be ok now.


Oct 9, 2000
Glad to hear you had fun on the MX track. I love riding/racing MX. Keep practicing and you'll be faster than your friend in no time. ;)

You've ridden MX before, right? I thought I remember reading that was how you blew your knee.

Have fun and let us know when you decide to race...I want details! :) I wish we were going to dirtweek so we could meet. I noticed that you are a fellow aquarian! No wonder why I like you. ;) :yeehaw:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I noticed that you are a fellow aquarian! No wonder why I like you.
(Sharla, close your eyes while we talk about you - thanks) ;)
MXBabe, I don't know that the star sign as anything to do with it (my ex was an aquarius & I don't like him lol). I'd say it's more to do with FC's exuberance & "in your face" attitude, her "I can do anything" attitude (what peeves me, is the fact that she can, while some of us struggle to get the guts to even try ;)).

As for going to another MX track Sharla (btw, you can open your eyes again now), one day maybe, but I'm in no rush, I've got other eggs to fry/burn first. I've got 15 or so years on you, so if I never accomplish it, what the hell, I'm too old anyway.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Aw, Michelle, don't be so hard on yourself. Just make sure that YOU are doing what YOU want to. That's all that counts. Measure your progress against what you've been doing, not what anyone else is doing. Racing is really not that big of a deal-- I think we put more pressure on ourselves than we really need to. Ok, now I need to take my own advice.. :think:

Sharla, I know what you mean about those little ones on the 65cc and under bikes. I remember several years ago lining up for a women's MX race, and one of the girls was on a 65, or something. I thought, oh, how cute! I'll have to watch out for her on the track. Well, it was more like SHE had to watch out for ME! :scream:

I know, next time you can take the little 65cc speed demon on a trail ride with you, and then show her the nastiest, rutted trails with the biggest log crossings on them. Let's see her get her 65 over THAT, LOL! ;)


Aug 13, 1999
Hey Sharla, how'd you like the MX School? Pat is taking it in October and I was thinking about actually trying it with him (not that I'll keep up with him butttttt)..........................................

Trails, now that is where we can get one up on the little poops! I like the logging roads too - no way the little 80 can come close to my pretty pink bike on a nice straight away, of course he catches me on the corners because I'm a chicken!!!!!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
MXBabe: February is a great month to be born! It's a spot of light in an otherwise dreary month (around here, the pretty snow is gone, but still too cold to ride). I've ridden some MX and done a couple low key indoor and outdoor races but never anything serious. I hurt my knee in the woods part of a hare scramble (the first time).

Michelle: Aw, shucks, thanks! My attitude gets on many people's nerves so I try to tone it down but when I'm talking about bikes, I can't help it. You're so nice. :) As for trying, that's ALL I'm doing; I am super slow out there. The only one slower than me is me, doing this last year. I've made some progress. No such thing as too old, anyway! It's not as bad as you are psyching yourself up about, anyway: I promise. I always get all nervous, picturing an arenacross track in my head with peaked jumps and hairpin corners, then I get out there and think (After the first two laps with my arms all pumped up from being tense) "Ok, I can do this," even if I'm not doing it fast. You'll be fine.

LoriKTM: I am friends with the girl's father, and we actually did talk about a trail ride, she was stoked to go! "Yes yes yes yes yes yes!" she said, bouncing up and down. I love (other people's) kids. :)

Bbbom: Eric does a great job on the track. I'd definitely recommend taking it too. You'll have fun. You'll learn a little more about those corners, too--at least I did. He took my bike through the whoops in 1st gear, pinned, faster than I was doing them in second! And made it look easy. Anyway, give it a try, you'll like it. Can you get off early in the afternoon, and head out there with me? I've been going on Thursdays (will be there tomorrow too with Noelle) to get in shape for the Scare Scramble. Let me know, except for next Thursday--when I will be at Cooperland--I plan on being out there every Thurs. until Halloween.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I've been going on Thursdays at about 4 and riding until I can't see anymore. Thursdays are easiest but other days will work as well. I can even go earlier, I've just been working overtime; my normal day ends at 230.
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