Most dangerous sport: Cheerleading!


Apr 8, 2005

Emergency room visits for cheerleading injuries nationwide have more than doubled since the early 1990s, and the rate of life-threatening injuries has startled researchers. Of 104 catastrophic injuries sustained by female high school and college athletes from 1982 to 2005 — head and spinal trauma that occasionally led to death — more than half resulted from cheerleading, according to the National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research. All sports combined did not surpass cheerleading.


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Oh no...I went to see my daughter's cheerleading competition at the Anaheim Convention center last weekend. I saw a few of instances where a girl was lofted in the air and dropped and a few bungled flips, but they just continued on like nothing happend. There were a lot of limping cheerleaders walking around.

Her group won in their classification, but she needs to be doing something safer - like riding motorcycles. :nod:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I love it!!! My current girlfriend HATES dirtbikes but was a cheerleader in High School so I had to send this to her.

Finally something from rainbow worth leaving :p


Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Hailey has ridden motorcycles since she was 8, now almost 16. She's been landed on along with all the other mishaps we as dirtbikers generaly recieve but her 1st year of cheerleading she broke her front tooth off.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
KelvinKDX said:
Ivan ... maybe I missed it but I thought you were married.

Sorta... actually legally separated as of March 30th, 2006. Filed for divorce last week b/c in SC you have to wait a year before you can file unless you can prove "fault" and I do not have that proof.

It is all good. She left, she tore my heart out, yada yada yada. I am dating and seeing someone as "friends" but for 9 months I did not date and actually before I started dating I made one last attempt at reconciliation (even though under the circumstances everyone told me I should not have). She told me she hopes that I find someone and that was that. So, I consider myself single b/c the separation agreement says that we "live apart as if un-married" and we have separate maintenance and everything. We are just waiting on a court date to finalize everything for the state. Everything is ending amicably though.

I still help her with insurance and stuff. Funny thing... right now she is unemployed and about to lose her apartment... karma does come around :p

But, I still am friends with EVERYONE we were friends with before and her family still loves me and I get along with them very well (known them 14 years, 9 of those married).

As a matter of fact my sister-in-law gave birth today to a little boy and guess who was there? Me. The birth happened a lot quicker than they expected and I had brought breakfast up for her husband so I was the only "family" member there. She was dilated at 5 and 25 minutes later she was at a 10 and pushing.

I was the first "family" member to hold him and held him even before the nurses took him to get checked out :)

It was a GREAT day and something I am so happy to be a part of. Even though as soon as I get a court date I will be divorced from my ex, I will always be a part of that family and I feel blessed to know them and to be a part of that.


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